
Terms for subject Project management containing Menu | all forms | exact matches only
Add additional menu commands to the submenu将其他的菜单命令添加到子菜单中
cascading menu层叠菜单
child menu子菜单
context-sensitive menu上下文相关的菜单
drop-down menu下拉型菜单
hierarchical menu分级菜单
Insert the emoticon symbol by using the Symbol command on the Insert menu在 "插入" 菜单上、使用"符号"命令来插入图释符号
pull-down menu下拉菜单
So, for the first week or two after the switchover use the converter box's on-screen menu periodically to scan for new digital stations因此、数字电视转换后一到两周、要使用机顶盒屏幕菜单定期扫描新的数字电视台
To run the spelling and grammar checker, click Spelling and Grammar on the Tools menu要运行拼写和语法检查器、请单击"工具"菜单上的"拼写和语法"