
Terms for subject Finances containing ON | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance on security担保承兑
accounting based on value to the firm现值成本核算
accounting on accrual basis应计会计制
accounting on accrual basis应收应付制会计
accounting on accrual basis权责发生会计制
accounting on accrued expenditures basis支出应计制会计
accounting on cash basis收付实现会计制
accounting on cash basis现金收付会计制
accounting on obligation basis责任发生制会计
accounting on the cash basis现金收付会计制
accrued interest on bonds应计债券利息
accrued interest on investment应计投资利息
accrued interest on mortgages应付未付抵押债券息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付期票利息
advance money on securities有价证券担保垫款
advance on current account往来账户透支
advance on subscription认购股票预付款
agreement on exchange guarantees外汇保值协议
agreement on fiscal governance财政治理协议
alternative tax on capital gains资本收益替换税
amortization of discount on borrowings借款折价摊销
amortization of discount on long-term investment长期投资折价摊销
amortization of discount on long-term investments长期投资折价的摊销
amortization of premium on bonds purchased购入债券溢价之摊销
amortization of premium on borrowings借款溢价摊销
amortization of premium on long-term investment长期投资溢价摊销
amortization of premium on long-term investments长期投资溢价的摊销
amount due on additional subscription应收追加认缴款项
amount due on supplementary resources应收补充资金
annual report on exchange restrictions外汇管制年度报吿
assure on the insurance company向保险公司投保
auditing for cash on hand and in bank现金及存款审计
average return on book value账面值平均收益
balance held on deposits存款余额
balance on hand在手差额
balance on hand库存余数
balance-of-payments on capital account国际收支资本收户
ban on short-selling of equities限制卖空股票的禁令
banker's check or demand of draft on their correspondents abroad银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票
bill on demand见票即付票据
bill on maturity到期付款票据
bill payable on demand即付票据
bill payable on fixed date定期付款票据
bill payable on fixed date定期支付票据
borrow money on押借
borrow money on以... 抵借
borrow money on jewels拿宝石作抵押借钱
branch expenses on home office books总店帐上之分店费用
branch records on home office books分店交易由总店记帐
build a cooperative economic partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit建设相互尊重、互利共赢的经济合作伙伴关系
buy on close收盘时买进
buy on open开盘时买进
buy on opening开盘时买进
calculation of interest on banking account银行账户利息计算
calculation of interest on banking account银行利息计算
calculation of interest on current account活期存款利息计算
calculation of interest on the balance of exchange外汇余额利息计算
calculation of interest on the balance of exchange汇兑尾利息计算
carry out the plan for restructuring and reinvigorating key industries on a large scale大范围实施重点产业调整振兴规划
Certificate of Accrual on Treasury Securities国库证券计息凭证 (20世纪80年代初由所罗门兄弟公司发行的一种零息票债券,简称"猫债券")
China-U.S. Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade中美商贸联委会
common on stock subscribed已认购普通股
Convention on a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes《汇票及本票统一法公约》
Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations《联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约》 (简称"《国际汇票本票公约》")
Coordinating Committee on Export Control巴黎统筹委员会 (简称"巴统组织",1949年11月在美国的提议下秘密成立,是一个西方国家对社会主义国家实行禁运和贸易限制的国际组织。随着国际形势的变化,该组织于1994年4月1日宣告解散)
Co-ordinating Committee on Market Structure Reform市场架构改革统筹委员会
credit on guarantee担保贷款
credit on securities证券担保贷款
credit-based on real property房地产抵押信贷
credit-based on real property不动产抵押信贷
current yield on funds本期资金收益
customers liabilities on guarantee有担保的客户负债
dealing on credit凭保证金交易
debts on bill借款单据
deepen bilateral and multilateral cooperation on financial sector investment and regulation深化在金融部门投资和监管领域的双边和多边合作
deepen cooperation on macroeconomic, fiscal, financial, and structural issues深化宏观经济、财政、金融和结构性问题合作
default on a contract不履行合同
default on infrastructure projects基建工程违约
default on loan违约不还贷款
defaulting on borrowings违约不还借款
deferred loss on investment递延投资损失
delinquency rate on loan贷款逾期率
delinquency rate on loans货款拖欠率
disbursement on loan贷款拨付
distribution on manufacturing cost依制造成本分配
distribution on number or quantity依数量分配
distribution on selling price依售价分配
draft on demand来取即付汇票
draft on demand payable to bearer凭票即付持票人的汇票
drain on cash reserve现金储备枯竭
drains on cash现金外流
drains on cash现金消耗
draw on利用
draw on动用
draw on one's credit凭信用借款
drop to 6 per cent quarter on quarter环比降至6%
drop to 7.7 per cent year on year同比降至7.7%
due-on-sale clause售出即偿还条款 (指业主出售未付清抵押贷款的房屋时,一旦成交,必须首先还清抵押贷款的本金余额和应付利息)
ease pressure on banks缓和银行面临的压力
effect of change in exchange rate on cash汇率变动对现金的影响额
effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin成本与市价的法则对毛利的影响
emphasis on income measurement重视收益之衡量
enterprises based on independent innovation自主创新型企业
entry on the credit side贷方记帐
entry on the credit side记入贷方
European Convention on Products Liability of Person bounding and Death《关于人身伤亡产品责任欧洲公约》
European Council on Foreign Relations欧洲理事会外交关系委员会
exert negative impact on the world economy给世界经济带来负面影响
expenditure on administration行政管理费
expenditure on capital account资金帐户支出
expenditure on gross domestic product国内生产总值的支岀
expenditure on national defence国防费
expenditure on persons用人费
expenditure on power动力费
expenditure on public debt公债费
expenditure on revenue收益的支出
expenditure on revenue account收益支出帐
expenditure on social services, culture, education and science社会文化教育和科学事业费
expenditure on supplies用物费
expense on bond issue债券发行费用
expense on deposit存款费用
expenses on bond issue债券发行费用
explanatory statements on financial condition财务情况说明书
fees on use of state funds国家资金占用费
forge ahead on our historic course在新的历史征程上奋勇前进
fraud-on-the-market theory市场欺诈理论
free on board离岸价格 (国际贸易上最广泛使用的价格条件之一)
freight and cartage on purchase a/c进货运费帐户
freight on inter branch transfers分店间送货运费
funds on hand现有资金
gain and losses on disposal of plant and equipment固定资产与设备出售损益
gain on insurance adjustment保险调整收益
gain on insurance claims保险索赔所得
gain on realization of assets资产变现收益
gain on realization of assets资产变卖的收益
gain on the changes in the fair value公允价值变动收益
gain on the sale of investment投资出售利益
gain on the sale of securities a/c出售有价证券收益帐户
gain on the sale of stocks股票出售利益
gain on the sale of treasury stocks出售库存股份收益
gain or loss on sale of equipment设备销售损益
gains and losses on disposal of plant and equipment固定资产与设备出售损益
gains on the sale of treasury stocks出售库存股份收益
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税与贸易总协定 (简称"关贸总协定")
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 19441944年关易税贸总协定
general overhead of office on cost一般间接费 (or general burden)
generalization on cost-volume -profit analysis成本-数量-利润分析
goods on joint account合伙商品帐
gross margin recognition on installment sales确定分期付款的销货毛利
gross margin recognition on installment sales分期付款销货毛利之列计
gross profit on sales销售毛利 (gross trading profit)
holding gain and loss on marketable securities有价证券持有损益
impact of the US financial crisis on China美国金融危机对我国的影响
improvements on leased property租赁财产改良工程
insurance on cargo船货保险
insurance on hull船身保险
insurance on imaginary profit预期利益保险
insurance on last survivor长寿保险
intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development加强同联合国在发展领域的协调和合作
intercompany profit on depreciable or non-depreciable assets折旧性或非折旧性资产内部盈利
interest and penalties receivable on tax应收欠税利息及罚款
interest based on cash installment按分期付款额计息
interest based on each instalment照每期付款额计算利息
interest based on equal periodic payments照每期相等之付款额计息
interest based on uncollected balance照未收余额计息
interest income on deposits存款利息收人
interest on arrears延期过期利息
interest on bond公司债券利息
interest on capital资本利息 (investment)
interest on capital股本利息
interest on capital投资利息 (investment)
interest on current debt短期债务利息
interest on current debt短期债款之利息
interest on debenture公司债券利息
interest on interest利滚利
interest on loan贷款利息
interest on loan capital放款利息
interest on loan from other banks银行同业借人款利息
interest on loans债利
interest on loans from other bank同行借入款利息
interest on money利息
interest on money息钱
interest on outstanding amount未偿还贷款总值的利息
interest on overdue account逾期账款利息
interest on payment for purchase进货付款利息
interest on premium reserve保费准备金利息
interest on principal本金利息
interest on public debt公债利息
interest on rediscount转贴现息
interest on syndicated Euro-currency credits欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息
interest on tax postponed滞纳税款利息
interest on tax underpaid欠缴税款利息
interest rate on debenture公司债券利率
interest rate on deposit存款利率
interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill出口汇票作担保的贷款利率
interest receivable on investment应收投资利息
interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve累积盈余准备金的附加利息
inventory adjustment for profit on long-lived assets因固定资产利益关系而调整存货
invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market投资于面向国内市场的人民币计价基金
investigation on fiscal operations财政监査
issue on tap在营业窗口随时提供的纸币
keep a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work牢牢掌握经济工作的主动权
keep one's savings on deposit at banks把钱存人银行
laws and regulations on business relations with foreigners涉外经济法规
laws and regulations on private enterprises私营企业法规
lay emphasis on practical results讲求效果
lay the blame for the crisis on...将危机归咎于…
liabilities on guarantee担保债务
liability on bills of exchange期票债契
liability on guarantee保证债务
lift controls on lending interest rates取消贷款利率管制
lift restrictions on housing sales取消住房限购
limit on close order收盘限价委托
loan made on behalf of customers代顾客放款
loan made on behalf of customers or other banks代放款项
loan on actual estate不动产抵押放款
loan on collateral担保贷款
loan on collateral附担保品贷款
loan on collateral security抵押放款
loan on goods用商品抵押的贷款
loan on guarantee担保贷款
loan on guarantee保证贷款
loan on interest有息贷款
loan on passbook as collateral以存折抵押的贷款
loan on pawn抵押贷款
loan on personal guarantee个人保证借款
loan on personal security个人抵押贷款
loan on real estate不动产抵押贷款
loan on securities证券抵押贷款
loan on security抵押放款
loans on collateral附担保品贷款
losses on exchange汇兑损失
losses on realization of assets变卖资产损失
make loans on behalf of other institutions代理金融机构贷款
mark on加成 (up)
mark on成本外加数 (up)
mark-on percentage加价百分率
minimum tax on items of preference优惠项目最低税额
monetary loss on noncurrent monetary assets非流动货币资产的货币亏损
mortgage on real estate房地产抵押
mortgage overdraft on current account往来账户抵押透支
net profit on sales销售净利 (net trading profit)
note on discount贴现票据
note on outside banks流通中货币
note on outside banks银行以外货币
notes on the accounts帐项附注
official figures on net new loans官方净新增贷款数据
on a cost incurred basis实报实销
on a cost incurred basis以已付费用为准
on a monthly basis月环比
on a month-on-month basis月环比
on account挂帐
on account赊帐部分收款或付款,赊欠买卖
on account记帐
on account payment暂付款
on balance volume成交量净额法
on balance volume能量潮 (一种根据成交量变化趋势推测股价趋势的指标,1963年由葛兰维尔首次提出)
on balance volume平衡交易量法
on bid按买进价
on board多头仓位
on-board securities上市证券
on call见票即付
on call account透支帐户
on cash现金买卖
on comparable basis按可比口径
on cons寄售
on cost间接费用 (manufacturing expense, burden)
on cost外加成本 (manufacturing expense, burden)
on cost制造费用 (manufacturing expense, burden)
on credit信用交易记帐
on credit赊帐
on credit account信用除帐
on current basis按现值
on deposit for periods of...存放期为...
on easy terms按宽厚条件
on easy terms以分期付款方式
on-exchange derivatives trading场内衍生品的交易
on-exchange transaction场内交易
on-floor order场内委托
on-floor terminal场内终端机
on-going concept继续经营概念
on-going obligation持续责任
on hand现行
on hand手存
on-line bank网上银行
on-line banking网上银行服务
on-line bill paying在线账单支付
on-line broker在线经纪人
on-line brokerage网上证券公司
on-line buying网上购物
on-line client网上客户
on-line client在线客户
on-line commission在线交易佣金
on-line discount broker在线贴现经纪人
on-line finance在线金融
on-line financial services在线网络金融服务
on-line investing在线投资
on-line investment在线投资
on-line investment service在线投资服务
on-line investor在线投资者
on-line order网上订购
on-line purchase在线采购
on-line retail网上零售
on-line retailer网上零售商店
on-line sales网上销售
on-line shopping网上购物
on-line spending在线消费
on-line stockbroker在线股票经纪人
on-line teller terminal财务情况报告机
on-line trading在线交易
on-line trading网上交易
on-line trading platform在线交易平台
on-line trading platform网上交易平台
on-line transaction在线交易
on-line transaction网上交易
on-line transfer网上转账
on-line volume在线交易量
on-line volume在线交易额
on margin以信用方式交易
on-market rules场内规则
on offer按卖出价
on-shore bond market境内债券市场
on-shore spot exchange rate境内即期汇率
on the balance两抵
on the close market order收盘市价委托
on the close order收盘委托
on the line用现款
on the opening limit order开盘限价委托
on the opening market order开盘市价委托
on the opening order开盘价委托
on the print大额交易挂单
on the run奔跑〔逃,忙,走,波〕着
on the sidelines持币观望
on the spot audit就地审核
on the 7th of the year yield 7天年化收益率
on their face属实
on-the-quotation order零股市价委托
on-the-run issue销售中的发行
open on the print大额交易挂单
operate on account运用帐户
outlook on futures期货前景
payable on a fixed date定期付款
payable on receipt收到后即付的
payment based on land shares土地报酬
payment due on a non-banking day在银行休息日到期的付款
payment on debt贷款偿还
payment on deferred terms延迟付款
payment on deferred terms延迟支付
payment on deferred terms延期付款
period charge on expense当期费用
period charge on expense计期费用
piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase第一批即已获得或未获得控制权
piecemeal acquisition control achieved or not achieved on first purchase子公司股份之分批购买
premium on basic pension insurance基本养老保险费
premium on bond payable应付公司债溢价
premium on bonds债券公司债溢价
premium on bonds purchased溢价购入债券
premium on bonds redeemed债券收回溢价
premium on capital share股本溢价
premium on capital stock股本盈利溢价
premium on corporate bonds payable应付公司债券溢价
premium on foreign currency外币溢价
premium on forward exchange contract远期外汇合同溢价
premium on funded debt长期债务溢价
premium on investment投资溢价
premium on investment in bond债券投资溢价
premium on redemption赎回溢价
premium on securities证券溢价
premium on treasury stock sold出售库存股票溢价
pressure on employment就业压力
pressure on funding costs融资成本压力
primary liability on bill of exchange汇票的最初责任
primary liability on bill of exchange汇票的第一位责任
priority of claims on asset资产请求权的优先顺序
profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company计算国外公司所得税的损益表
profit and loss on buying and selling securities买卖有价证券损益
profit and loss on buying and selling stocks bonds有价证券损益 (investments)
profit and loss on capital and interest本利之盈亏
profit and loss on changes in fair value公允价值变动损益
profit and loss on consignments out account寄销品损益帐户
profit and loss on goods to arrive account到货损益帐户
profit and loss on investments投资损益
profit and loss on realization account财产变现损益帐户
profit and loss on realization account变产损益帐户
profit and loss on securities sold有价证券出售损益
profit and loss on the disposal of non-current assets非流动性资产处置损益
profit on alienation让渡利润
profit on disposal of property资产处置利润
profit on exchange兑换利益
profit on foreign exchange transaction外汇交易利润
profit on operation operating profit营业利益
profit on paper不能实现的利润
profit on paper账面利润
profit on paper虚构利益
profit on sale of capital assets资本资产销售利润
profit on sales of assets资产出售收益
profit on sales prior to acquisition以前获得的销货利益
profit on stock redemption股票买回利益
profit on treasury stock处理库存股票收益
profit or loss on foreign exchange外币兑换损益
profit or loss on installment sales分期付款销售损益
protocol on economic co-operation经济合作议定书
qualitative guideline on bank loans银行贷款定性准则
quotation on the book不公开的报价
quotation on the stock market股市行情
rate for loans on collateral证券担保贷款利率
rate of earnings on stockholder's equity股权收益率
rate of earnings on total capital资本总额收益率
rate of earnings on total capital employed总资本利益率
rate of return on assets资产报酬率
rate of return on book-value equity账面价值权益报酬率
rate of return on capital资本收益率
rate of return on common stock equity普通股权益报酬率
rate of return on common stockholders equity普通股东权益报酬率
rate of return on equity权益报酬率
rate of return on net worth净值报酬率
rate of return on sales销货报酬率净利÷销售额
rate of return on stockholders' fund股东资金报酬率
rate prevailing on the international financial market国际金融市场利率
reach a comprehensive agreement on...就…达成全面协议
reach an agreement on the debt ceiling就债务上限达成协议
receivable on account of subscribed capital认缴资本帐户项下应收款项
receivable on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources认缴款项及补充资金帐户应收款项
receivable on demand催收帐款
receivables on account of subscribed capital认购资本账户应收款
receivables on account of subscriptions and supplementary resources认股及补充资金账户应收款
recommendation on accounting principles关于会计原则的建议
reconciliation of cash on deposit银行存款调节表
redemption on maturity到期赎回
redemption premium on long-term debt长期债务赎回溢价
regulation on international banking国际银行业监管
Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurances《工伤保险条例》
Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》
Regulations on Unemployment Insurance《失业保险条例》
rely on export-led growth依赖出口拉动型增长
rely on exports to support economic growth依赖出口来支撑经济增长
rely on the banks依赖银行
report on financial market review金融市场检讨报告
reserve arising on consolidation综合帐所产生的溢价
reserve for compensation on assets premium资产溢价补偿准备
reserve for improvement on property财产改建准备
reserve for loss on doubtful accounts呆帐损失准备
reserve for loss on doubtful accounts呆账损失准备
reserve for loss on doubtful accounts疑帐损失准备
right of making decisions on investment投资决策权
rightful place on the global stage国际舞台上应有的地位
risk on追逐风险
risk-adjusted return on capital资本风险调整收益率
Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited《香港联合交易所有限公司创业板证券上市规则》
Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited《香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则》 Rules of the Exchange 〈港〉《交易所规则》
savings on savings account储蓄账户的积蓄
securities on hold冻结证券
securities-on-hold mechanism冻结股份机制
sell on open开盘时卖出
seller's option on delivery卖方交割选择权
shift economy to rely more on domestic demand转变经济发展模式,使之更加依赖国内需求
ship on order照订货单装运
sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach偿债基金折旧加原始成本利息法
speculating on property房地产投机
Standing Committee on Company Law Reform公司法改革常务委员会
stated rate on bond债设定利率
statements on auditing关于审计的说明
statements on auditing procedure审计程序书
statements on auditing standards审计准则说明
strategy of competing on quality以质取胜战略
strengthen cooperation on crisis prevention在防范危机上加强合作
strict controls on capital account transactions对资本账户交易的严格控制
take a more central role on the world stage在世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色
take loan on securities以有价证券做抵押获得贷款
take on economic challenges应对经济挑战
take on the risk of loss承担损失风险
tax on capital profit资本收益税
tax on transfer of property财产转让税
tax on turnover周转税
the National Committee on Governmental Accounting美国政府会计全国委员会
to carry on business营业
to operate on account运用帐户
trading on borrowed stock以借人股份进行交易
trading on margin保证金交易
trading on the curb场外交易
turnover rate on total resources employed总资本周转率
unamortized discount on bonds sold未计提售出债券折价
unamortized discount on investment未计提投资折价
unamortized discount on non-interest-bearing debenture未摊还公司无息债券折价
unamortized premium on bond sold未计提售出债券溢价
unamortized premium on investment未计提投资溢价
unextinguished discount on funded debt未消灭债款折扣
upward pressure on the renminbi人民币升值压力 (exchange rate)
upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices通胀和资产价格上行压力
variation on product cost产品成本差异
votes on account临时拨款
withdrawable on demand即可付款
withdrawable on demand立即付款
withholding tax on interest利息预提款
yield gap on securities证券的收益差额
yield on common stock普通股收益率
yield on ten-year Treasuries美国 10 年期国债收益率
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