
Terms for subject Technology containing Northern | all forms | exact matches only
Downwarping zone of northern continent margin of South China sea中国南海北部陆缘坳陷带
high northern latitude北半球高纬度
humid warm temperate zone of northern China type北方型潮湿暖温带
Northern Alxa tectonic segment北阿拉善构造段
northern anthracnose北方炭疽病
northern celadon北方青瓷 (以别于越窑青瓷而得名)
northern China humid warm temperate to subtropical zone北部潮湿暖湿一亚热带
northern foot北方尺 (1尺=13.12英寸)
northern frigid zone北寒带
Northern hemi-sphere北半球
northern hemisphere北半球
Northern Himalayan geosyncline北喜马拉雅地槽
northern hole北方臭氧层空洞
northern Korean sea北朝鲜海
northern latitude北向
northern limit北界线
northern marginal deep fracture zone of the Sino-Korean platform中朝地台北侧深断裂系
northern middle latitude北半球中纬度
northern Pacific bivalve subprovince东北太平洋双壳类地理亚区
Northern pine北方松
Northern pine云杉松木
Northern pitch pine刚松
Northern pitch pine北美油松
northern platform depression北部台坳
northern polar region北极区
northern polarity北磁极性
northern reference star北天参考星
Northern Song official ware北宋官窑
northern stratosphere北方平流层
northern subpolar latitude近北极纬度
northern suburbs北郊
northern Vietnam sea北越海
northern Vietnam-Guangxi shallow sea北越一广西浅海
northern white cedar北美香柏
northern white pine北方白松
northern white pine北美乔松