
Terms for subject Business containing My | all forms | exact matches only
According to my condition, could you recommend a metal security door with the proper size to me?根据我的情况,你能推荐一款大小合适的金属防盗门吗?
beggar-my-neighbor policy以邻为壑政策
beggar-my-neighbor tactics以邻为壑
beggar-my-neighbour policy以邻为壑的政策指资本主义国家在国际贸易中采取出口津贴、倾销、高关税壁垒、货币贬值等措施,以限制进口,减轻本国经济困难,输出失业,转嫁危机, 损人利己,以邻为壑
beggar-my-neighbour policy损人利己的外贸政策
He held my arm in a vise-like grip他的手像老虎钳一样紧紧抓住了我的手臂
in my submission依我的论点
my account敝账
my account入我账
my dispatch我方函电
my letter我方函件
my mailgram我…函
my mailgram我方函
my message参见我电
my message我方电报
my serial参见我…号电
my telegram参见我电
my telegram我方电报
refer to my telephone call参照我方通话
reference to my radio参照我方无线电报
reference to my telegram参照我方电报
reference to my telephone call参照我方通话
under my hand and seal由本人签名盖章