
Terms for subject Technology containing Old | all forms | exact matches only
a very old science一门古老的科学
Aba old land阿坝古陆
Aldan old land阿尔丹古陆【地】
Anabar old land阿纳巴尔古陆
Anatolian old land安纳托里古陆
Arabian old land阿拉伯古陆
Baical old land贝加尔古陆
Baltic old land波罗的古陆
Brazil old land巴西古陆
builder's old measurement旧吨位量法
Caledonian old land mountains加里东山地【地】
Carpathian old land喀尔巴阡古陆
day old to death system终生制
Dongpo old land洞鄱古陆
drop hammer for shattering old pavements击碎旧路面用的落锤
east Manchuria old land东满古陆
Ergun old land额尔古纳古陆【地】
Fergana old land黄尔干纳古陆
flake of rust falling from old iron从旧铁上落下的铁锈层
Gandise old land冈底斯古陆
Great slave old land大奴古陆【地】
groundwater in old course古河道地下水
Guyana old land圭亚那古陆
insurance for old age老年保险
interpreted old mine traces解译老矿遗迹
Karakum old land卡拉库姆古陆
Kazakh-kashmir old land哈萨克一克什迷古陆【地】
leakage through the old channel古河道渗漏
mid-Himalaya old land中喜马拉雅古陆
mine dump/old working废矿堆/旧工程
new for old新换旧
old account未了账目
old account period旧的会计年度
old-age benefit养老金
old-age care养老事业
old-age home养老院
old-age pension养老金
old Alps古阿尔卑斯山
old Altay mountain古阿尔泰山
old apartment老公寓
old apartment旧公寓
old apartment老套间
old Appalachian mountain古阿巴拉契亚山脉
old arable soil熟地
old area老空地
old area老区域
Old Caledonian orogeny老加里东造山作用幕
old castle古堡
old chain旧链
old channel旧河道
old channel故河道
Old Cimmerian orogeny老细末里运动
old civilization古代文明
old clay layer老黏土层
old cliff古海蚀崖
old coast古海岸
old coast古海洋
old concrete老的混凝土
old concrete旧混凝土
old concrete陈的混凝土
old Dutch process老荷兰式工艺
old Dutch process老荷兰式方法
old dwelling老年人住宅
old dwelling unit老居住单元
old dwelling unit老年人住宅
old dwelling unit老居住单位
old dwelling unit老住房单位
old dwelling unit老住房单元
old English bond英国老式砌砖法
old fashioned老式的
old fashioned旧式的
old fashioned过时的
old-fashioned building老式建筑
old-fashioned outmoded陈旧
old flat老公寓楼层
old flat老公寓套房
old folks' home敬老院
old folks' home养老院
old form古老形式
old fustic黄桑
old gold暗淡金黄色
old growth成熟林
old growth处女林
old growth成熟原始森林
old growth原始林
old hand老工人
old hand熟练工 (人)
old hand老钻工
old horse炉底结块
old hummock多年冰丘
old ice陈冰
old ice多年冰
old industrial bases老工业基地
old karst老年岩溶
old karst老年喀斯特
old karst老岩溶
old lady老妇人 (俗称英格兰银行)
old land熟地
old land久耕地
old land古陆
old land古平原
old land slide古滑坡
old landmass古陆块
old line既有线
old living unit老的生活单元
old man手持式轻便凿孔机支架
old man增加钻孔杠杆作用的工具
old map古地图
old maude大管扳手
old meander crescent新月形废河弯
old metal废金属
old mountain老年山
old name曾用名
old paper废纸
old paper stock废纸纸浆
old part报废件
old people's apartment人公寓 (unit)
old people's community center人社交中心
old people's dwelling人住房
old people's home人住处
old people's home老年人之家
old people's home人家庭
old people's housing老人住房
old person's flat老人公寓套房
old person's flat老人公寓楼层
old plasticity chart旧塑性图
old price旧价
Old Red continent老红砂岩大陆
Old Red earth老红壤
Old Red land老红大陆
old river course故河道
old Roman tile古罗马瓦
old Roman tile古罗马砖
old Roman tile筒瓦
old roof membrane旧屋面防水层
old roof membrane旧屋面膜
old rose深玫瑰红色
old ruins古迹
old ruins遗迹
old share旧股份
old silver旧银器色
old snow旧雪
old snow老年雪
old soil老土
old-stage landform老年期地貌
old style旧历
old surplus旧公积
old surplus原有盈余
Old Tertiary早第三纪【地】
old topography老年地形
old town古城
old-town grey旧城衰退
old type旧式
old urban area旧市区
old urban area旧城区
old value旧值
old volcanic rock古火山岩
old wall古城墙
old-well deeper drilling油井延深钻进
old wives' summer秋老虎
old womans tooth沟刨 (婆婆牙)
old womans tooth槽底刨
old womans tooth连接工的工具
old wood旧木材
old workings老工作区
old world brachiopod realm老世界腕足动物地理区系
old world realm老世界区系
oldest Dryas stade早得利亚斯冰阶
Pilbara old land皮尔巴拉古陆
proto-Qinling old land原秦岭古陆
reactivated old slide重新活动的老滑坡
reconstruction of old port老港改建
removing old paint铲去旧漆
renovation of old buildings旧房整修
repair and utilize old or discarded things修旧利废
repair the old farm tools废农具修理
replacement of the old structure with the new体制转换
reuse of old and discarded things废旧物资回收利用
Rhodesian old land罗得西亚古陆
Russia old land俄罗斯古陆
Seoul old land汉城古陆
Sino-Korean old land中朝古陆
stripping of old paint脱除旧漆
Thailand-Vietnam-Burma old land泰越缅古陆
the old-age insurance system养老保险制度
topographic old age地形老年期
topographic old age老年地形
topographical old age地形老年期
topographical old age老年地形
Transvaal old land德兰士瓦古陆
trapped air in old ice古冰气泡中的空气
very old hummock多年冰丘
very old hummock多年堆积冰
very old ice多年堆积冰
Vietnam old land越南古陆