
Terms for subject Electronics containing MOST | all forms | exact matches only
at the most favourable price最优惠的价格
continuous maximum and most economical rating连续最大和最经济的功率
locally most powerful rank test局部最强秩测试
mixed locally most powerful rank test混合局部最有效排列试验
most dangerous slip circle最危险的滑弧土坡
most easily ignitable concentration最易点燃混合物
most easily ignitable mixture最易点燃混合物
most economical routing最经济路由
most economical time to replace equipment method最经济更换设备时间法
most explosive mixture最强爆炸混合物
most frequent item list高频数项目单
most frequent item list最常见项目表
most incendive mixture最易传爆混合物
most loaded routing最大负荷路由选择
most penetrating particle size最大穿透粒子粒度
most positive up level最高正电平
most probable number最大概率数
most probable position最大概率位置
most probable value最大可能值
most probable value最大概率值
most reactive condition最大活性状态【核】
most significant最有效的
most significant最重要
most significant byte最高有效字节
most significant digit最高有效数
most significant digit最高有效
most significant half最高位半加[减]
most significant half最高有效半加[减]
most signification bit最高有效位
most signification position最高有效位
most valuable products最有价值产品
most versatile printer最适用打印机
most vulnerable component最脆弱元[部]件
most vulnerable component最易毁兀[部]件
next most significant byte次高有效字节
next most significant digit次高有效数字
stored logic adaptable MOST存储逻辑可适配金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管
uniformly most power criteria一致最大功率准则
unsigned integer most significant bit first无符号整数最高有效位优先