
Terms for subject Environment containing Ocean | all forms | exact matches only
Antarctic Ocean The waters, including ice shelves, that surround the continent of Antarctica, which comprise the southernmost parts of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans, and also the Ross, Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas南冰洋 (环绕着南极洲大陆,包括冰架的水域,由太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的最南端部分,以及罗斯海、阿蒙森海、别林斯高晋海和威德尔海所组成。)
Arctic Ocean The smallest and most poorly studied of the oceans on earth. It covers an area of 14 million square km that is divided by three submarine ridges, i.e. the Alpha Ridge, the Lomonosov Ridge, and an extension of the mid-Atlantic ridge. It is also nearly landlocked, covered year-round by pack ice, and the third of its area is continental shelf北冰洋 (地球上最小且被研究最少的大洋。 它覆盖着一千四百万平方公里的区域,被三条水下脊分开,即阿尔法脊、罗蒙诺索夫脊、和一条延伸到到中大西洋的脊。 它几乎完全被陆地包围,终年为浮冰所覆盖,它的三分之一是大陆棚。)
comprehensive ocean-atmosphere data set海洋大气综合数据集
coupled ocean-atmosphere research experiment联合海洋大气研究实验
Indian Ocean A body of water between the continents of Africa, Antarctica, Asia and Australia including the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea (with the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Persian Gulf) in the west, and containing several islands and island chains, such as the Andaman, Nicobar and Seychelles印度洋 (在非洲,南极洲,亚洲与澳洲大陆之间的水域,包括东边的孟加拉湾与西边的阿拉伯海(含红海,亚丁湾与波斯湾),包含一些岛屿与群岛,如安达曼群岛,尼古巴群岛与塞席尔群岛。)
International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment国际海洋环境工程会议
North Atlantic Ocean The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean北大西洋 (大西洋的北部,从赤道向北延伸至北冰洋。)
North Pacific Ocean An ocean north of the equator between the eastern coast of Asia and the western coasts of the Americas, extending northward to the arctic region, with principal arms including the Gulf of Alaska, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan and the Bering, Yellow, East China, South China and Philippine seas, and islands including the Aleutian, Midway, Marshall and Hawaiian islands, the Japanese island arc and the Malay Archipelago北太平洋 (亚洲东海岸和美洲西海岸之间的赤道以北的海洋,向北扩展到北极地区,其主要延伸部分包括阿拉斯加湾、鄂霍次克海、日本海、白令海、黄海、华东、华南、菲律宾海域及包括阿留申群岛、中途岛、马歇尔和夏威夷群岛、日本岛弧及马来群岛等岛屿。)
ocean-air interface The sea and the atmosphere are fluids in contact with one another, but in different energy states - the liquid and the gaseous. The free surface boundary between them inhibits, but by no means totally prevents, exchange of mass and energy between the two. Almost all interchanges across this boundary occur most effectively when turbulent conditions prevail. A roughened sea surface, large differences in properties between the water and the air, or an unstable air column that facilitates the transport of air volumes from sea surface to high in the atmosphere. Both heat and water (vapor) tend to migrate across the boundary in the direction from sea to air. Heat is exchanged by three processes: radiation, conduction, and evaporation. The largest net exchange is through evaporation, the process of transferring water from sea to air by vaporization of the water海洋大气界面 (海洋和空气彼此流动,但处于不同的能量状态--液体和气体。它们之间的自由表面边界抑制了,但绝不能完全防止,二者质量与能量的交流。当极端条件主导时,几乎所有穿过边界的交换变得非常有效。一个界限模糊的海面,水和空气性质之间的巨大差异或一个不稳定的空气柱,便于空气量从海面到高层大气的传送。高温和水(气)都倾向于穿过边界从海到空中方向移动。热交换有三个过程:辐射、传导、蒸发。最大的网络交流是通过蒸发,即从海到大气通过水蒸发的转化过程。)
ocean circulation Water current flow in a closed circular pattern within an ocean海洋环流 (海洋的一个封闭的水流动循环模式。)
ocean current洋〔海〕流
ocean current A net transport of ocean water along a definable path洋流 (一个沿着确定路径的海洋水传送网。)
ocean dumping The process by which pollutants, including sewage, industrial waste, consumer waste, and agricultural and urban runoff are discharged into the world's oceans. These pollutants arise from a myriad of sources海洋倾倒 (海洋排放过程,其中的污染物,包括污水、工业废物、生活垃圾、农业和城市径流排入世界各大洋。这些污染物的来源无数。)
ocean exploitation The utilization of the ocean for its food resources, mineral resources, and energy and water sources海洋开发 (利用海洋以提供食物源、矿产资源、能源和水源。)
ocean outfall The mouth or outlet of a river, drain, sewer or any other place at which drainage or wastewater is discharged into a body of oceanic water入海河口 (河流、排水沟、下水道或排入污水或水到海洋水体中的其它任何地方的开口或出口。)
Ocean Resource Conservation Association英国海洋资源保护协会
ocean temperature A measure, referenced to a standard value, of the heat or coldness in a body of oceanic water海洋温度 (参照标准值,海洋水体热或冷的度量。)
South Atlantic Ocean An ocean south of the equator between the eastern coast of South America and the western coast of Africa that extends southward to the Antarctic continent, including the Drake Passage, South Sandwich Islands and Falkand Islands南大西洋 (位于赤道以南,南美洲的东海岸和非洲的西海岸之间的一个海。延伸到南极大陆,包括德雷克海峡,南桑威奇群岛和福克兰群岛。)
South Pacific Ocean An ocean south of the equator between Southeast Asia and Australia in the Eastern hemisphere and South America in the Western hemisphere, extending southward to the Antarctic region, including the Tasman and Coral seas and numerous islands, such as Galapagos, Solomon, Easter, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga islands, and also New Zealand and its islands南太平洋 (位于赤道以南,东南亚和澳大利亚之间的东半球和西半球南美的一个海,向南延伸到南极地区,包括塔斯曼海和珊瑚海和众多的岛屿,如加拉帕戈斯群岛,所罗门群岛,复活节,萨摩亚,斐济和汤加群岛,并新西兰及其岛屿。)
standard mean ocean chloride海洋氯化物标准平均含量