
Terms for subject Technology containing MOST | all forms | exact matches only
aft most靠近船尾
al most-atoll island准环礁岛
direction of most severe wave attack最强浪向
four of the most important environmental factors最重要的四种环境因素
in most cases大多数情况下
in most of varieties在多数品种中
left-most bit最左位
left-most cell最左单元
left-most derivation最左导出
left-most terminal set左端终止集
left-most tree最左树
locally most powerful rank order test局部最大功效等级顺序检査
lower-most point最低点
most active element最易带出的元素
most advantage velocity最佳流速
most advantageous section最佳断面
most assumed accident最大假设事故
most cold water非常冷的水
most common metal最普通金属
most common scale最常用比例尺
most confidential绝密
most critical path最关键路线
most dangerous slip circle最危险滑动圆
most dense pile最紧密堆积
most destructive最有破坏性
most division has ceased多数分裂已停止
most economic conductor最经济的导线
most economical grade最经济坡度
most economical range最经济航程
most efficient load经济负荷
most efficient load最大效率时的负载
most-favored nation惠国
most favored nation clause惠国条款
most favored nation tariff最惠国税率
most favored nation treatment惠国待遇
most favoured licence clause最惠特许条款
most-favoured nation惠国
most favoured nation clause惠国条款
most favoured nation tariff最惠国税率
most favoured nation treatment惠国待遇
most favoured nation treatment clause最惠国待遇条款
most frequency water level出现频率最高的水位
most frequency water level最常水位
most frequency water stage出现频率最高的水位
most frequency wind direction最常见风向
most frequent size最可几大小
most frequent water level常水位
most frequent water level最常水位
most frequent wind direction风向最大频率
most frequent wind direction最常见风向
most frequent wind direction最多风向
most general unifier最一般的合一
most imperfect极不完全
most important variable rule最重要变量规则
most likely errors非常可能存在的错误
most likely time estimate最可能时间估计
most obvious极明显的
most of the commonly grown varieties多数普通栽培品种
most perfect极完全
most perfect cleavage最完全解理【地】
most permeable system高渗透系统
most possible number最大可能数
most powerful最大功效的
most powerful test最大功效检定
most probability position最大概率位置
most probable最可几的
most probable最可能的
most probable correction function最或然改正函数
most probable correction function最或然修正函数
most probable distribution最大可能分布
most probable end-to-end distance最可几端距
most probable error最概然误差
most probable error或然误差
most probable error最可能误差
most probable extreme value最可能极值
most probable number最大可能数
most probable number最近似值
most probable number index最可能数指数
most probable number method最可能数法
most probable number of coliform bacteria大肠菌群的最可能数
most probable number value最可能数值
most probable position最或然船位
most probable quantity最大可能数量
most probable selling price最有可能的售价
most probable speed最概然速率
most probable value或然值
most probable value最小或是值
most probable velocity最概然速度
most probable velocity最可几速度
most reactive condition最大后备反应性状态
most restrictive signal最大限制信号
most serious极严重的
most severe injury degree最大伤害度
most short资源急缺
most short严重不足
most significant bit最大有效位
most significant bit最高位
most significant bit最有效比特
most significant digit最高有效数
most significant digit最大有效位
most significant digit最高有效位 (数字)
most significant position最高数位
most smooth discontinuity极光滑的结构面
most stringent level alpha test最紧迫阿尔发水平检定
most stringent tests最紧迫检验
most suitable field intensity最适应的电场强度
most turbid极浊
most turbulent flow stage最汹水位
most turbulent stage of rapids/hazardous passage急、险滩最汹水位
most unsanitary water极不卫生的水
most-up-to-date science and technology最新科学技术成就
most working hydrostatic pressure工作最大静压
most worthy最有价值 (的)
most worthy最值得 (的)
next most significant word次高有效字
one of the most abundant substances自然界中最丰富的物质之一
rear-most axle后轴
select the most favorable alternatives挑选最佳方案
southern most最南端的
the most conspicuous early sign of attack受害初期最明显的迹象
the most disadvantageous combination of loads最不利荷载组合
the most disadvantageous load最不利荷载
the most important practical benefit最重要的实际价值
the most important sources of energy能量的最重要来源
the most probable velocity of molecular分子最可几速率
This important factor was scanted by most of us我们大多数人忽视了这一重要因素
uniformly most powerful confidence region一致最大功效置信区域
uniformly most powerful invariant test一致最大功效不变检验
uniformly most powerful test一致最佳检验
uniformly most powerful unbiased tests一致最大功效无偏检定
uniformly most powerful unbiassed tests一致最大功效无偏检定
water with most precipitate沉淀物很多的水