
Terms for subject Economy containing Number | all forms | exact matches only
a carton number盒号
a costing index number成本指数
a number许多
a number若干
a number account数字编号的账户
a number jumped跳号
a number line实数直线
a number of gradual steps一系列步骤
a symbol number代号
abstract number不名数
account number账户 (code, 号)
account number plan账户编号法 (表)
actual number analysis实数分析法
actual test number实物试验数
actual test number实际试验号码
aggregative quantity index number综合量的指数
American Petroleum Institute serial numberAPI 序号
an abundant number过剩数
an odd number单数
an odd number整数
an ordinal number序号
an ordinal number次序号码
an ordinal number序数
annual minimum number每年最低数量
approximate theory of price index number近似值物价指数理论
approximation theory of price index number近似值物价指数理论
arrange production according to a fixed number of workers and fixed quotas按定员定额组织生产
attestation of number数量的证明
automatic calling number自动呼叫号码
average index number平均指标数
average sample number平均抽样数值
average sample number平均选样数量
average sample-number curve平均样本数曲线
average up-todate number of man hours to be spent on a product产品平均先进工时定额
beyond number多得数不清
binary number system二进数系
british standard sieve number英国标准筛号
cargo number货号
catalog number产品目录号
charge number帐号
check number支票编号
circular number环数
class or group index number分类指数
class of group index number分类指数
code number账户标号数码
code number法规编码
code number to indentify accounts账户编号
code number to indentify accounts账号
commensurable number比例数
commensurable number可比数值
construction number制品的工厂编号
consumer's price index number消费者物价指数
continuous number连续编号
contract number合同号码
contract number合同号 (Cont. No.)
contract serial number合同序号
contractors5 identification number承包商识别号
co-ordination number标数
cost of living index number生活费用指数
cost of living index number生活费指数
critical number临界数字
critical number临界值
cross reference number参照号碍
date number日期
dependent number因变数量
dual number双数
employer identification number雇主识别号
exact number精确数值
exceed in number在数目方面领先
export commodity classification number出口商品分类编码
export control classification number美国出口控制分类编码
exporter identification number美国出口商识别码
fixed base index number固定基期指数
fixed base index number定基指数
fixed number定数
great number大量
gross national product index number国民生产总值指数
grouped index number类指数
heat number熔炼炉号
hot number畅销的商品
hot number热门货
If the number of shareholders present is up to a quorum n., a meeting of shareholders can be held如果出席的股东人数达到法定人数,才能举行股东大会
in number在数字上
indent number代买品号码
index number of agricultural production农业生产指数
index number of arithmetic average算术平均指数
index number of building industry production建筑业生产指数
index number of construction activity建筑生产活动指数
index number of cost of living of staff and workers职工生活费指数
index number of faim output农业生产指数
index number of grain production粮食生产指数
index number of gross domestic production国内生产总值指数
index number of gross national production国民生产总值指数
index number of harmonic averages调和平均数指数
index number of invariable construction不变构成指数
index number of labour productivity劳动生产率指数
index number of operation of manufacturing industry制漳工业指黎
index number of per capita food production平均每人食品生产指数
index number of prices of trade conducted at rural fairs集市贸易价格指数
index number of quantum, imports or exports进出口贸易总量指数
index number of retail price零售物价指数
index number of seasonal variation季节变动指数
index number of the amount value of foreign trade对外贸易额指数
index number of the prices of consumer goods消费品价格指数
index number of the prices of export products出口商品价格指数
index number of the prices of rural industrial products农村工业品价格指数
index number of the prices of the city consumer goods城市消费品价格指数
index number of the purchasing power of money货币购买力指数
index number of the volume of foreign trade对外贸易数量指数
index number of unit value, imports or exports进岀口单位贸易额指数
index number of unit value, imports or exports进出口单价指数
index number of value of construction output建筑生产指数
index number of wholesale批发价格指数
index number of whole-sale price批发物价指数
International Securities Identification Number国际证券识别号
invariable weighting index number固定组成加权指数
invariable weighting index number固定组成指数
investment index number投资指数
investment ranking number投资序号
item number序号
item number项目【物品】编号
job control number作业控制号
job-order number作业【加工】单编号
key number基准的号码
link index number of agricultural production农业生产环比指数
livestock number牲畜头数
master serial number总序号
material number材料编号
minimum number of annuity payment最低限度年金付款
minimum number of work days基本劳动日
more variety and a greater number of specifications更多的品种和规格
no such number无此编号
no such number无此门牌号
number and percentage of unemployed失业人数及失业率
number concrete名数
number of animals raised饲量 (畜牧)
number of animals raised饲养量 (畜牧)
number of calendar days日历天数
number of columns列数
number of compounding periods复利期数
number of day's sales in inventory存货销售天数
number of day's sales in merchandise inventory存货销售天数
number of deficit亏损数额
number of 1% increment增加 1%的数值
number of industrial enterprises covered by the provincial statistics省一级的统计口径内的工业企业数
number of items in a sample货样抽査项目总数
number of list of sale出售品 编号
number of packing件数
number of periods期数
number of persons employed雇用人数
number of persons employed就业人数
number of production order生产定单号
number of purchases and sales taking place买和卖的次数
number of rows排数
number of rows行数
number of the mentally deficient低能人口
number of times fixed charges earned收取固定费用的次数
number of ton-days吨日数
number of transport bill货单据号
number of wholly unemployed完全失业人数
number plate号码板
number representation system数制
number up列举
number value数值
distribution on number or quantity 数量 (分配)
optimum number人口适度
order number顺序号
order number订单号码
package number件号
parent number族名编号
part index number部分指数
preferred number series喜用的系列数字
preferred number series优先的系列数字
price index number of agricultural products purchase农产品收购价格指数
price index number of building industry建筑价格指数
price index number of rural means of production农业生产资料价格指数
price index number of service expenditure服务性支出价格指数
project number项目编号
reduce the number of rejects and seconds降低次品率
reduce the number of rejects and seconds降低废品率
reduce the number of rejects and seconds降低废品率
reference number参考数字
registration number登记号码
running number流水号数
running number运转号码
seasonal index number季节指数
sequence number序号
serial number of contract合同的序列号
shipping accumulation number装船累积数
simple geometric index number简单几何平均指数
simple index number简单指数
small number小数量
small number
sublet number副编号
syndicate a number of newspapers联合数家报纸成为企业组合
table number图标编号
table number表号
The aggregate number of shipping documents is 10, not 9装货单据的总数是 10份,而不是9份
the approximation theory of price index number近似值物价指数理论
the number density数量密度
The number doesn't agree with the contract此数目与合同不一致
The number of articles you require is below the minimum quantity which can warrant us to cover the extra expenses for construction of special containers你方所需数量低于最低起订量,因而不能抵补我方为制作特殊集装箱的额外费用
the number of wholly unemployed完全失业人数
the rejection number不合格个数
the Slot number集装箱箱位号
The torn cases number over 30破损箱超过30只
the voyage number航次
tier number集装箱
type of index number指数类型
value number计算值接收数
variable weighting index number可变组成指数
We have received a large number of telephone orders since we advertised our peculiar products through " TV shopping"自从我们通过"电视购物"给我们的特色产品作广告以来,我们收到许多电话定单
Well have to increase the number of shareholders我们必须增加股东人数
whole sale price index number批发物价指数