
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Mark | all forms | exact matches only
abrasion marks擦伤痕迹
abrasion marks擦痕
adjustment mark调准标记
base of hook-type oscillation mark钩型振痕波谷
base of oscillation mark振痕波谷 (勿按 base 的常用义将 base of oscillation mark 翻译成"振痕基础": Undoubtedly, thin shell can increase the probability of a breakout or bleeder to initiate at the base of an oscillation mark, especially when other adverse factors, such as higher superheat, higher mold friction or stream impingement are superimposed. 勿容置疑,薄坯壳会增加在振痕波谷处开始漏钢或渗钢的几率,特别是当还存在着一些诸如较高的过热度、较大的结晶器摩擦力或注流冲击等其他不利因素叠加在一起时更是如此。)
bench mark programme基准程序
bottom of oscillation mark振痕波谷
cable mark电缆编号
cable mark电缆标志
catcher marks【压】 夹痕 (咬夹机构在板材上造成的印痕)
catcher marks夹痕
centre-punch mark冲孔标记
chatter mark辊印
chatter mark震颤纹
chatter marks震颤纹 (拉拔缺陷)
chatter marks【压】 辊印
check mark检验标记
check mark发裂
check mark微裂纹
coil wrench mark板【带】卷折印
collar mark辊印
collar mark辊环痕
collar marks辊印
collar marks环形痕迹
collar marks轧制缺陷辊环痕
colored mark of finished steel products钢材涂色标记 (【技】为了区别供货钢材的批号、炉号、钢号、质量等级以及其他差别,按标准规定在各种钢材上用不同颜色所做的标记。)
compression mark压痕
continuous casting oscillation mark formation control连铸振痕形成控制
control of oscillation mark formation during continuous casting连续铸钢振痕形成控制
datum mark
datum mark基准点标高
datum mark基准点标高
deep oscillation mark深振痕
depression-type oscillation marks凹陷型振痕
depth of oscillation mark振痕深度 (When the heat fluxes in the meniscus region are similar and the mold oscillation parameters are constant, the depths of the oscillation marks vary according to the mold flux consumption. 当金属弯月面区热通量基本相同,结晶器振动参数保持恒定时,振痕深度变化取决于结晶器保护渣耗量。)
distance between oscillation marks振痕间距
dog marks爪痕 (轧材硬伤)
dog marks【压】牙痕
dog marks【钢】 碰伤
dog marks牙痕
dog marks碰伤
dog marks硬伤 (钢锭缺陷)
draw mark拉延刮痕
drum mark磁鼓标志
effect of powder type on oscillation mark保护渣类型对振痕的影响
emblem mark象征
emblem mark标记
end-of-file mark文件结束标志
filling mark填充标记
filling mark充注线
folded-type oscillation mark【连】 折叠型振痕
formation of oscillation marks振痕形成 (① The formation of oscillation marks largely is the result of the interaction between the casting flux and the mold movement 振痕的形成主要是连铸保护渣和结晶器运动相互作用的结果。② Considering that heat fluxes in the meniscus region have a more significant impact on the formation of the oscillation marks, average heat fluxes in the first 5 cm below the meniscus were determined and used as a reference for mold flux evaluation. 考虑到金属弯月面区热通量对振痕的形成具有更为重要的影响,因而对金属弯月面以下5 cm 范围内的平均热通量进行了测定并将其作为评价结晶器保护渣的一个依据。)
friction mark表面擦伤 (【技】轧机高速轧制时,因润滑剂高温失效所导致的轧件表面擦伤。)
friction mark摩擦痕
gauge mark刻度标记
gauge mark刻度线
gauge marks刻度标记
gauge marks刻度线
gear mark齿轮震颤纹 (热镀锡板缺陷)
graduation mark刻度标记
grease mark油渍
grease mark油斑
grease marks油斑〔渍〕
grip mark爪痕
grip marks卡头痕
grip marks夹钳痕
grip marks夹痕
guide mark导卫划痕
guide marks导卫划痕 (轧材缺陷)
handling mark处理记号
handling mark凹陷
handling mark压痕
handling mark处理标记
head and tail transfer marks on strip带钢头尾运输印痕
hook-type oscillation mark凝固钩
hook-type oscillation mark【连】 钩型振痕
influence of mold taper on oscillation marks结晶器锥度对振痕的影响
jarring mark【压】 横【抖,颤】纹 (冷拔管横向缺陷)
jarring mark抖纹
manipulator mark推床痕
manufacturer's mark制造厂商标
manufacturer's mark工厂商标
meniscus mark金属弯月面痕 (【技】金属弯月面痕亦称波痕,主要由金属弯月面处钢水扰动所致。)
meniscus mark弯月面痕
meniscus overflow mark金属弯月面溢流型振痕
mould mark成型标志
nonuniform oscillation marks不均匀振痕
nonuniform oscillation marks【连】 非均匀振痕
number of oscillation marks振痕数
oscillation mark振痕
oscillation mark base振痕波谷
oscillation mark depth振痕深度 (Higher flux viscosity and lower flux consumption usually reduce the oscillation mark depth. 较高的保护渣黏度和较低的保护渣耗量通常会降低振痕深度。)
oscillation mark formation振痕形成
oscillation mark formation mechanism振痕形成机理
oscillation mark pitch振痕间距
oscillation mark shape振痕形状
oscillation mark spacing振痕间距 (Even under conditions of a non-varying casting speed and oscillation frequency, oscillation mark spacing increases as the level in mold rises and decreases as the level falls. 即使在拉坯速度和振频都不变化的条件下,振痕间距也会随着结晶器液位的升高而增大,结晶器液位的降低而减小。)
oscillation mark type振痕类型
oscillation marks振痕 (【技】在连铸过程中,由于结晶器的上下振动而在铸坯表面留下的周期性横向痕迹。它的深度与负滑脱时间、振幅大小、保护渣黏度及钢水成分有关。)
oscillation marks of variable depth变深振痕 (The behavior of the meniscus which is affected by metal level fluctuations, is another critical variable that can influence heat transfer and the progress of solidification, leading to a nonuniform shell and oscillation marks of variable depth. 受金属液面波动影响的金属弯月面特性是另一个可以影响传热和凝固进程的临界变量。它会导致非均匀坯壳和变深振痕。)
oscillation marks on continuously cast semifinished product连铸坯表面振痕
oscillation marks on slab surface【压】 板坯表面振痕
oscillation marks on strand连铸坯表面振痕 (【技】结晶器振动在连铸坯表面产生的横向痕迹。振痕处易形成裂纹和成份偏析,并且随着振痕深度的增加而加重。因此减小振痕深度有利于改善铸坯表面质量。研究表明,振频高、振幅小、拉坯速度大、负滑脱时间短、保护渣黏度大及消耗量少,振痕深度就浅。同时,采用一些新型结晶器,例如钻石形结晶器、曲面结晶器、抛物线结晶器等,也有利于减小振痕深度。)
oscillation marks on strand铸坯振痕
overflow type oscillation mark溢流型振痕 (【技】连铸期间钢水在结晶器内部分冻结的弧形金属弯月面上溢出形成的振痕,亦称钩型振痕。)
pin mark【压】 针印 (钢板与酸洗筐接触形成的缺陷)
pin mark针印
pitch of oscillation marks振痕间距
polarity mark极性符号
polarity mark极性标志
poor oscillation marks不良振痕
pop mark刻线
pop mark标记线
pop mark基准点
pop mark标距刻度
primary witness mark【连】 初始连系痕 (【技】在水平连铸的一个间歇拉坯周期中,分离环上凝固的坯壳与下一拉程新注人熔体连接处形成的拉程冷隔即为初始连系痕。)
ragging mark辊印
ragging marks辊印
reduction in oscillation mark depth振痕深度变浅
reference mark依据标志
ripple mark金属弯月面痕 (【技】根据美国纽约州罗切斯特市连铸咨询公司 (Casting Consultants, Inc., Rochester, N. Y.) 首席顾问 Edward S. Szekeres 论述,波痕通常较浅,在某些情况下它与振痕难以区别。但振痕和波痕的形成机理是不同的。前者由结晶器振动所致,后者则由金属弯月面处钢水扰动所致。: ① In some cases, it is difficult to distinguish between oscillation marks and ripple marks. 在某些情况下,振痕和波痕难以区分。② The common explanation is that ripple marks are the result of liquid level perturbations at the meniscus during casting. 通常人们的解释是波痕是连铸时金属弯月面处钢水面扰动的结果。 ripple weld 鳞状焊缝 ripple welding 波纹焊)
ripple mark【连】 波痕
ripple marks麻点
ripple marks波浪
roll marks轧痕 (轧件上的)
roller marks辊印
rub mark擦伤痕迹
rust mark锈痕
scale mark氧化皮印痕
scale mark氧化铁皮印迹
scrap mark废边印痕 (钢卷废边压人钢带中的缺陷)
scratch marks划痕 (钢板表面缺陷)
secondary witness mark二次连系痕 (【技】在水平连铸的一个拉坯周期内,起始于已凝固坯壳的上游凝固前沿和起始于分离环的下游凝固前沿汇合处形成的印痕。)
shallow oscillation mark浅振痕 (A higher flux viscosity leads to shallow oscillation marks because it resulting in less flux consumption. 由于较高的保护渣黏度导致保护渣用量减少,故较高的保护渣黏度导致了浅振痕。)
sheet wrench mark薄板折印 (缺陷)
skid mark滑道黑印 (加热炉的)
slip mark滑痕 (带钢表面缺陷)
spacing of oscillation marks振痕间距
spiral mark螺旋印
spreader mark展痕 (薄板表面人字形裂纹)
start mark开始火焰清理线
sticker mark粘痕 (薄板退火时粘结造成的缺陷)
strip mark带钢印痕
subscale mark辅助刻度
subscale mark副标尺
surface oscillation mark表面振痕
tail mark【压】 尾印
tail mark尾印
time-mark generator时标振荡器
time-mark generator时标信号发生器
traffic mark运输磕碰伤痕
V-shaped oscillation markV 形振痕
witness mark连系痕 (水平连铸的)
witness mark连接点
word mark字符
zero mark零位标志