
Terms for subject International trade containing MASTER | all forms | exact matches only
barratry of the master船长不法行为
barratry of the master船长的不法行为
cash advanced to master船长借支
for the master代船长签字
harbor master港务局长
harbor master港务长
harbour master港务长
harbour master港口主任
harbour master河泊司
master air waybill并装业空运提单参看 house air bill
master air waybill并装业者
master B/L集合提单 (bill of lading)
master budget总预算
master certificate船长证书
master contract主约双方签订的约定书
master contract主约
master copy标准本
master credit原信用状
master credit原信用证
master lease主租约
master list总清单
master mariner船长商船的
master package大包装
master pain team国家区域设计小组
master policy母保单
master policy主保单
master policy总保险单
master porter货物搬运负责人
master porter搬运工人
master porter受托码头接货人
master's declaration outwards船长外运申报
master's protest船长海事报告书
master's protest船长的海事船难证书
master's protest船长抗议书
master's report船长海事报告
master sample标准样品
master workman工会会长
mint master造币厂长
notice to ship’s master船长注意事项
on behalf of the master and the owners of the vessel代表本船船长和船东
over wrapping or master package外包装或大包装
protest by master船舶遇难证明书
ship master商船船长
vendue master拍卖者
wharf master码头管理人
wharf master码头老板
wreck master遇难船主