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Terms containing Ministry Of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
anim.husb.Animal Health Division of Ministry of Agriculture农业部兽医卫生处
bridg.constr.apply to the Ministry of Railways for approval呈请铁道部审批
gen.British Ministry of Information英国新闻部
gen.British Ministry of Supply英国供应部
securit.Brunei International Financial Center of the Ministry of Finance文莱财政部国际金融中心
tech.centre for geologic remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry核工业部地质遥感应用中心
tech.centre for geological remote sensing applications/ministry of nuclear industry核工业部地质遥感应用中心
UN, polit.contact points at their permanent missions to the United Nations in New York and at the ministry/agency principally responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures驻纽约的常驻联合国代表团以及负责实施制裁措施的主要部委/机构的指定联络点
bridg.constr.design specially permitted by the Ministry of Railways经铁道部特准的设计
gen.Directorate of Guided Missiles, Ministry of Supply供给部导弹局
China, lawdo not fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and commissions不属于各部和各委员会
tech.Environment Ministry of United Kingdom英国环境部
China, polit.exercise unified leadership over the work of the ministries and commissions统一领导各部和各委员会的工作
China, polit.fall within the jurisdiction of the ministries and commissions在部委管辖权限之内
earth.sc.federal ministry of mines and power联邦矿产与动力部尼日利亚
earth.sc.Federal Ministry of Mines and Power Nigeria联邦矿产与动力部尼日利亚
earth.sc.Federal Ministry of Water Resources Nigeria联邦水资源部尼日利亚
earth.sc.Federal Republic of Germany Ministry of Research and Technology德国研究技术部
el.French Ministry of Telecommunications法国电信部
econ.He is a high-grade official from the Ministry of Commerce他是商业部的一位高级官员
securit.Japan Ministry of Finance, Securities Bureau日本大藏省证券局
anim.husb.Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture of Great Britain英国农业部杂志
busin.millimeter Ministry of Mines毫米
China, lawministers assume overall responsibility for the work of the ministry ministries and commissions部长、主任负责制
China, lawministers in charge of ministries各部部长
China, polit.ministers in charge of ministries or commissions of the State Council国务院部长、委员会主任
spaceMinistry of Aeronautics and Astronautics航空航天部 (中国,已取消)
org.name.Ministry of Agricultural Machine-building Industry农业机械部
org.name.Ministry of Agriculture农业部
anim.husb.Ministry of Agriculture中华人民共和国农业部 (PRC)
gen.Ministry of Agriculture农业部
desert.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries农业和渔业部
anim.husb.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries农渔部新西兰
gen.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries农业渔业部
tech.Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry农林部
manag.ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food农渔及粮食部
anim.husb.Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food农业、渔业和食品部
China, polit.Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国农业部
gen.Ministry of Aircraft Production航空工业部
avia.Ministry of Aircraft Production〔英〕飞机生产工业部
interntl.trade.ministry of aircraft production飞机生产部
gen.Ministry of Aircraft Production飞机工业部
busin.Ministry of Audit审计局
gen.Ministry of Aviation航空部
manag.ministry of chemical industry化学工业部
busin.ministry of chemical industry化工部
busin.ministry of civil affairs民政部
China, polit.Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国民政部
avia.Ministry of Civil Aviation民用航空部
gen.Ministry of Civil Aviation民航部
manag.ministry of coal industry煤炭工业部
commer.Ministry of Commerce中国商业部
interntl.trade.ministry of commerce商业部
econ.Ministry of Commerce商务部
securit.Ministry of Commerce商务部
avia.Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy〔韩〕商业、工业和能源部
China, polit.Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国商务部
org.name.Ministry of Communication交通部
manag.ministry of communications交通部
el.Ministry of Communications通信部
spaceMinistry of Communications Equipment Industry通信设备工业部 (苏联)
China, polit.Ministry of Communications of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国交通部
bridg.constr.Ministry of Construction建设部
earth.sc.Ministry of Construction日本建设省 (Japan)
China, polit.Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国建设部
UN, afghan.Ministry of Counter-Narcotics禁毒事务部
econ.Ministry of Culture文化部
China, polit.Ministry of Culture of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国文化部
org.name.Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国文化部
auto.Ministry of Defence国防部
el.Ministry of Defence国防部英国,印度,以色列
gen.Ministry of Defence国防部
avia.Ministry of Defence and Aviation〔沙〕国防航空部
spaceMinistry of Defense国防部
spaceMinistry of Defense Industry国防工业部 (苏联)
manag.ministry of economic affairs经济部
el.Ministry of Economic Affairs经济事务部
manag.ministry of economic relations with foreign countries对外经济联络部
auto.Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry经济产业省
busin.Ministry of Education教育部
China, polit.Ministry of Education of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国教育部
org.name.Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国教育部
busin.ministry of electric industry电子工业部
el.Ministry of Electric Power Industry电力工业部
earth.sc.Ministry of Electricity and Water科威特电力与水利部 (Kuwait)
spaceMinistry of Electronics Industry电子工业部 (苏联)
earth.sc.ministry of energy, water resources and development能源、水资源和开发部
environ.Ministry of Environment and Energy加拿大环境与能源部
earth.sc.Ministry of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources委内瑞拉环境和再生自然资源部 (Venezuela)
org.name.Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国环境保护部
busin.Ministry of External Affairs外交部
econ.Ministry of Finance日本大藏省
manag.ministry of finance财政部
securit.Ministry of Finance财政部
China, polit.Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国财政部
org.name., securit.Ministry of Finance Securities Bureau, Japan日本大藏省证券局
agric.ministry of fisheries渔业部
manag.ministry of food粮食部
manag.ministry of foreign affairs外交部
China, polit.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国外交部
org.name.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国外麦部
comp.name.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国外交部
el.Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade对外经济关系与贸易部中国
comp.name.Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部
manag.ministry of foreign trade对外贸易部
busin.ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation对外贸易经济合作部
earth.sc.ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation国外贸易和经济合作部
el.Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation对外贸易与经济合作部中国
econ.Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部
anim.husb.Ministry of Forestry林业部 (China)
econ.Ministry of For&gn Trade and Economic Cooperation对外贸易经济合作部
earth.sc.ministry of fuel and power燃料电力部
interntl.trade.ministry of fuel and power燃料动力部
econ.Ministry of Fuel and Power燃料动力部
econ.Ministry of Fuel and Power英国燃料和能源部
spaceMinistry of General Machine Building通用机器制造部 (苏联航天器、运载火箭制造部)
org.name.Ministry of Geology地质部
anim.husb.Ministry of Health卫生部
tech.Ministry of Health卫生部
manag.ministry of health and social affairs卫生社会部
econ.Ministry of Health and Welfare日本厚生省
China, polit.Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国卫生部
tech.Ministry of Housing住房建设部
manag.ministry of housing and local government地方政府事务部
earth.sc.Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P. R. China中华人民共和国住房与城乡建设部
org.name.Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部
org.name.Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部
busin.ministry of industry工业部
interntl.trade.ministry of industry and commerce工商部
org.name.Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
org.name.Ministry of Industry of Constructional Material建筑材料工业部
sport.Ministry of Information Industry信息、产业部
telecom.Ministry of Information Industry信息产业部原邮电部与电子工业部于1998 年合并而成
telecom.Ministry of Information Industry信息产业部原邮电部与电子工业部于 1998年合并而成
el.Ministry of Information Industry信息产业部中国
sport.Ministry of Information Industry信息产业部
China, polit.Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国信息产业部
econ.Ministry of International Trade and Industry日本通商产业省、通产省
avia.Ministry of International Trade and Industry通商产业部
auto.Ministry of International Trade and Industry通商产业省
spaceMinistry of International Trade and Industry通产省 (日本)
interntl.trade.ministry of international trade and industry国际贸易与工业部
interntl.trade.Ministry of International Trade and Industry日本通商产业省
earth.sc.ministry of international trade and industry Japan通商产业省日本
avia.Ministry of International Trade and Industry〔日〕通商产业部
el.Ministry of International Trade and Industry日本
gen.Ministry of International Trade and Industry
econ.Ministry of Justice司法部
China, polit.Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国司法部
busin.ministry of labor劳动部
org.name.Ministry of Labour劳动部
manag.ministry of labour劳工部
econ.Ministry of Labour加拿大劳工部
econ.Ministry of Labour and Social Security劳动和社会保障部
China, polit.Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国劳动和社会保障部
ecol.Ministry of Land and Resources国土资源部
earth.sc.Ministry of Land and Resources of the P. R. China中华人民共和国国土资源部
org.name.Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国土殡源部
China, polit.Ministry of Land and Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国土资源部
auto.Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport国土交通省
manag.ministry of light industry轻工业部
busin.ministry of machine building机械工业部
busin.ministry of machine building industry机械工业部
manag.ministry of machine-building机械工业部
met.Ministry of Metallurgical Industry冶金工业
met.Ministry of Metallurgical Industry冶金工业部
busin.Ministry of Mines矿业部
gen.Ministry of Mines斤业部
earth.sc.ministry of mines and energy矿业和能源部
earth.sc.ministry of mines and power矿业和电力部尼日
econ.Ministry of National Defence国防部
gen.Ministry of National Defence国防部
org.name.Ministry of National Defence o£ the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国防部
China, polit.Ministry of National Defence of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国国防部
el.Ministry of National Defense国防部韩国
busin.Ministry of National Defense国防部
avia.ministry of national defense〔韩〕国防部
manag.ministry of national development国家发展部
manag.ministry of national economy国家经济部
earth.sc.ministry of natural resources Canada自然资源部加拿大
earth.sc.ministry of natural resources Ontario安大略省自然资源局加拿大
econ.Ministry of Natural Resources加拿大自然资源部
oilMinistry of Oil and Mineral Resources石油与矿产资源部
earth.sc.ministry of overseas development海外开发部
econ.Ministry of Overseas Development英国海外发展部
UK, spaceMinistry of Overseas Development海外开发部
interntl.trade.ministry of overseas development海外发展部
econ.Ministry of Overseas Development英国海外开发部 (UK)
econ.Ministry of Pension and National Insurance英国年金和国民保险部
manag.ministry of pensions and national insurance年金和国民保险部
econ.Ministry of Personnel人事部
China, polit.Ministry of Personnel of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国人事部
econ.Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals阿曼石油矿产部
manag.ministry of petroleum industry石油工业部
earth.sc.Ministry of Planning沙特阿拉伯规划部 (Saudi Arabia)
el.Ministry of Post and Telecommunications日本邮电省
auto.Ministry of Post and Telecommunications邮电部
tech.Ministry of Posts and Tele Communication邮电部
org.name.Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communication邮电部
econ.Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications邮电部
econ.Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications日本邮电省、邮电部
telecom.Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications0 本邮政省
telecom.Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications日本邮政省
telecom.Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications中国邮电部
busin.Ministry of Posts and Tele-Communications邮电部
spaceMinistry of Posts & Telecommunications日本邮政省
earth.sc.ministry of power英国电力部
org.name.Ministry of Power电力部
manag.ministry of power industry电力工业部
org.name.Ministry of Public Health卫生部
econ.Ministry of Public Security公安部
China, polit.Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国公安部
tech.Ministry of Public Works公共工程部
tech.Ministry of Public Works市政工程部
earth.sc.Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources Egypt公共工程和水资源部埃及
el.Ministry of Radio, Film and Television广播电影电视部中国
spaceMinistry of Radio Industry无线电工业部 (苏联)
manag.ministry of railway铁道部
org.name.Ministry of Railways铁道部
commer.Ministry of Railways中国铁道部
China, polit.Ministry of Railways of the Peopled Republic of China中华人民共和国铁道部
org.name.Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国铁道部
tech.Ministry of Railways Traffic Management Center铁道部运输指挥中心
el.Ministry of Science and Technology科学技术部韩国
el.Ministry of Science and Technology科学技术部中国
econ.Ministry of Science and Technology科学技术部
China, polit.Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国科学技术部
org.name.Ministry of State Farms农垦部
econ.Ministry of State Security国家安全部
China, polit.Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国家安全部
econ.Ministry of Supervision监察部
China, polit.Ministry of Supervision of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国监察部
econ.Ministry of Supply英国陆军供应部 (Land)
manag.ministry of supply land陆军供应部
gen.Ministry of Supply供给部
earth.sc.ministry of technology技术部
manag.ministry of textile industry纺织工业部
earth.sc.ministry of the gas industry天然气工业部所属
org.name.Ministry of Timber Industry林业部
manag.ministry of town and country planning城乡规划部
econ.Ministry of Town and Country Planning英国城乡规划部
el.Ministry of Trade and Industry工贸部韩国
el.Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy工贸能源部韩国
auto.Ministry of Transport交通部
auto.Ministry of Transport运输省
econ.Ministry of Transport英国运输部
oilMinistry of Transport日本运输省
manag.ministry of transport运输部
spaceMinistry of Transport运输部
tech.Ministry of Transport交通部
avia.Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation〔英〕运输和民用航空部
avia.Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation运输和民用航空部
gen.Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation运输与民航部
org.name.Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国交通运输部
auto.Ministry of Transportation运输部
auto.Ministry of Transportation交通部
tech.Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection城乡建设环境保护部
spaceministry of war communications战时通信部
earth.sc.Ministry of Water and Power伊朗水电部 (Iran)
org.name.Ministry of Water Conservancy水力部
tech.Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electric Power水利电力部
tech.Ministry of Water Conservancy and Electrical Power水利电力部
earth.sc.Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals Tanzania水利、能源和矿产部坦桑尼亚
hydroel.st.Ministry of water Resources水利部
hydroel.st.Ministry of water Resources and Electric Power水利电力部
tech.Ministry of Water Resources and Electrical Power水利电力部
China, polit.Ministry of Water Resources of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国水利部
econ.Ministry of Works英国建筑工程部
tech.Ministry of Works建筑工程部
manag.ministry of works建筑工程部
textileMinistry of Works工程部
gen.Ministry of Works工程部
tech.Nature and Environmental Protection Ministry of France法国自然与环境保护部
earth.sc.New Zealand Electricity Division of Ministry of Energy新西兰能源部电力局
earth.sc.Ontario Ministry of Environment Canada安大略省环境部加拿大
earth.sc.Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy Canada安大略省环境与能源部加拿大
earth.sc.Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Canada安大略省自然资源部加拿大
earth.sc.Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources安大略省自然资源部加拿大
earth.sc.Ontario Ministry of the Environment Canada安大略省环境部加拿大
China, polit.positions of departments, offices, bureaux of ministries/commissions各部委、办、局内职务名称
fin.Postal Insurance Bureau of the Japanese Posts and Telecommunications Ministry日本邮政省简易保险局 (日本在外国债券和外汇市场上的主要机构投资者之一)
spaceSpace Unit of Soviet Ministry of Defence苏联国防部航天部队
bridg.constr.special permission by the Ministry of Railways经铁道部特别批准
gen.Specifications issued by British Standards Institution for the Ministry of SupplySTA 技术规范
gen.Specifications issued by British Standards Institution for the Ministry of Supply英国标准协会〔代供应部颁布的〕技术规范
bridg.constr.Standards of Ministry of Railways of P. R. C.中华人民共和国铁道部标准
China, polit.the executive meetings of ministries部务会议
China, polit.the Legal Aid Center of the Ministry of Justice司法部法律援助中心
manag.the licence of production issued by the ministry部颁特许生产
China, polit.the Ministers in charge of ministries of the State Council国务院各部部长
China, polit.the Ministry of Agriculture农业部
shipb.The Ministry of Communications and Transportation of PRC中华人民共和国交通运输部
China, polit.the Ministry of Finance财政部
gen.the Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部
auto.The Ministry of International Trade and Industry通商产业省
China, polit.the Ministry of Justice司法部
bridg.constr.The Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国铁道部
China, polit.the ministry of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国……部
water.res., ecol.The Ministry of Water Resource of China市国水利部
China, polit.the Ministry of Water Resources水利部
tech.The Ministry of Water Resources of CHina中国水利部
China, polit.the orders, directives and regulations of the ministries and commissions of the State Council国务院各部、各委员会的命令、指示和规章
expl.This university ed under the Ministry of Education a decade ago这所大学十年前隶属教育部