
Terms for subject Chemistry containing No | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural emulsifier No. 600农乳 600 号
antiseptics No.l for papermaking纸防一号
Bunt-No-More六氯代苯-3 (农药)
consignor's No.孕货单位编号
go-or-no-go gage过不过验规
go-or-no-go gauge过不过验规
layer of no-motion无流层
magnesium no oxidation reactor镁诺克斯反应堆
manufacturing No.出厂编号
maximum no effect level最大安全量
mieyouniao No. 3灭幼脲三号
nitrone C:NO亚硝氮碳基
no-bond resonance无键共振
no-bond resonance超共轭效应
no carrier added不加载体
NO • HSO₄ nitrosyl sulfate硫酸亚硝酰酯
no-load release无负荷跳闸
no-load run无负荷运行
no-load running test无载运转试验
no-load test空转试验
no-mechanism reaction无机理反应
no observed effect level最大安全量
No.of grade代号
Ph NO2nitrobenzene <-> 硝基苯
rubber cement No.8888 号胶浆
soybean extracting solvent No.66号抽提溶剂油
suniao No. 1 a larvicide灭幼脲三号
suniao No.la larvicide苏脲一号
The concentration of acid in these products is so low that our digestive systems are easily capable of coping with it with no harm to us这些产品的酸浓度非常低,我们消化系统很容易将其处理掉,不会对身体造成任何伤害