
Terms for subject United Nations containing Low | all forms | exact matches only
epidemiological low-risk areas流行病低危区
low crustal lens下地壳透镜体
low-energy consumption economy低耗能经济
low-energy consumption economy低能量消耗经济
low enriched uranium低浓度铀
Low-Income Countries Under Stress Initiative困难低收入国家倡议
low-income International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD/IDA blend country国际复兴开发银行/国际开发协会低收入国家
low-level mark低潮线
low-tide elevations低潮高地
low-water line低潮线
lower low water large tides低低潮大潮 ?
lowest astronomic tide最低天文潮位
lowest astronomical tide最低天文潮位
lowest tidal level最低天文潮位
materials with low emissions低排放量材料
Network on Low- and Non-Waste Technologies低废物和无废物技术网
Regional Seminar to promote Public Awareness on the Issues and Policies of Low-income Shelter and Settlements提高公众对低收入住房和住区问题和政策的认识区域讨论会
Seminar on Road Traffic Accident Recording, Analysis and Low-cost Remedial Measures公路交通事故记录, 分析和低成本补救措施讨论会
TCDC Workshop on Strengthening Institutional Credit Services to Low-income GroupsTCDC 加强对低收入团体体制贷款服务讲习班
tundra climate: temperature — average daily low under minus 10 degree celsius for each of the coldest five months冻原气候:温度——气温最低的5个月中每月的日平均温度均低于零下10摄氏度