
Terms for subject Economy containing M 特别 注意 M | all forms
Advertising in TV at 6 p.m. is the most effective way of selling下午6点的电视广告是最有效的销售方式
If you give these goods a trial n., I'm sure you'll be satisfied with them如果你方试用一下这些货物,我确信你方会满意的
I'm certain that you'll surpass last year's total sales我敢肯定你们会超过去年的销售总额
I'm inexperienced in this line, please give me some advice我没有这方面生意的经验,请给我一些建议
I'm sorry I am not quite aware of the significance of your remarks很抱歉,我不太理解你话中的含义
M&E criteria监测和评价标准
M&E information监测和评价信息
M&E logframe监测和评价逻辑框架
regulation MM章程 (通过美国银行控制美元流入的章程)
ten E.O.M. end of month terms月终10天付款条件
The bank operates from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.该银行的工作时间是从上午8:30至下午5:00
The company has won a contract worth £ 15m to construct a new bridge该公司中标签定承建价值1500万英镑的一座新桥的合同