
Terms for subject Economy containing Marked | all forms | exact matches only
a beacon mark售标
a care mark小心标志
a care mark注意标志
a caution mark小心标志
a caution mark注意标志
a confliction mark抵触标记
a defensive mark保护性商标
a marked application form有记号的申请书
a pictorial trade mark商标图案
a protective mark保护性商标
a symbolic mark标志
a symbolic mark记号
a tag with the price marked on it一个标明价码的标签
a various mark提单批语同批货不同标志
a warning mark注意标志
a warning mark警告标志
an assay mark试金标准
an owner's mark物主记号
below the mark标准之下
bench mark水准基标
blocked mark account冻结了的马克账户
brand mark商标名称
cargo mark货物装运标志
class mark等级标志
confusing mark易混淆的商标
consignee marks寄销人标志
conventional mark惯有符号
cost mark商人用的成本暗码
counter mark对号
country of origin mark货物原产国标志
cumulative mark-on累积成本加价
dangerous mark危险标志
darkest mark最暗标证
date mark日期戳记
Deutsche Mark德国马克缩写为 DM
different mark不同标志
down to the mark重量满载
draw marks水尺
draw marks吃水标志
Euro mark欧洲马克
fiducial mark标准
figurative elements of trade marks商标的图形要素
figurative mark图形标记
flexible mark-up pricing伸缩加成定价法
free-board marks干舷标志
fresh water mark淡水载线
GB kite mark达标标志
Gross and net weight have been marked on package包上已标岀毛重和净重
gross mark-on percentage总增加算价百分法
imitate a trade-mark冒牌仿造商标
In fall, clothing for summer wearing marked down for sale在秋季,夏天穿的衣服减价出售
In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的
indicative and warning mark指示性警告性标志
indicative mark指示性标记
infringement of trade mark商标权的侵犯
instructive mark指示标记
insufficient mark不清唛头
JES mark日本技术规格
leading mark识别货物的标志 (主唛头)
leading marks认定货物的标志
loading mark载重
mark a product "for export only"在产品上标明"仅供出口"
mark down标低商品的价格 (the goods)
mark-down percentage降价率
mark down transaction减价处理 (销售)
mark indistinct提单批注标志不清
mark obliterated提单批注标志消失
mark off划分出
mark out划分出
mark out规划
mark the price标价
mark up (the price, 价)
marked check银行保兑的支票
marked weight标重量
merchandise marks商标
mint mark硬币上表示铸造厂的印记
no marks无标记
optimal cartel mark-up rate最适当的卡特尔加价率
optimal monopoly mark-up最适当的垄断加价
optimal rate of mark-up最适当的加价率
over the mark估计过高
over the mark超过限度
over the mark…超过限度
Packages should be marked and numbered, as per shipping instructions包装应按装运指示印上标记并编号
Please mark the shipped cartons with continuous numbers请在装运的纸板箱上标上序号
plimsoll mark吃水线
principal mark包装等的主要标志
registered trade mark注册商标
sell at marked price明码售价
shipping mark装船唛头
shipping mark装船标记
shop mark商标
the article marked at £1.5标价为 1.5 英镑
The decrease of petrol price has a marked influence on the economy of OPEC countries石油价格的下降对石油组织国家的经济造成了显著的影响
the inadequacy of mark标志欠缺不全
The label of the product bears its trade mark产品的标签上有该产品的商标
The license shall discontinue the use of the trade mark if the license lapses如本许可证期满,被许可人必须立即停止使用本商标
the mark inflation标高价格的通货膨胀
the mark mixed提单批注 标志混淆
the mark-up percentage加成率
the marked freight prepaid标明运费预付
The marks on all packages were legible所有包裹上的标志都清楚无误
the mint mark印记
the original mark-up原始加价
The packages will be marked and numbered strictly according to your shipping instructions这些装包货物将严格按你方装船须知标明和编号
the Plimsoll mark装载线
the Plimsoll mark吃水线
the shipping marks发货标志
the shipping marks运输标志
They anticipated that the mark would rise in step with the Japanese yen during the last quarter of the year他们预计四季度马克将与日元一起升值,升值率相同
three dimension marks立体商标
three dimension marks三维标志
trade mark商标专用权
Trade Mark Act商标法案
trade mark infringement侵犯商标权行为
trade mark infringement冒用商标
trade mark infringement侵犯商标专用权
trade mark licence商标使用许可证
trade-mark license商标注册证
trade-mark registration certificate商标注册证书
Unless otherwise advised, we will mark the packages as per the drawing given除非你方另有通知,我们将在包装箱上按所给的图样刷唛头
Unless otherwise stated, we will stencil the same shipping mark as before除非你方另有说明,我们将延用以前的装船唛头
various mark不同标志
warning mark警告标示
X-mark signature "X"符号签字