
Terms for subject Surgery containing Lung | all forms | exact matches only
amoebic abscess of lung阿米巴肺脓肿
amoebic of lung abscess阿米巴肺脓肿
apex of lung肺尖
artificial heart-lung machine人工心肺机
autogenous lung oxygenation自身肺氧合
base of lung Basis pulmonis肺底
benign tumor of lung肺良性肿瘤
blast injury of lung肺爆震伤
burst injury of lung肺爆震伤
cancer of lung肺癌
carcinoma of lung肺癌
cardiac notch of left lung左肺心切迹
cavernous lung cancer空洞型肺癌
coin lesion of lung肺球形病灶
combined heart and lung transplantation心肺联合移植
compressed lung volume loss压缩性肺容积丧失
congenital lung cyst先天性肺囊肿
congenital lung hernia先天性肺疝
decortication of lung肺剥脱术
double-lung transplantation双肺移植
echinococcosis of lung肺包囊虫病
foreign body of lung肺异物
fungal disease of lung肺真菌病
Gibbon-Mayo heart-lung machine吉本一梅奥人工心肺机
hamartoma of lung肺错构瘤
heart lung machine心肺机
heterologous lung oxygenation异种肺氧合
hila of lung肺门
hilum of lung肺门
homeologous lung oxygenation同种肺氧合
homologous lung oxygenation同种肺氧合
horizontal fissure of right lung右肺水平裂
hydatid cyst of lung肺包虫囊肿
hydatid disease of lung肺包囊虫病
inferior lobe of left lung左肺下叶
inferior lobe of right lung右肺下叶
insufflation of lungs肺吹气法
lingula of left lung左肺小舌
lobe of lung肺叶
lobectomy of lung肺叶切除术
lung abscess肺脓肿
lung bud肺芽
lung field肺野
lung hernia肺疝
lung root肺根
lung transplantation肺移植
lung tumor肺肿瘤
metastatic tumor of lung转移性肺肿瘤
middle lobe of right lung右肺中叶
oat-cell carcinoma of lung肺燕麦细胞癌
open lung biopsy开胸肺活检
parasitic disease of lung肺寄生虫病
percutaneous needle lung biopsy经皮针刺肺活检
perfusion lung灌注肺
peripheral lung cancer周围型肺癌
primary tumors of lung原发性肺肿瘤
primitive lung原始肺
reduced-size lung transplantation减体积肺移植
segmentectomy of lung肺段切除术
single lung transplantation单肺移植
solitary lung metastasis孤立性肺转移
staphylococcal lung abscess葡萄球菌肺脓肿
thoracoscopic lung biopsy胸腔镜肺活检
transbronchial lung biopsy经支气管肺活检
traumatic wet lung创伤性湿肺
tuberculosis of lung肺结核