
Terms for subject Commerce containing No | all forms | exact matches only
As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you一俟新货到来,我方即与你方联系
As there is no direct vessel to your port, the goods will have to be transhipped由于无直达船舶去你港,货物必须转运
bearing no interest不计利息
Brazilian No.3 fibre巴西三号纤维
Enclosed please find our Sales Contract No. 115 in duplicate, one of which please return duly countersigned随函附寄我第115号合约一式二份,请会签后退回一份
Enclosed we are sending you our proforma invoice No. 100 in five copies兹寄送我方第100号形式发票一式五份
have no authority to give the buyer a warranty不可向买方给予保证
have no use for those articles不喜欢那些货物
have no warrant to dishonour the draft没有理由拒付汇票
hold no liability for damages不负赔偿损失费责任
In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用
In pursuance of our Sales Confirmation No. 110, we've shipped 1,000 M/T peanut per s.s. Prince我方已将1,000公吨花生装王子号货轮,以执行我方第110号销售确认书
It is difficult to identify Case No. 20 among several hundred others从数百箱中找出第20 箱是不容易的
jointly or severally assume no liability集体或单独地均不承担责任
no account无往来账户
No alteration can be made in the colour scheme配色不能改变
no change没有变化
no charge machine-fault time机器故障免费时间
no claim bonus无赔偿折扣
no claim discount无赔偿折扣
no cost无代价
no cure, no pay海上救助无效果无报酬
No deduction in pay is made for absence due to illness因病请假不扣薪
no delivery无法送达
no effects银行无存款
no expiration date无到期日
no funds银行账户存款不足
no funds银行存款不足
no hooks勿用铁钩
no mean advantage不可轻视的有利条件
no-par stock美国无面值股票
no par value非票面价
no par value非票面值
no par value share美国无面值股票
no par value stock美国无面值股票
No preconditions should be imposed不应强加先决条件
no protest non-acceptance未拒付
no protest non-acceptance亦未承兑
no protest nonacceptance在拒绝承兑时免作拒绝证书
no revenue无税收
no revenue无岁入
no right to modify the terms of the contract无权修改合同条款
no risk after discharge保险卸货后不担保
no sufficient funds银行存款资金不足
no sufficient funds check存款不足支票
no test来电无密押
no transshipment不可转运
no value无商业价值
Our Debit Note No. 15 has not been settled我方第15号借方通知仍未得到偿付
permit of no delay不容许延误
Please amend your L/C No. 1122 to read "partial shipments allowed"请将你方1122 号信用证修改为"允许分运"
Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证
Please extend L/C No. 2210 for 20 days请将第2210号信用证展期20天
Shipment allows of no delay装运不容延误
show no neglect of duty不玩忽职守
Since we have received no reply from you, we conclude that you have already covered your requirements由于未接到贵方答复,我方以为贵方已购足所需货物
stated value no par stock规定发行价格的无面值股票
subject to approval, no risk须予批准,无风险
The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证
The buyer raised no objection to this slight alternation买主对此项细小变动未提岀反对意见
The buyers have no interest in piece goods买主对布匹不感兴趣
The prices admit no abatement价格不容削减
The usual route is no longer available通常的航线不再可使用
There appears to be no difficulty in marketing these goods销售这些货物看来没有什么困难
There is no activity in the market市场呆滞
there is no direct vessel this month本月无直航货轮
There is no inclination on the part of buyers to place new orders with us买主无意向我方递交新的订单
There is no indication that the buyer is ready to accept your terms and conditions没有迹象表明买主准备接受你方条件
There is no likelihood of the price going down价格无下降的可能性
There is no margin for reduction没有减价的余地
There is no marked qualitative difference between these two articles两种商品在质量上没有明显区别
There is no necessity to go into further details没有必要进一步详述细节
There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌
There is no object in making the matter more complicated把事情搞得更复杂没有意义
There is no precedent to go by没有先例可援引
There is no probability of their re-entering the market in the near future他们在近期内不可能买货
There is no visible sign of a revival of the market市场没有明显恢复的迹象
Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition我们决不可忽视引进技术的原则
Under no circumstances will the seller accept the return of goods specially procured for the buyer在任何情况下,卖方均不接受买方退回专门采购的货物
use no hook切勿用钩
use no hooks勿用挂钩
We have no dealings with those customers我们与那些客户没有业务来往
We have no doubt that you will respect the solemnity of contractual obligations我们毫不怀疑你方将尊重合同义务的严肃性
We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要
We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 999 in duplicate兹附寄我方第999号销售确认书一式两份
We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate兹附去我方第100号销售确认书一式两份 (in two copies)
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 2023 covering this transaction我们兹附寄有关本次交易的2023号销售合同
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience请尽早签署后退寄一份供存
We herewith enclose our S/C No. 1144 in duplicate for this transaction. Please sign the counterpart and return it to us for our file at your earliest convenience兹附寄此笔交易的第1144号合同一式二份
We understand that there is a good demand for our products in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. 2511 for your consideration我方了解到你方市场对我方产品需求强劲,借此机会附上我方第2511号报价单,以供你方参考
With regard to S/C No. 5012, please ship the goods as soon as possible关于第5012 号销售合同,请尽快装运货物
Your Debit Notes No. 9 and No. 10 overlapped你方第九号与第十号索款通知重复了
Your immediate attention to the shipment of our order No. 1122 will be much appreciated我方不胜感激你方立即办理我方1122号订单的货物装运
Your L/C covering our S/C No. 5051 has so far failed to appear有关我第5051号销售确认书项下的信用证至今尚未岀现
Your order No. 55 cannot be countermanded at this stage你方第55 号订单不可在此阶段予以取消
Your Order No. 100 will soon be completed你方第100 号订单不久将执行完毕