
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing M M | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A. S. T. M. Tentative Standard ASTM美国材料试验协会试行标准
A. S. T. M. Tentative Standard ASTM试行标准
A.I.M.& M.E.=美国矿冶工程师学会 (American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers)
alternating e.m.f.交变电动势
A.M.100A alloyA.M.100A 铸造镁合金 (10Al, 0.1Mn, 余量 Mg)
A.M.F.alloyA.M.F.耐蚀合金 (57Ni, 余量其他)
A.S.T.M.standard ASTM美国材料试验协会标准
A.S.T.M.standard ASTM标准
back e.m.f.反电势
casting speed min. /max. 1/2. 5 m/min.拉坯速度最低/最高1/2. 5m/min
class m quaternary equilibrium第三类四相平衡图 (L+α + β=γ+δ)
class m quinary equilibrium第三类五相平衡图 (L+α+β=γ+δ+ε)
C.N.R.M. testCNRM 还原试验
C.N.R.M. test比利时国家冶金研究中心还原试验
combination stirring of M + S结晶器和二冷区组合电磁搅拌 (Moreover, by the combination stirring of M + S, the widest equiaxed crystal zone can be obtained with the least negative segregation. 此外,如果采用结晶器+二冷区组合式电磁搅拌,则可获得最宽的等轴晶区和最轻的负偏析。)
β-creep of stage m of work-hardening curve加工硬化曲线第 III阶段的β蠕变
daily coke consumption / m² of hearth section of BF高炉燃燒强度 (【技】每平方米高炉炉缸面积昼夜消耗的焦炭量。)
design institutes directly affiliated to M.M.I.冶金部部属设计院所
D.L.M. Dwight-Lloyd-Me Wane processD.L.M. 带式烧结机-电炉联合直接炼铁法
D.L.M. process Dwight-Lloyd-McWane带式烧结机-电炉联合直接炼铁法
eccenter-wor m•pump偏心蜗杆泵
high-intensity M-stirring结晶器高强度电磁搅拌
impregnating P/ M parts浸渗粉末冶金零件
induced e.m.f.感生电动势
internal e.m.f.内部电动势
J. A. M•coating processJAM 快速磷化法
Lewatit M2卢泰特 M2 (强碱性阴离子交换)
M. C.102 alloyMC102 镍合金 (20Cr, 6.5Nb, 6Mo, 2.5W,余量 Ni)
M. K. steel铝镍强磁钢 (约含10Al, 25Ni)
M energy level能级
M + S-electromagnetic stirringM+S- 电磁搅拌
M + S-electromagnetic stirring结晶器和二冷区组合电磁搅拌
M. V. C. alloyMVC 耐蚀铸造硅铝合金 (89Al,USi)
M.A.R.M.200 alloyM.A.R.M.200 镍基超级铸造合金 (0.15C, 10Co, 9Cr, 12.5W, 5Al, 2Ti, 0.05Zr, 0.015B, 余量 Ni)
M.B.V. modified Bauer-Vogel processMBV 铝氧化膜生成
M-electromagnetic stirring结晶器电磁搅拌
M-electromagnetic stirringM -电磁搅拌
M-EMSM- 电磁搅拌
m-ethyltoluene间乙基甲苯 (C9H12)
M.G. alloyMG 铝镁合金 (5Mg,余量 Al;7Mg,余量 Al)
M-G set电动机发电机组
M.I.A.alloyMIA变形镁合金 (1.2Mn,0.09Ca,余量 Mg)
M.K. steel铝镍强磁钢
M.K.W mill偏八辊轧机
M.K.W millMKW多用途轧机
m-methylaniline间甲基苯胺 (C7H9N)
M-P hot stove马琴外燃式热风炉
M.P.A. Standard金属粉末协会标准
M.P.I.F. Standard金属粉末工业联合会标准
M-shaped contourM 形断面 (高炉料线的)
M-shaped contourM 型断面
M-shaped profileM 形炉料剖面 (【技】高炉布料过程中,料线高于碰撞点时,炉料落在料面上,随着料线的提高,堆尖逐步远离炉墙,炉内形成)
M-shaped profileM 形料面
M+S-stirringM+S- 电磁搅拌
M-stirred billet结晶器电磁搅拌过的小方坯
M-stirringM-电磁搅拌 (From these results, it is concluded that M-stirring enhances the uniform shell growth in the mold, thus resulting in the elimination of the surface cracks. 根据这些结果,得到的结论是:结晶器电磁搅拌强化了结晶器内坯壳均匀生长,从而消除了表面裂纹。)
M-stirring device结晶器电磁搅拌装置
M-stirring intensity结晶器电磁搅拌强度
M-stirring system结晶器电磁搅拌系统
M-stocklineM 形料线 (高炉的)
M-stockline of blast furnace高炉 M 形料线
m-tolunitrile间甲苯基氰 (C8H7N)
m-xylenol间-二甲苯酚 (C8H10O)
P/M parts moulding粉末冶金零件压制成型
P/M super alloy粉末冶金超级合金
P.M.G. alloyPMG 硅青铜 (4Si, 2Zn,2Fe,0.5Mn,余量 Cu)
P.M.G. metalPMG 硅青铜
R.O.M. screenings筛下原矿粉
R.O.M. run-of-mine screenings筛下原矿粉
r.p.m. meter转速表 (用于测量每分钟转数)
S.A.M.alloy特种铝基混合稀土合金 (11 混合稀土 ,2Si,1.5Cu,1.25Ni,1Mn, 0.3Cr,0.02Ti,余量 Al)
single M-stirring单一结晶器搅拌
single-coil M-EMS单线圈结晶器电磁搅拌
Wofatit M沃法泰特M (弱碱性阴离子交换)