
Terms for subject Sports containing Master | all forms | exact matches only
drill master教练
grand master特级大师
grand master国手
international master of sports国际健将运动员
master hand高手
Master Men: A male athlete who has reached his 35th birthday老将男子组:年满 35 周岁的男子运动员
Master of Ceremonieы主持人
Master of Ceremonieы司仪
master of ceremonies电视等的节目主持人
master of ceremonies司仪
master of ceremony司仪
master of sports运动健将
master's degree健将级
Master's two-step exercise test马斯特二阶梯运动试验
master sportsman运动健将
master the basic skills掌握基本功
Master Women: A female athlete who has reached her 35th birthday老将女子组:年满 35 周岁的女子运动员 (注释:按习惯说法,少年通常指 10〜15 岁的人;青年通常指 16〜30 岁的人。这与国际田联规则中青、少年年龄组的划分有一定区别)
sports master运动健将
sports master体育专家