
Terms containing Ocean | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a speck in a vast ocean沧海一粟
shipb.Advanced Ocean Engineering Laboratory高级的海洋工程实验室
shipb.advanced ocean engineering laboratory高级海洋工程实验室
avia.advanced technologies and ocean procedures先进技术与海洋程序
nautic., tech.adventure ocean海上猎奇豪华邮船
shipb.advisory group on ocean research海洋研究咨询组
avia.airdroppable expendable ocean sensor空投抛弃式海洋遥感器
geol.Atlantic ocean area大西洋地区
tech.Atlantic ocean circulation大西洋环流
tech.Atlantic Ocean region大西洋地区
geol.Atlantic remote sensing land/ocean experiment大西洋陆地和海洋遥感实验
ecol.atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system气海陆冰体系
ecol.atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system大气-海洋-陆地-冰雪体系
shipb.auxiliary ocean tug远洋辅助拖轮
shipb.Beijing Int'l Ocean-freight Co.北京远洋国际货运公司
tech.biological purification in ocean ecosystem海洋生态系统生物净化
avia.broad ocean scoring system大面积海域导弹或航天器落区确定系统 (美国)
geol.Central North Atlantic Ocean中北大西洋
shipb.China Merchants Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen深圳市招商国际船舶代理有限公司
avia.China Ocean Aviation Corporation中国海洋航空公司
shipb.China Ocean Deluxe Cruises Limited, Hongkong香港中国海洋豪华邮轮有限公司旅游船
avia.China Ocean Helicopter Corporation中国海洋直升机公司
gen.China Ocean Shipping Agencyназв.комп. 中国外轮代理公司
shipb.China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen中国深圳外轮代理有限公司
ecol.China Ocean Shipping Company中国远洋运输
tech.China Ocean Shipping Group Company中国远洋运输集团总公司
gen.China Ocean Shipping Companyназв.комп. 中国运洋运输公司
comp.name.China Ocean Shipping Tally Company中国外轮理货总公司
tech.China Ocean Shipping Tally Company中国外轮理货公司
gen.China Ocean Shipping Tally Companyназв.комп. 中国外轮理货总公司
nautic., tech.China's Shipbuilding Industry Systems Engineering Institute/ Ocean Electronic Science and Technology Ltd.中国船舶工业系统工程研究院/海洋电子科技有限公司海洋防务装备的"推动者"
shipb.Chong Qing Pacific Ocean International Freight Co., Ltd重庆太平洋国际货物运输代理有限公司
shipb.Chongqing Pacific Ocean Int'1 Freight Co., Ltd重庆太平洋国际货物运输代理有限公司
shipb.Chongqing Pacific Ocean Intz 1 Freight Co., Ltd重庆太平洋国际货物运输代理有限公司
shipb.clean on board ocean B/L清洁已装船海运提单
ecol.coastal ocean近岸海洋
ecol.coastal ocean海洋边缘
ecol.Committee for Climate Changes and the Ocean气候变化和海洋委员会
avia.Committee on Atmosphere and Oceans大气与海洋委员会
ecol.Committee on Climatic Changes and Ocean气候变化与海洋委员会
ecol.conservation of ocean海洋保护
geol.continent-ocean boundary大陆海洋边界
geol.continent-ocean transition陆洋过渡
gen.David stood on the deck of the huge cruise ship at dawn, looking out over the ocean as he shielded his eyes from the dazzling sun大卫站在巨大游轮的甲板上迎接着黎明到来,他眺望着大海,尽量避免目光与耀眼的太阳直接接触
gen.Deep Ocean Mining Co.深海采矿公司
shipb.deep ocean survey vessel深海调查船
ecol.development of ocean,marine development海洋开发
avia.dynamic ocean tracking system动态海洋跟踪系统
tech.dynamics of ocean currents海流动力学
avia.earth and ocean physics application program地球和海洋应用物理计划
shipb.existing ocean-going tonnage现有远洋船吨位
gen.fish a needle out of the ocean大海捞针
ecol.fixed ocean weather station固定海洋气象站
ecol.floating ocean research and development stationFORDS大洋研究和开发浮动站
tech.floor of deep ocean深海底
ecol.general circulation of the ocean海洋大气环流
geol.geochemical ocean section study program美国地球化学海洋剖面研究计划
avia.global ocean data assimilation system全球海洋数据同化系统
gen.Great Ocean Road大洋路
ecol.Great Southern Ocean南大洋
shipb.Guangxi Fangcheng Port Ocean Shipping Co.广西防城港市海洋运输公司
shipb.Guangzhou Ocean Sipping Company广州远洋运输公司
tech.harvesting the ocean海洋食物资源开发
ecol.heat balance of the ocean海洋热平衡
ecol.heat exchange of the ocean海洋热交换
shipb.Hebei Ocean Transport Co., Ltd河北远洋运输有限公司
tech.hydrodynamics of equatorial ocean赤道海洋流体动力学
tech.Indian Ocean area印度洋地区
tech.Indian Ocean coverages印度洋区域的覆盖范围
ecol.Indian Ocean Dipole南印度洋偶极子
tech.Indian Ocean equatorial current印度洋赤道洋流
avia.Indian Ocean marine affairs cooperation印度洋海事合作
tech.Indian Ocean plate印度洋板块
tech.Indian Ocean region印度洋区域
tech.Indian Ocean Satellite印度洋卫星
avia.Indian Ocean station印度洋站
shipb.insufficiently packed for ocean shipping不适应海运的包装
shipb.insufficiently packed for ocean shipping包装不能适应海运
ecol.integrated global ocean services system management综合性全球海洋服务系统管理
ecol.intermediate ocean model中等复杂程度海洋模式
ecol.International Decade of Ocean Exploration国际海洋勘探十年计划
shipb.international global ocean station system国际海洋站系统
shipb.international global ocean station system国际全球海洋观测站系统
ecol.International Ocean Environmental Protection Law国际海洋环境保护法
comp.name.IOFFLAT the International Ocean Freight Forwarders and Logistics Association, Taiwan台北市海运承揽运送商业同业公会
ecol.isopycnic coordinate ocean model等密度面模式
shipb.Jiangsu Ocean Shipping Co.江苏远洋运输公司
gen.Journal of Geophysical Research:"Oceans"地球物理学研究杂志: "海洋"
nautic., tech.Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology韩国海洋科学技术院
geol.land-ocean interaction陆海相互作用
geol.land ocean interactions in the coastal zone海岸带陆洋相互作用
tech.mammoth ocean barge大型海驳
avia.mid-ocean ridge洋中脊
gen.minesweeper, ocean, non-magnetic非磁性远洋扫雷舰
comp.name.Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering Co. Ltd.日本三井海洋开发工程股份有限公司
tech.model of ocean circulation大洋环流模式
avia.multichannel ocean color sensors多通道海洋彩色传感器
avia.multichannel ocean color sensors多通道海洋彩色遥感器
shipb.Nanjing Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd南京远洋运输股份有限公司
avia.national natl advisory committee comm. on oceans and atmosphere国家海洋及大气咨询委员会
ecol.National Advisory Committee on the Oceans and Atmosphere国家海洋和大气咨询委员会
avia.national ocean science and technology agency国家海洋科学技术局
avia.national ocean service国家海洋服务
gen.National Ocean Survey国家海洋调查局
avia.naval ocean surveillance center海军海洋观察中心
shipb.navigating through the Atlantic Ocean通过大西洋航行
shipb.navigating through the Atlantic Ocean航行通过大西洋
shipb.navigating through the Indian Ocean航行通过印度洋
shipb.navigating through the Pacific Ocean航行通过太平洋
shipb.navigation area of the Indian Ocean印度洋航区
shipb.navigation area of the Pacific Ocean太平洋航区
nautic., tech.navy ocean surveillance satellite海军卫星监视系统
avia.navy remote ocean sensing system海军海洋遥感系统
fisherynew ocean regime新海洋体制
shipb.Ningbo Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd宁波远洋运输有限公司
gen.North Atlantic Ocean Station北大西洋气象站
geol.Northwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel大西洋中部西北段水道
tech.ocean acoustical topography海洋超声测图法
tech.ocean air海洋气团 (mass)
desert.ocean air mass海洋气团
tech.ocean air traffic control海上空中交通管制
geol.ocean and lake surveys海洋与湖泊勘查
tech.ocean anti-cyclone洋面反气旋
tech.ocean anti-cyclone海洋反气旋
avia.ocean area reconnaissance satellite海洋区域侦察卫星
nautic., tech.ocean areas远洋航区大洋航区
tech.ocean-atmosphere corrosion海洋大气腐蚀
tech.ocean-atmosphere exchange海洋大气间的物质能量交换
tech.ocean-atmosphere heat exchange海洋大交换
ecol.ocean atmosphere heat exchange海洋大气热换
tech.ocean-atmosphere interaction海洋大气相互影响
tech.ocean-atmosphere interface海洋大气界面
tech.ocean-atmosphere relation海洋大气关系
tech.ocean-atmospheric inter change海面气交换
tech.ocean bank大洋浅滩
tech.ocean barge出海驳船
tech.ocean barge海驳
tech.ocean basin海盆
desert.ocean basin大洋盆地
tech.ocean basin block海盆巨地块
tech.ocean basin floor大洋盆地
tech.ocean bathymetric chart大洋水深图
tech.ocean bathymetric chart世界大洋水深图
tech.ocean bathymetrical chart大洋水深图
tech.ocean bathymetrical chart世界大洋水深图
tech.ocean beach海滩
tech.ocean bill of lading海洋提
tech.ocean bill of lading海运提
ecol.ocean bioenergy海洋生物能
gen.ocean B/L海运提单
tech.ocean bottom earthquake海底地震
tech.ocean bottom explosion海底爆炸
tech.ocean bottom feature洋底地形
tech.ocean bottom hydrophone深海海底水听器装置
tech.ocean bottom hydrophone instrument海底水听仪器
tech.ocean bottom information海底资料
tech.ocean bottom microseism海底微震
tech.ocean bottom multiple海底多次波
tech.ocean bottom profiler海底地层剖面仪
tech.ocean bottom reference cable水底参考电缆
tech.ocean bottom seismograph海洋地震仪
tech.ocean bottom seismometry洋底测震术
tech.ocean bottom station海底测站
tech.ocean bottom station海底观察站
tech.ocean canyon seachannel海底峡沟
tech.ocean canyon seachannel海底峡谷
tech.ocean cargo远洋货物
tech.ocean carrier远洋船 (舶)
tech.ocean charges海运运费
tech.ocean chemistry海洋化学
tech.ocean clean on board bill of lading已装船海洋清洁提单
tech.ocean climate大洋气候
tech.ocean colloid chemistry海洋胶体化学
tech.ocean color and temperature sensor海水颜色与温度传感器
avia.ocean color experiment美国航天飞机上的海洋水色实验
avia.ocean color monitor海洋水色监测器
avia.ocean color monitor海色监视仪
tech.ocean colour and temperature sensor海水颜色与温度传感器
geol.ocean-continent boundary洋陆边界
desert.ocean crust洋壳
tech.ocean current
tech.ocean current chart海流图
tech.ocean current denudation洋流剥蚀作用
tech.ocean current determination海流测定
tech.ocean current dynamics海流动力学
ecol.ocean current energy海流能
ecol.ocean current energy conservation海流能量转换
tech.ocean current generation海流发电
tech.ocean current meter海流计
tech.ocean current monitor洋流检测仪
tech.ocean current observation海流观测
ecol.ocean current power generation海流发电
tech.ocean data buoy海锵据观测浮标
tech.ocean data buoy海洋资料浮标
avia.ocean data telemetry microsat link海洋数据遥测微卫星数据链
nautic., tech.ocean defense equipment海洋防务装备
tech.ocean delta大洋三角洲
desert.ocean desert海洋沙漠
nautic., tech.ocean development equipment海洋开发装备
nautic., tech.ocean development ship海洋开发船
tech.ocean development technique海洋开发技术
tech.ocean discharge criterion污水排海标准
tech.ocean disposal海洋废物处置
ecol.ocean disposal向海洋排除
tech.ocean disposal远洋废物处理
tech.ocean disposal海洋排放
tech.ocean disposal海洋配置
ecol.ocean disposal海洋废物处理
tech.ocean disposal of waste water污水海洋处置
tech.ocean dredging海上挖泥
comp.name.Ocean Drilling & Exploration Co.奥德科公司
comp.name.Ocean Drilling & Exploration Co.美国海洋钻井勘探公司
tech.ocean dumping海洋投弃
tech.ocean dumping海洋倾废
ecol.ocean dumping向海洋投弃
tech.ocean dumping area海洋倾倒区
tech.ocean dumping control海洋倾弃控制
ecol.ocean dumping pollution海洋倾倒污染
tech.ocean dumping site海上抛泥区
ecol.ocean dumping site海洋倾倒区
tech.ocean dumping surveillance system海上废物倾倒监测系统
tech.ocean dumping surveillance system海洋倾废监视系统
tech.ocean earthquake海洋地震
tech.ocean economics and technology office海洋经济和技术处
tech.ocean eddy海洋湍流
tech.ocean energy海洋能
ecol.ocean energy conversion factor海洋能转换因子
ecol.ocean energy converter海洋能转换器
ecol.ocean energy source海洋能源
ecol.ocean energy utilization海洋能利用
tech.ocean engineering海岸工程 (学)
tech.ocean engineering海洋工程 (学)
gen.Ocean Engineering海洋工程
tech.ocean engineering survey海洋工程测量
tech.ocean environment sensing equipment海洋环境传感器
tech.ocean expedition海洋考察
ecol.ocean factor海洋元素
nautic., tech.ocean fishery research ship海洋渔业调查船
tech.ocean fishing海洋捕鱼
fisheryocean fishing海洋捕捞
desert.ocean floor海底平原
tech.ocean-floor basalt洋底玄武岩
geol.ocean-floor basalts洋底玄武岩
tech.ocean-floor deposit海底矿床
tech.ocean-floor drilling海底钻井
tech.ocean-floor drilling海底钻探
desert.ocean floor fracture zone洋底断裂带
tech.ocean-floor metamorphism海底变质作用
tech.ocean-floor metamorphism洋底变质作用
tech.ocean-floor mining海底采矿
tech.ocean-floor spread洋底扩张
tech.ocean-floor spread海底扩张
tech.ocean-floor spreading洋底扩张
tech.ocean-floor spreading hypothesis海底扩张假说
tech.ocean-floor spreading hypothesis海洋底扩大假说
tech.ocean-floor structure海洋底构造
tech.ocean-floor work site海底工作区
tech.ocean food chain海洋食物链
tech.ocean food resources海洋食物资源
tech.ocean freight远洋货运
tech.ocean freight远洋运输
shipb.ocean freight远洋运费
tech.ocean freight rate海洋运费率
tech.ocean freight rate海运运费率
tech.ocean freightage远洋运价
tech.ocean front滨海地带
tech.ocean front海滨
tech.ocean geography海洋地理学
tech.ocean geotechnics海洋土工学
tech.ocean-going area远洋舱区
tech.ocean-going area远洋航区
shipb.ocean-going cargo ship远洋货船
tech.ocean going commerce海外贸易
tech.ocean-going dry cargo freighter海洋干货轮
tech.ocean-going fleet远洋船队
tech.ocean-going freighter远洋货轮
nautic., tech.ocean going instrumentation ship远洋综合测量船
tech.ocean-going liner远洋客轮
tech.ocean-going platform远洋航船上甲板
tech.ocean-going pusher-barge combination出海顶推船队
tech.ocean-going pusher-barge combination远洋顶推驳船队
nautic., tech.ocean going rescue & salvage ship远洋救生打捞船
nautic., tech.ocean going scientific research ship远洋科学考察船
shipb.ocean-going ship insurance远洋船舶保险
shipb.ocean-going ship tonnage远洋船吨位
tech.ocean going tanker远洋油轮
tech.ocean-going trade远洋贸易
nautic., tech.ocean going training ship远洋训练船
tech.ocean-going vessel远洋轮 (船)
tech.ocean-going vessel远洋航轮
tech.ocean-going vessel远洋船
tech.ocean-going vessel远洋船舶
tech.ocean-going vessel海船
tech.ocean greyhound远洋特快班轮
tech.ocean hydrodynamics海洋流体动力学
tech.ocean incineration of toxic waste有害废物海洋焚化
tech.ocean instrument calibration center海洋仪器校准中心
tech.ocean investigation ship海洋调查船
tech.ocean lane海洋航线
tech.ocean lane海洋航路
tech.ocean lane航线【航海】
tech.ocean lane远洋航路
desert.ocean law海洋法
tech.ocean life海洋生物
tech.ocean life by stages海洋生命分期
shipb.ocean lifeboat海洋救生艇
tech.ocean liner远洋客轮班轮
tech.ocean liner定期远洋船
gen.ocean liner远洋定期客轮
shipb.ocean liner freight定期远洋船运费
shipb.ocean liner rate定期远洋船运费率
tech.ocean magnetic anomaly大洋磁异常
tech.ocean management海洋管理
desert.ocean margin basin大洋边缘盆地
tech.ocean marine insurance远洋水险
tech.ocean meteorological and oceanographic monitoring system海洋气象监控系统
tech.ocean meteorological and oceanographical monitoring system海洋气象监控系统
tech.ocean meteorological chart海洋气象图
tech.ocean meteorological observation海洋气象观测
tech.ocean meteorological station海洋气象观测站
tech.ocean meteorological station海洋气象站
tech.ocean meteorology海洋气象学
tech.ocean mining海洋采矿
ecol.ocean monitoring海洋监测
tech.ocean noise meter海洋噪声计
tech.ocean organism海洋有机物
tech.ocean outfall污水排海口
tech.ocean outfall入港河口
tech.ocean outfall dispersion排海口污水扩散
tech.ocean passages for the world世界大洋航路
shipb.ocean passenger-cargo ship远洋客货轮
tech.ocean physicochemistry海洋物理化学
ecol.ocean pollutant海洋污染物
ecol.ocean pollution海洋污染
tech.ocean pollution monitor海洋污染监测器
tech.ocean pollution monitoring海洋污染监测
tech.ocean pollution prevention海洋防污法规
tech.ocean pollution surveying海洋污染调查
tech.ocean port海洋港口
nautic.ocean ports海港
tech.ocean range vessel跟踪船
tech.ocean range vessel远洋船
tech.ocean reef大洋暗礁
tech.ocean region code洋区码
nautic., tech.ocean rescue tug远洋救助拖船
comp.name.Ocean Research Corporation美国海洋研究公司
avia.ocean research equipment海洋研究设备
shipb.Ocean Research Institute海洋研究所
tech.ocean research vessel海洋调査船
tech.ocean research vessel海洋调研船
tech.ocean resource development海洋资源开发
tech.Ocean Resources Conservation Association海洋资源保护协会
tech.ocean ridge海脊
tech.ocean ridge大洋脊
desert.ocean ridge海岭
desert.ocean rise海隆
tech.ocean robot海洋自动记录仪
comp.name.Ocean Science and Engineering,Inc.美国海洋科学和工程公司
nautic., tech.ocean scientific investigation equipment海洋科考装备
ecol.ocean sediment海洋沉积物
tech.ocean service远洋航线
tech.ocean ship远洋船舶
comp.name.Ocean Sonics,Inc.美国海洋声学公司
ecol.ocean space resources海洋空间资源
desert.ocean spray杂色全盘花
tech.ocean station海洋定点观测站
avia.ocean station海洋观察站
gen.ocean station海洋站
tech.ocean station vessel海洋定点观测船
tech.ocean station vessel海洋观测船
tech.ocean station vessel海洋水文气象船
tech.ocean station vessel海洋气象观测船
gen.Ocean Station Vessel船上海洋〔研究〕站
desert.ocean surface洋面
tech.ocean surveillance海上监视
avia.ocean surveillance air patrol海洋监视空中巡逻
avia.ocean surveillance database海洋监视数据库
shipb.ocean surveillance ship海洋监视船
avia.ocean surveillance system aircraft海洋监视系统飞机
tech.ocean survey大洋调查
tech.ocean survey海洋调查
tech.ocean survey海洋测量
tech.ocean survey ship海洋测量船
comp.name.Ocean System Inc.美国海洋装置公司
tech.ocean tanker油轮
desert.ocean temperature海水温度
tech.ocean temperature differential power海水温差发电
tech.ocean terminal海港
tech.ocean terminal海洋基地
ecol.ocean thermal conversion海洋热转换
ecol.ocean thermal energy海洋热能
ecol.ocean thermal energy海水热能
ecol.ocean thermal energy conversion海洋热能转换
nautic., tech.ocean thermal energy conversion海洋温差发电
nautic., tech.ocean thermal energy conversion system海洋温差发电系统
ecol.ocean thermal resource海洋热能资源
ecol.ocean tidal energy海洋潮汐能
ecol.ocean tidal power海洋潮汐能
desert.ocean tide潮汐
tech.ocean tow远洋拖航
tech.ocean towing远洋拖带
nautic., tech.ocean towing海上拖航
tech.ocean trade海运业
tech.ocean trade远洋运输
tech.ocean tramp不定期远洋货轮
tech.ocean tramp远洋不定期货轮
tech.ocean tramp远洋不定期货船
shipb.ocean trans远洋运输
nautic., tech.ocean transport equipment海洋运输装备
tech.ocean trough海槽
tech.ocean warning海洋水温升高
tech.ocean waste disposal海洋废物处置
tech.ocean waste disposal海洋倾弃
tech.ocean waste disposal control海洋倾弃控制
tech.ocean waste treatment海洋废物处理
tech.ocean water大洋水
tech.ocean water远海海水
tech.ocean-water isotope composition海水同位素成分
tech.ocean watering海洋航路
tech.ocean watering海洋航线
tech.ocean wave远洋波
desert.ocean wave海洋波
shipb.ocean-wave corrosion海浪腐蚀
tech.ocean wave electric generator海洋波浪发电机
ecol.ocean wave electric generator海洋波能发电机
tech.ocean wave electrical generator海洋波浪发电机
tech.ocean wave energy海洋波浪能
ecol.ocean wave energy海洋波能
ecol.ocean wave energy conversion海洋波能转换
ecol.ocean wave energy utilization海洋波能利用
tech.ocean wave forecasting海浪预报
ecol.ocean wave power海洋波能
tech.ocean wave spectrometer海洋波浪光谱仪
tech.ocean wave spectrum海浪谱
tech.ocean waybill海上货运单
tech.ocean waybill海运提
tech.ocean weather data海上气象数据
tech.ocean weather observation ship海洋气象观测船
avia.ocean weather service海洋气象处
tech.ocean weather ship海洋水文气象船
tech.ocean weather ship海上气象观测船
tech.ocean weather ship海洋气象观测船
tech.ocean weather ship海洋天气船
tech.ocean weather station海洋天气站
tech.ocean weather station observation定点观测
tech.ocean weather vessel海洋水文气象船
comp.name.Oceans General Inc.美国海洋总公司
gen.oceans of许许多多的
gen.oceans of很多的
ecol.oil pollution of ocean海洋石油污染
avia.over ocean display and positioning system越海显示及定位系统
geol.Pacific Ocean area太平洋区域
shipb.packing suitable for ocean shipping包装适合海运要求
tech.palaeo-ocean topography古海洋地形
tech.palaeo-Pacific ocean古太平洋
tech.paleo-ocean topography古海洋地形
tech.paleo-Pacific ocean古太平洋
tech.Paleozoic ocean古生代海洋
comp.name.PEN AVI CO China Ocean Shipping Agency中国外轮代理公司
ecol.pollution of ocean海洋污染
ecol.pollution of the oceans originating on land来自陆地的海洋污染
tech.precentral Asia Mongolia ocean前中古海洋
ecol.Program on Ocean Mapping绘制海洋图计划
tech.proto-Atlantic ocean原大西洋
geol.proto-rifts and ocean basin evolution原始裂谷和海洋盆地的演化
gen.rail and Ocean铁路与海轮联运
shipb.rescue ocean tug远洋救助拖轮
ecol.river inputs to ocean system河流物质排入海洋系统
ecol.simple ocean data assimilation data简易海洋同化数据
sport.Sports Association of Asia, Pacific Ocean and Oceania, the亚洲太平洋大洋洲体育总会
geol.spreading of ocean floor洋底扩张
avia.stable ocean platform稳定海上平台
geol.standard mean ocean water标准平均海水面
tech.survey for the finding of ocean minerals海洋矿产调査
nautic., tech.survey of acoustic absorption in the ocean海洋声吸收测量
comp.name.Swedish Ocean Industry Group瑞典海洋工业集团
gen.Ten-Year Plan for Ocean Exploration海洋开发十年规划
gen.The Great Ocean Road, which locates in Melbourne, is a so incredible site you should have a look大洋路坐落在墨尔本,这是一个你需要去见识一下的令人难以置信的地方
gen.The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans巴拿马运河把大西洋和太平洋连接起来了
comp.name.Tokyo Ocean Development and Engineering Co., Ltd.日本东京海洋开发与工程股份有限公司
geol.tongue of the ocean海岬
desert.warm ocean air mass暖海洋气团
fisheryWestern Indian Ocean西印度洋
shipb.Zhejiang Yongyue Ocean Shipping Group Co., Ltd浙江永跃海运集团有限公司
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