
Terms for subject Technology containing MINor | all forms | exact matches only
angular semi-minor axis角半短径
architecture of Asia minor小亚细亚建筑
axes of minor stress最小主应力轴
basic minor diameter小径基准尺寸
closed ideal minor ring闭理想子环
confining minor stress侧限最小主应力
constant minor principal stress恒定最小主应力
constant minor stress恒定最小应力
decentralize power on minor issues小权分散
drilling-mining combine of minor development phase采准阶段探采结合
Ionic order of the Asia Minor type小亚细亚型爱奥尼克亚柱式
leading minor主子式
major minor rotary主要路与次要路环形交叉
major-minor sorting主副分类
minor adjustment小调整
minor aids-to-navigation小型航标
minor air cell涡流室
minor aisle过道
minor aisle走廊
minor aisle小通道
minor and low level rapids中枯水急滩
minor angle次角
minor angle method小角法
minor arc劣弧
minor arc副弧
minor arc主弧
minor arch辅助拱
minor arch短跨拱
minor arch局部拱
minor arterial road次干道
minor auxiliary circle小辅圆
minor axis短径
minor axis弱轴
minor axis of building square grid建筑方格网短轴线
minor axis of inclusion包裹体短轴
minor base稀有碱基
minor bed中枯水位河床
minor bed中水位河床
minor bend短弯头
minor betterment局部改造
minor betterment次要改善
minor betterment小改进
minor betterment次要改进
minor biome小生物群落
minor blasting二次爆破
minor breach of contract轻微违约
minor caliber小口径
minor change小更动
minor change小变更
minor change小修改
minor change小换工
minor chord小三和弦
minor constituent次要组分
minor constituent次要成分
minor constituent微量成分
minor constituent微量组分
minor control次要控制
minor control低等控制
minor control change次要控制改变
minor control data次要控制数据
minor control framework低等控制网
minor control plot辐射三角测量
minor control point低等控制点
minor crack细微裂缝
minor crack细微裂纹
minor critical speed次临界转数
minor cycle pulse generator小周期脉冲发生器
minor damage轻微破坏
minor decision次要决策
minor defect缺陷
minor details细节
minor details次要细节
minor development采准
minor diameter fit内径配合
minor diameter fit of spline花键内径配合
minor diameter of screw螺钉最小直径
minor diameter of thread螺纹内径
minor disaster小事故
minor disaster小灾害
minor division小格
minor earthquake小地震
minor element少量元素
minor element analysis次要元素分析
minor estimate较低的工程估算
minor exchange电话支局
minor failure非重要故障
minor failure轻度失效
minor failure小事故
minor feature微地貌
minor first flank第一副后刀面
minor flank刀具副后面
minor fog signal较小雾号
minor forest products林副产品
minor gas measurement微量气体测定
minor geologic details次要地质细节
minor geological details次要地质细节
minor grade次要坡度
minor grade较小坡度
minor head分项项目
minor inconsistence小量不一致
minor ingredient小料
minor inorganics微量无机成分
minor inspection小检查
minor insulation次绝缘
minor insulation局部绝缘
minor intrusions小型侵入体
minor isotopes safeguard techniques次要同位素安全监督技术
minor issue枝节问题
minor karst features幼年溶岩地形
minor light较小灯标
minor light小型灯标
minor line次要线路
minor loading次要荷载
minor loading condition次要荷载情况
minor lobe旁波瓣
minor loop内环
minor loop副环
minor loop小环路
minor-loop feedback局部反馈
minor-loop feedback compensation并联补偿法
minor-loop feedback compensation network并联校正网络
minor loss次要损失
minor losses in pipe管道局部阻力损失
minor maintenance日常保养
minor meander次要河弯
minor meander小河弯
minor mine disaster次要矿山事故
minor mode小调式
minor nutrient次要肥料
minor of a determinant子行列式
minor office分局
minor operating room门诊手术室
minor-operating theatre小工作室
minor-operating theatre小操作室
minor-operating theatre小手术室
minor overhaul工程小修
minor overhaul規模检
minor overhaul小修 (理)
minor package unit型装配单元
minor parameter次要参数
minor path次要途径
minor path次要路径
minor path劣路线
minor place of outdoor assembly小型室外集合场所
minor place of outdoor assembly小型集会场所
minor pool浅滩
minor port surcharge偏僻港附加费
minor port surcharge偏僻港增额
minor principal strain主应变
minor principal stress次要主应力
minor principal stress plane小主应力面
minor produce副收获
minor product副产物
minor radial次要辐射线
minor radius短半径
minor relay station小转运站
minor relay station小转发站
minor relay station中继站
minor relay station小中继站
minor residential layout住宅小区布置
minor rhombohedral face小菱面
minor ride区划副线
minor river次要河流
minor river支流
minor river bed中枯水位河床
minor river bed小河床
minor road辅助道路
minor road支路
minor road次要公路
minor road分散交通的道路
minor road低级道路
minor road小路
minor road junction次要道路交叉口
minor road junction次要道路枢纽
minor segment劣弧段
minor seismic area小地震区
minor seismic belt小震带
minor sequence小层序
minor shock
minor sized小尺寸的
minor spiral小螺旋
minor station小站
minor station乘客不多的停车站
minor stop小站
minor strain最小应变
minor stream次要河流
minor stream支流
minor stress最小应力
minor structure附属房屋小型构造
minor structure次要结构
minor structure次要构筑物
minor structure城市辅助结构
minor structure局部结构
minor structure子结构
minor structure附属结构
minor structure小工程项目
minor structure scale小型构造尺度
minor subdivision小区
minor swimming pool小游泳池
minor switch小型开关
minor switch小型选择器
minor third小三度
minor thrust face小推力面
minor total次总计
minor treatment局部处理
minor triangulation低等三角测量
minor triangulation point小三角点
minor trochoidal axis旋轮线短轴
minor trough小槽
minor trough副地槽
minor trough小型低压槽
minor tune up小调整
minor tune up部分改造
minor tune up小改革
minor use of mineral commodities矿产品次要用途
minor use of mineral commodities at percentage次要用量占百分比
minor use tonnage次要用量
minor value痕迹量
minor watershed小流域
other minor element其他微量元素
principal ideal minor ring主理想子环
principal minor主要行列
ratio of major and minor axis of ellipse椭圆长短轴比
semi-minor axis半短径
stopping-up of minor side street封闭支路
Ursa minor小熊星座
working minor cutting edge工作副切削刃
working minor cutting edge angle工作副偏角