
Terms for subject China containing Mass | all forms | exact matches only
a mass movement群众运动
disturb the order of large-scale mass activity扰乱大型群众性活动秩序
follow the mass line走群众路线 (in legislative work)
large-scale mass activity大型群众性活动
laws pertaining to systems for regional ethnic autonomy, special administrative regions and primary-level mass self-governance有关民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度的法律
make things convenient to the mass方便群众
mass activities群众性活动
mass-based organization群众性组织
mass cultural activities群众性的文化活动
mass health and sanitation activities群众性的卫生活动
mass line群众路线
mass organization of science and technology群众性科学技术组织
mass organizations社会团体
mass organizations of self-management群众性自治组织
mass prediction and disaster prevention群测群防
mass science and technology organization群众性科学技术组织
mass sport activities群众性的体育活动
members of the general public, primary-level mass, ordinary workers, people at the grass-roots level基层群众
opinions of the mass群众意见
primary-level mass基层群众
primary-level mass self-governance基层群众自治
promote health and sanitation activities of a mass character开展群众性的卫生活动
relay the opinions and demands of the mass反映群众的意见和要求
rely on the mass依靠群众
self-government by the mass群众自治
sponsor mass cultural activities开展群众性的文化活动
supervision by the mass群众监督