
Terms for subject Environment containing Low | all forms | exact matches only
low bulk elastic modulus低体积弹性模数
low-cost housing Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median低成本住房 (最小成本建设的公寓,旨在保持出租率或购买价格为小户收入者负担得起,这种小户通常由一年收入低于当地平均水平来确定。)
low emission vehicle低排放车
Low Emission Vehicle Program低排放汽车计划
low emission vehicles低排放车
low energy footprint food system低能源足迹食品系统
low flow Phase of lowest level of a water course低流处 (水道的最底平面段。)
low-level flight Flying at low altitude低空飞行 (在低空中飞行。)
low-level technology Any relatively unsophisticated technical equipment or method with an amplitude or functionality below what is available in a similar or comparable system低层次技术 (任何相对简单的技术技能或方法,其幅度或功能低于相似或相当的系统中所使用的。)
low light habitat弱光照生境
low light habitat低光照生境
low radiation stress低辐射胁迫
Lower House The body of a bicameral legislature composed of representatives elected by the general populace and organized into electorates or districts, each comprising an equal number of citizens众议院 (由一般民众所选出的代表而组成的两院制立法机构,其按照全体选民或地区组织,每个地区包含相等人数的居民。)
lower risk species Animals, birds, fish, plants or other living organisms that have been deemed as not being in danger of extinction; IUCN低风险物种自然保护联盟, 已被视为不具有濒临灭绝危险的动物、鸟类、鱼类、植物或其它生物体。
lowest achievable emission rate可达到的最低排放量