
Terms for subject Ecology containing Marine | all forms | exact matches only
assessment of living marine resources海洋生物资源评价
benefit of marine resource exploitation海洋资源开发效益
classification of marine resource information海洋资源分类
coastal marine environment沿海海洋环境
Convention for the Prevention of Marine防止陆源物质污染海洋公约
Convention on Marine Fishery海洋渔业的国际公约
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources南极海洋生物资源养护公约
Convention Relating to the Protection of Marine Environment海洋环境保护的国际公约
development of ocean,marine development海洋开发
first marine water quality standard一级海水水质标准
group of experts on scientific aspects of marine pollution海洋污染科学问题联合专家组
Helsinki Commission for Baltic Marine Environment Protection赫尔辛基委员会波罗的海海洋环境保护委员会
index of economic evaluation for marine resources海洋资源经济评价指标
International Legal Conference on Marine Pollution Damage 19691969年国际海洋污染损害问题法律会议
International Marine Law国际海洋法
Law on Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution海洋污染防治法
liability for marine accidents海洋事故负责
marine algae resources海藻资源
marine aquaculture海洋水产养殖
marine biochemistry海洋生物化学
marine biological productivity海洋生物生产力
marine biological resources海洋生物资源
marine biosphere海洋生物圈
marine biotechnology海洋生物技术
marine climate海洋气候
marine climatic resources海洋气候资源
marine commercial fishes海洋经济鱼类
marine conservation海洋保护
marine conservation area海洋保护区
marine conventional element海水中的常量元素
marine corrosion海水侵蚀
marine deposit海洋沉积物
marine directional well海上定向井
marine disposal of waste海洋废物处理
marine drilling ship海上钻井船
marine ecology investigation海洋生态调查
marine economy海洋经济
marine energy resources海洋能源
marine engineering海洋工程学
marine environmental biology海洋环境生物学
marine environmental culture海洋环境文化
marine environmental industry海洋环境产业
marine environmental physics海洋环境物理学
Marine Environmental Protection Law海洋环境保护法
marine environmental supervision海洋环境监理
marine evaluation well海上评价井
marine exploration well海上勘探井
marine farming海洋开发
marine fish population海洋鱼类的毒液
marine fishery resources海洋渔业资源
marine fishing ground海洋渔场
marine fishing season海洋渔汛
marine food chain海洋生物链
marine functional zoning海洋功能区划
marine industry海洋产业
marine invasion海水入侵
marine life海洋生命
marine meteorology海洋大气学
marine microorganism海洋微生物
marine monitoring海洋监测
marine museum海洋馆
marine natural landscape海洋自然景观
marine natural reserve海洋自然保护区
marine oil pollution海洋石油污染
marine oil spill海上油漏
marine organochlorine pollution海洋有机氯污染
marine petroleum development海洋石油开发
marine pharmaceutical organism海洋药用生物
marine plankton海洋浮游生物
marine plant海洋植物
marine pollution monitoring海洋污染监控
marine product water水产[品]用水
marine radioactive pollution海洋放射性污染
marine resources development海洋资源开发
marine sediments海洋沉积物
marine structure海洋结构物
marine waste disposal海洋废物处理
pollution hazards of marine environment海洋环境污染损害
special marine protection area海洋特别保护区