
Terms for subject Commerce containing MOST | all forms | exact matches only
Most buyers are hesitant about accepting the offer大多数买主对报价不愿贸然接受
most economical rating最经济额定值亦缩为 MER
most favourable national clause最惠国条款
most favourable national treatment最惠国待遇
Most little shops have been absorbed in big businesses大多数小商店已并入大公司
Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder否则大部分多余小麦就必须出口到世界市场上去
Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder除非共同体重新实行小麦改作牲口饲料的变性补贴
most urgent message加级急电报
the most favoured nation clause最惠国条款
The price increases bore most severely upon the people with fixed incomes物价上涨对固定收入的人们影响最大
This obtains with most people这是众所公认的
unconditional most-favoured-nation clause不附带条件的最惠国条款