
Terms for subject Business containing Mains | all forms
amount needed by main raw and semiprocessed materials主要原料需要量
asset enter main偿债资产
Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement在签订正式合同之前,我们再重申一下协议中的重点内容
China main port中国主要港口
direct current main直流电源
fire main消防总水管
gas main地下煤气管道
I recommend that you should order some main components since you have order 300 sets of electric welders, by which you can ensure the market supplies鉴于您已购买了300台电焊机,我建议您订购一些相关零部件,以保证市场供应
main account主要科目
main board总公司董事会
main board chairman总公司主席
main body of assets资产主体
main body of lessees承租主体
main book主要账簿
main business line主要营业项目
main chance获利最大机会
main chance获利的最大机会
main checking indicator主要检查指标
main crop主要农作物
main deck船舶主甲板
main diagonal block主对角块
main diagonal entry主对角数字
main economic actors经济主体
main econo-technical indicators主要经济技术指标
main end-use主要最终用途
main engine plant主机厂
main fact in issue争执中的主要事实
main factors要因
main factors主要因素
main frame主结构
main function主要功能
main grade主要等级
main grade头等
main grain-producing area主要产粮区
main guidelines for budgetary revenue预算收支安排主要原则
main guidelines for financial management财务管理主要原则
main indicator主要指标
main indicator of economy经济主要指标
main industrial sectors主要工业部门
main mark主唛
main mark包装主要标志
main material主要原材料
main material cost主宴材料成本
main member主构件
main memory management主存储管理
main motion主要动议
main part主要成分
main part of project主体工程
main point基本点
main procedure主程序
main producing industries主要生产部门
main profession主业
main risk基本险
main road干线道路
main routes transportation干线运输
main sector reports主要部门报告
main source of livelihood主要生活来源
Main Street正街
Main Street〈美〉大街
main supply depot补给总库
main terms主条款
main tool storage主要工具库
main trust line主干线
production volume of main products主要产品产量
Rectifier efficiency is one of the main specifications of large rectifier devices整流效率是大型整流设备的主要技术指标之一
traffic main artery交通干道
Would you tell me the main items you export?你们主要出口的产品是什么?