
Terms for subject Environment containing Non | all forms | exact matches only
non-biodegradable pollutant An organic compound, usually synthetic, that is not decomposed or mineralized by microorganisms or other biological processes非生物降解的污染物 (一种有机化合物,通常是合成的,即不分解或由微生物或其它生物过程矿化。)
non-built-up area Areas which are not intensely developed for housing, commerce, industry, etc.非建成区 (住宅、商业、工业等没有充分发展的区域。)
non-compliance fees未服从的收费
non-conventional energy Energy that is renewable and ecologically safe, such as tidal power, wind power, etc.非传统能源 (能源是可再生的和生态安全的,如潮汐发电、风力发电等。)
non-cutinized attachment point非角化接触点
non-demesnial water A body of water that is owned and maintained by an individual or entity other than the national government非领地水 (个人或实体而非国家政府拥有并维护的水体。)
non-durable goods A good bought by consumers that tends to last for less than a year. Common examples are food and clothing. The notable thing about nondurable goods is that consumers tend to continue buying them regardless of the ups and downs of the business cycle非耐用商品 (消费者购买的往往使用不到一年的商品。常见的例子是食品和衣服。对于非耐用商品值得注意的是,消费者往往不顾商业周期的起伏而不断购买它们。)
non ferrous metal非铁〔有色〕金属
non-ferrous metal Any metal other than iron and its alloys非铁金属 (任何不是铁及铁合金的金属。)
non-ferrous metal industry Industry that deals with the processing of metals other than iron and iron-base alloys非铁金属业 (涉及不非铁和铁基合金等金属加工的产业。)
non-governmental organisation Private, voluntary, non-profit organisations, acting as pressure groups. Throughout the world there are more than 5.000 international NGOs which are concerned with the environment and development, with millions of supporters非政府组织 (私下的、自愿的、非营利的组织,充当压力集团的角色。在世界各地有超过5.000个国际非政府组织是与环境和发展有关的,其拥有数百万的支持者。)
non-ionising radiation Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effects非电离性辐射 (不改变原子结构但使组织变热并可能导致有害的生物效应的辐射。)
non-metal A nonmetallic element, such as arsenic or silicon, that has some of the properties of a metal非金属 (非金属元素,如砷或硅,即具有某金属的一些性质。)
non-metallic mineral Minerals containing non-metals, such as quartz, garnet, etc.非金属矿 (含有非金属的矿物,如石英、石榴石等)
non-point-source pollution非点源污染
non-polluting energy source Energy that is ecologically safe and renewable. The most widely used source is hydroelectric power, which currently supplies some 6.6% of the world's energy needs. Other non-polluting sources are solar energy, tidal energy, wave energy and wind energy. Most non-polluting energy sources require a high capital investment but have low running costs无污染性能源、清洁能源 (可再生和生态安全的能源。使用最广泛的是水力发电,目前提供世界能源需求的6.6%。其他非污染来源是太阳能、潮汐能、波浪能和风能。大多数非污染性能源,需要高资本投资,但运营成本低。)
non-polluting fuel Clean fuel that does not release polluting emissions in the environment, such as methane无污染性燃料 (清洁燃料,不会在环境中排放污染物,如甲烷。)
non-renewable energy resource Non-renewable resources have been built up or evolved over a geological time-span and cannot be used without depleting the stock and raising questions of ultimate exhaustibility, since their rate of formation is so slow as to be meaningless in terms of the human life-span不可再生能源 (非再生能源是在地质时间跨度上已建成或进化而成的,如果没有消耗储备将不能使用,同时提出了最终耗竭问题,因为它们的形成速度如此缓慢以致于对于人类生活跨度而言毫无意义。)
non-renewable resource A natural resource which, in terms of human time scales, is contained within the Earth in a fixed quantity and therefore can be used once only in the foreseeable future (although it may be recycled after its first use). This includes the fossil fuels and is extended to include mineral resources and sometimes ground water, although water and many minerals are renewed eventually不可再生资源 (就人类历史时间尺度而言,地球中含有固定数量的自然资源,因此在可以预见的将来仅能被使用一次(尽管它可能在第一次使用后被再利用)。这包括化石燃料和扩展到包括矿产资源、有时也包括地下水,虽然水和一些矿物质最后将被更新。)
non-residential building Area which provides commercial, industrial, and public facilities非住宅建筑物 (提供商业、工业和公共设施的区域。)
non-returnable container Any container for which no specific provisions for its return from the consumer or final use has been established一次性包装 (无特别要求消费者归还或已消耗完成的包装。)
non-target organism A plant or animal other than the one against which the pesticide is applied非目标生物 (不在农药作用范围内的植物或动物。)
non-use value生存价值
non-volatile substance Substance that is not capable of changing from a solid or liquid form to a vapour不易挥发物 (不能从固体或液体形式转变为气体的物质。)