
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing Office of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Congressional Office of Science and Technology美国国会科学技术局
Czech Office of Geodesy and Cartography捷克测绘局
European Office of Aerospace Research欧洲空间研究局
Executive Office of Environmental Affairs环境事务执行局
Hydrographic Office of Japan日本海道测量局
Louisiana Office of State Climatology路易斯安那州气候局
Meteorological Office of the United Kingdom英国气象局
National Office of Lands and Mapping国家砂土地制图局匈牙利
Office for Remote Sensing of Earth Resources地球资源遥感研究室软件系统
Office of Advanced Research and Technology超前技术研究局 (NASA)
Office of Aircraft Operations航空业务处
Office of Arid Lands Studies干旱地带研究局
Office of Business and Economic Development商业及经济发展局
Office of Coal Research煤炭研究局
Office of Coastal Environment海岸环境局
Office of Coastal Zone Management海岸带管理处美国海岸与大气管理局
Office of Defence Resources资源保护局
Office of Earthquakes Volcanoes and Engineering地震、火山和工程处〔局〕
Office of Economic Opportunity经济机会法案局
Office of Energy, Minerals and Industry能源、矿产与工业局
Office of Energy Research能源研究局美国,政治部
Office of Energy Research能源研究局
Office of Environmental Education环境教育局
Office of Environmental Planning and Coordination India环境规划与协调局印度
Office of Federal Disaster Assistance联邦救灾局
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance国外灾害救助局
office of hydrology水文处
Office of International Finance国际金融局
Office of International Hydrology国际水文局
Office of International Investment国际投资局
Office of International Resources国际资源处
Office of International Scientific Affairs国际科学事务局
Office of Isotopes Development同位素开发局美国,原子量委员会
Office of Management and Budget管理和预算局
Office of Management and Computer System管理与计算机系统处
Office of Marine Surveys and Maps海洋测绘局
Office of Minerals and Solid Fuels矿物和固体燃料处
Office of Minerals Exploration矿产勘探局
Office of National Geodetic Survey国家大地测量局办公室
Office of Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves海军石油和油页岩储备局
Office of Naval Technology美国海军技术局
Office of Ocean Affairs海洋事务局
Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management海洋和海岸资源管理处
Office of Ocean Services海洋局办公室
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research海洋和大气研究处
Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Services海洋大气服务处
Office of Oceanography海洋部联合国教科文组织
Office of Oceanography and Limnology海洋湖沼局
Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment海洋与海产评估局
Office of Planning and Budget计划与预算局
Office of Polar Programs极地规划局
Office of Polar Programs/National Science Foundation国家科学基金会极地计划局
Office of Projects Execution计划执行局
office of research研究局
office of research and development研究与开发处
Office of Saline Water水局美国,内务部
office of science and technology policy科学技术政策局
office of scientific research科学研究局
Office of Scientific Research and Development科学研究和开发局
Office of Solid Waste固体废物管理处
Office of Solid Waste Management Programs固体废物管理计划处
Office of Space Science and Applications空间科学和应用局美国,总统科学顾问委员会
Office of Space Sciences空间科学研究局
Office of Standard Reference Data标准参考数据处
Office of Standard Reference Materials标准参考材料处
Office of Statistical Coordination and Standards Philippines统计协调和标准局菲律宾
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Environment露天矿土地开垦和环境保护局
Office of Technical Cooperation技术合作局联合国
Office of Technical Cooperation and Research技术合作与研究局
office of technical resources技术资源处
office of technical services技术服务局
office of technology assessment技术评价局
Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast技术评价和预测局
Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research联邦气象服务与支持研究调度员办公室
Office of the National Environment Board国家环境管理局办公室泰国. (Thailand)
Office of Toxic Substances有毒物质管理处
Office of Tracking Data Acquisition跟踪数据采集处
office of water resources research水资源研究局
Regional Economic Development Service Office of East Africa东非地区经济开发事务处
United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation联合国技术合作局
World Office of Information on Environmental Problems世界环境问题信息局