
Terms for subject Commerce containing OUR | all forms | exact matches only
A prospective channel for the sale of our new products has been discovered我们已找到销售新产品一条有希望渠道
as explained in our cable of July 21正如我方七月二十一日电报所说明的那样
As our company handles a large variety of chemicals, we can not offer without specific enquiry由于我公司经营的化工产品种类很多,没有具体询盘无法报盘
At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs目前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品
avoid the contamination of our water supply避免供水污染
be economically beneficial to our country经济上有利于我国
Close cooperation will help forward the business between our two parties密切合作将有助于双方的业务
debit us with US 100,000 to our A/C把100,000 美元贷记我方来往账户
deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194杂项费用已从总额中扣除
deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194按我方第194号借方通知
Enclosed please find a supplement to our catalogue No. 9兹附去我第九号目录补遗
Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No. 115 in duplicate, one of which please return duly countersigned随函附寄我第115号合约一式二份,请会签后退回一份
Enclosed we are sending you our proforma invoice No. 100 in five copies兹寄送我方第100号形式发票一式五份
Enquiries for foodstuffs are receiving our full attention有关食品的询盘正在全力办理中
exert pressure on our country对我国施加压力
Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品
Goods are to be marked with our initials in a triangle货物应标上我方缩写名称并外加三角形
If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购
In defect of amendment, we can not negotiate our draft如不加修改,我方将无法议付汇票
In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书
In response to your request, we're sending you the catalogue and price list covering our products应你方要求,现寄来我方产品的目录本与价格表
It is our usual practice to ask for sight L/C我方习惯做法是要求开立即期信用证
It is rather difficult for us to sell these goods in our place at present目前在我处销售这些货物相当困难
It will be to our mutual benefit to come to an agreement达成协议对我们双方有益
Much improvement has been made in the quality and packing of our products我方产品质量与包装已有很大改进
nostro account; our account与你方账户
offer subject to our confirmation以我方确认为有效的报盘
on account of our principals为我们委托人而作
One of our clients contemplates placing a large order for Chinese textiles我们的一位客户打算递送一份购买中国纺织品的大订单
Our acceptance of your proposal will have to be ratified by our Head Office我方对你方建议的接受须经我总公司批准
our account存放同业账户
Our activities are confined to the textile line我方仅限于经营纺织品业务
Our activities cover a wide range of commodities我们经营范围包括多种多样的商品
Our business is dealing in textile我们经营纺织品
Our client won't accept forward shipment我方客户不接受期货
Our clients are interested in chemical products generally我方客户一般对化工产品感兴趣
Our company is allocated an exchange quota of US $1,000,000 for the current year我公司被分配到1,000,000 美元外汇配额
Our corporation deals in light industrial products我们公司经营轻工业产品
Our Debit Note No. 15 has not been settled我方第15号借方通知仍未得到偿付
Our draft for US $32,000 on clean collection has been dishonoured我方32,000美元光票托收被拒付
Our insurance coverage is for 110% of invoice value up to the port of destination only我方以发票金额的110%投保仅至目的港
our letter我方信件
our letter dated 20th我方二十日信件
Our manufacturers are running out of stock我方制造商已无存货
Our payment terms are L/C available by draft at sight我们的支付条款是即期汇票支付的信用证
Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors我们的价格算是很公道的
Our prices are moderate in comparison with those of competitors与竞争对手相比
Our products are well received in foreign markets我们的产品在国外市场受到欢迎
Our products can rival any others in quality我方产品在质量上可与其他任何产品竞争
Our products have enjoyed growing favour among buyers abroad我们的产品在国外受到越来越多的欢迎
Our products have met with wide endorsement in the market我方产品已得到市场的广泛赞许
Our products have met with wide indorsement in the market我方产品已得到市场的广泛赞许
Our stocks are almost exhausted我方存货已差不多售完了
Our stocks are running short我方库存日趋减少
Our stocks are running short because of increase in orders我方存货快售完了
Our stocks are running short because of increase in orders因为订货增加
our telex dated 8th我方八号电传
Our terms of payment are confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit, available by draft at sight我方的付款条件是保兑的不可撤销的、见票即付的信用证
our time实盘中我方时间
Owing to heavy bookings orders, our stocks have diminished to a large extent由于大量订货,我方存货已大幅度减少
Please advise the position of our order No. 2211请告知我第2211 号订单执行情况
Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进口许可证
Please defer shipment until you receive our further instructions在我方另行通知之前请暂缓装运
Please disregard our cable dated the 10th instant我方本月十日电报作废
Please don't make shipment before receipt of our shipping instructions在接到我方装船要求前请不要装运货物
Please establish L/C at once in order to facilitate our shipping arrangements以便我们安排装运
Please establish L/C at once in order to facilitate our shipping arrangements请立即开立信用证
Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证
Please insure the goods at our cost against damage in transit费用由我方负担
Please insure the goods at our cost against damage in transit请对货物运输途中损失投保
Please protect meet our draft on presentation请见票即付我方汇票
Please refer to the postscript to our letter of 5th inst请参阅我方本月五日函附言
Production in our factory is increasing at a high rate我厂生产飞速增长
promote the achievement of our goals in the world market促进我们在国际市场上目标的实现
re our letter关于我方信件
refer to our cable关于我方电报
refer to our letter关于我方函件
refer to our telex关于我方电传
refer to our telex telegram关于我方电传电报
subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为条件
The article enquired for is outside our range of business activities所询购商品不在我方经营范围之内
The article mentioned does not fall within our business scope此种商品不属我方经营范围之内
The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products品质证明书旨在证明我方产品的良好质量
the clientele of our company本公司的客户
The convention has been ratified by our country我国已批准该公约
The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit而是由于你方信用证未及时抵达我方
The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit装运延误并非由于我方未能及时备货
The dispute should not be the obstacle to the development of our business这一争议不应成为我们双方业务发展的障碍
The frank exchange of views will certainly contribute to better understanding between our two parties坦率交换意见肯定会促成双方更进一步加深理解
The goods offered is not quite suitable for our purpose所报货物不大适合于我方用途
The market risk is within our contemplation市场风险在我们仔细考虑的范围之内
The new factory is to be located in our city这座工厂将建在我市
The numerousness of orders witnesses the top quality of our light industrial products大量订单证明了我方轻工产品的上好质量
The packages shall be marked with our usual shipping marks包件上必须刷上我方通常使用的装船标志
The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue本函的主旨是澄清双方对这一问题的看法
The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products我方产品质量为优
The quality of our product prevails over that of other sellers' products与其他卖主货物质量相比
The quality of our products stands comparison with that of rival products我们的产品质量经得起与竞争对手的产品质量相比
The quantity offered is insufficient for our present requirements所报数量不足我方目前所需
The samples are already in our possession我方已获得样品
The seller suggested our buying a small quantity for trial卖方建议我方试购一小批货物
The volume of business falls short of our hope交易额没有达到我们希望的标准
These articles fall under the category of our business line这些商品属我方经营的范畴
These data will be of great value to us in our experiment这些资料对我们的实验很有价值
These goods are retained for our old customers这些货物是为老客户保留的
These materials do not suit our market这些料子不适合我方市场
They have placed an order for 10,000 bicycles with our factory他们已向我厂订购自行车10,000辆
This arrangement will be of little help to our sales这项安排对我方销售几乎没有帮助
This is a follow-up to our letter of the 20th inst这是继我本月二十日函的续函
This letter is supplemental to our cable of the 6th inst本函是对我方本月六日电报的补充
This letter is supplementary to our cable of the 6th inst本函是对我方本月六日电报的补充
This letter supplements our cable of the 10th inst此信是对我方本月十日电报的补充
We always honour our commitments我方总是履行自己承担的义务
We assume that you are interested in our tablewares我们猜想你方对我方餐具感兴趣
We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite the shipment我们向你方保证加快装运
We believe that this arrangement will be conducive to our mutual benefit我方相信这一安排将对双方有利
We can do prompt delivery because of the increased tempo of our production由于生产速度加快,我方可作即期交易
We cannot confine our offers to you to the exclusion of other buyers我们不能不管其他买主而只给你方报盘
We commend our draft to your kind protection我方汇票请予照付
We confirm our firm offer by cable of the 20th July regarding 1,000 M/T peanuts F.A.Q. 1993 crop兹确认我方七月二十日电报实盘,1,000公吨花生,1993 年产大路货
We don't think our prices are exaggerated我们认为我方价格并不过分
We enclose herewith a survey report in support of our claim兹附去检验报告一份以作为我方的索赔根据
We have deducted our 3% commission from the L/C established我方已从开立的信用证中扣除了3%佣金
We have eventually come to terms with our client我方与客户最终达成交易
We have greatly diversified our line of shopping bags我们购物袋品种已大大多样化了
We have never failed to discharge our obligations我们从未不履行自己的义务
We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 999 in duplicate兹附寄我方第999号销售确认书一式两份
We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate兹附去我方第100号销售确认书一式两份 (in two copies)
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 2023 covering this transaction我们兹附寄有关本次交易的2023号销售合同
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience请尽早签署后退寄一份供存
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience兹附寄此笔交易的第1144号合同一式二份
We limit our expenditures to the technology acquisition我们的资金仅限于技术引进
We note from your letter of the 2nd inst. that you are interested in our native produce我们从你方本月二日来信中获悉你方对我方的土产品感兴趣
We refer you to our cable of April 10, 1995请参阅我方1995年4月10日电报
We refer you to your letter dated 3rd June and our reply thereto of 6th id请参看贵方六月三日来函及我方同月六日回复
We should get in contact with our overseas buyer immediately我们应立即与我们的海外客户联系
We trust you'll honour our draft on presentation我们相信你方将在汇票提示时照付
We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考
We wish to express our appreciation for your great efforts to push the sales of our commodity我们表示谢意
We wish to express our appreciation for your great efforts to push the sales of our commodity对你方大力推销我方商品
We'll deal with the subject in our next letter我们将另函处理这一问题
We'll try our best to satisfy your needs我方将尽力满足你方需要
We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal你方本月二日函收到,内容已详阅
We're taking measures to improve the quality of our products我们正在采取措施改进产品质量
We've already referred the matter to our Head Office in Beijing for their ratification我公司已将此事上报北京总公司批准
without our responsibility我方不负责任
Your enquiry coincided with our offer你方询盘与我方报盘同时发出
Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订单的货物装运
Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear有关我第5051号销售确认书项下的信用证至今尚未岀现
Your letter of May 12 addressed to our Head Office has been transmitted to us for attention你方五月十二日致我总公司函件已转我公司处理
Your letter of the 16th inst. addressed to our Beijing Head Office has been passed onto us你方本月十六日致我北京总公司信件已转至我处