
Terms for subject Business containing List | all forms | exact matches only
accounting code list会计编号一览表
active file list常用文件表
active user list活动用户表
activity list业务活动表
activity list作业表
actual parameter list实际参数表
adjustment of cargo list调整货单
Air Freight List空运货物清单
Amendment List修正品目表
annotated preliminary list附有说明的暂定项目表
annual list and summary年度经营成果摘要
antistop list非禁用词表
application list要求保险申请书
application list保险申请表
approved list对投资核定准许表
approved list核准单
approved list合格表
approved parts list已批准部件清单
assortment list花色单
authorized data list核准数据表
Basic Equipment List基本设备明细表
basic parts list基件清单
berth list船位分配表
black list黑名单如征信机构掌握的信用不佳客户的名单等
block list组序表
bonded store list保税物料清单
book list书单
call list调用表
call on waiting list预约挂号
certificate and list of measurement and/or weight容量证明书
chained list连锁表
check a list核对清单
check a list查点
check list system对照表法
Chincom List巴黎统筹委员会对中国所列的禁运单
Chincom List巴黎统筹委员会对中国禁运货单
civil list政府人事费
commercial list price商品牌价
commodity exhibition list商品展览目录
commodity list商品目录
competitive list竞争性报价
comprehensive list详细一览表
Consolidated Hazardous Item List统一危险品表
container loading list集装箱装运清单
container unloading list集装箱卸船清单
contractual data requirements list合同数据需用表
cross reference list对照表
damage cargo list残货单
damaged cargo list受损货物单
dangerous cargo list危险货物清单一览表
decline list拒绝业务清单
detached list调离人员表
detailed list细表
detailed list清册
detailed list细目
detailed list of equipment and materials设备材料明细表
detailed list of materials and fittings材料和设备配件细表
details as per attached lists详见附表
dispatch list发运单
drawing list图目
drawing list图表
dutiable cargo list征税货物表
engineering component parts list工程部件清单
entry list凭单
entry list传票
error list勘误表
error list误差表
exhaustive list of the goods covered by a heading of group of headings以列举详尽清单说明
export order check list出口订单进程考核表
expunge a name from a list从名单上将某人除名
flat price list统一价格表
free list免税进口货单
general list of shipping document货运单据总清单
gray list轻于黑名单的灰色名单
gross requirements list总需求单
gross requirements list总需要清单
group assembly parts list组装零件清册
group list班组名单
hatch cargo list舱口装货清单又称舱口单
Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认
illustrated price list有说明的价格单
import list进口商品目
import list进口统计表
inclusive list of expenses费用明细账
Industrial List工业品品目表
international legal list国际合法证券
international list of rate国际费率表
itemized list明细表
job parts list作业零件清单
last-in, first-out list后进先出表
latest price-list最新价目表
latest rate-list最新费率表
laundry list详细清单
legal list合法投资目录
legal list合法上市证券股票
limit list限额表
list-and-discount pricing system价格折扣制度
list building开列清单
list data structure表格数据结构
list-directed input and output表式输出入
list less pricing价表减额定价法
list of account账单
list of account会计科目
list of account title会计科目表
list of architectural member建筑构件表
list of authorized signature印鉴簿
list of award决标单即决标的纪录文件;具有契约效力
list of balance收支平衡表
list of balance余额表
list of bidders开价价格表
list of bidders投标人名表
list of bidders递价商品目录表
list of casualty伤亡名单
list of charge收费清单
list of chart统计图
list of classification of packing radioactive goods放射性货物运输包装等级表
list of contraband articles违禁商品清单
list of current availabilities可供应货物清单
list of dangerous goods危险货物品名表
list of dangerous goods危险货物清单
list of detail drawing adopted施工详图图纸目录
list of details详细目录
list of details细表
list of document文件清单
list of drawing图纸—览表
list of drawing图纸清单
list of exchange rate quotations外汇牌价行情
list of export commodities出口商品目录
list of exports出口货物清单
list of fixture装置目录
list of forwarded traffic发货运输清单
list of freight delivered and received货运交接单
list of ledger balance资产负债表
list of load unload wagon装车卸车清单
list of materials and equipment fittings材料及设备配件表
list of member花名册
list of missing articles失物单
list of missing articles遗失货物清单
list of price价目表
list of price价格表
list of prices牌价
list of process A加工清单A
list of products产品目录
list of property性能表
list of quotation行情表
list of quotation牌价表
list of quotations行情表
list of quotations报价表
list of resources资产清单
list of selected products and materials主要产品与原材料目录
list of shareholder股东名单
list of standard drawing标准图纸目录
list of subscribers认购人名单
list of subscribers认购债券者名单
list of subscribers认股者名单
list of supplier供应人名单
list of table统计表
list of the object of quarantine检疫对象名单
list of weight and measurement重量容积表
list price价目表上所列价格
list price for exchanging gold兑换黄金收购牌价
list sampling各单抽样
list sampling with complete lists完全名单名单抽样
list sampling with incomplete lists不完全名单名单抽样
living allowances of employees not on list编外人员生活费
Lloyd's List劳氏海事情报劳氏日报是海运专业报
Lloyd's List英国劳氏日报
Lloyd's Loading List劳氏船舶停港及装货周报
loading list配载通知单
mailing list邮寄广告品清单
mailing list邮寄目录
manufacturing assembly parts list制造装配零件表
material list物料单
maturity list完成表
merchandise list商品目录
minimum equipment list最少设备表
missing cargo list遗失货物清单
negative list限制进口商品清单
negative list不准进口商品清单
not responsible for anything list失物自理
number of list of sale出售品编号
number of list of sale销货单编号
number of list of sale销售商品编号
numerical list of commodity货物号码清单
official import and export list官定进出口货物清单
official list正式牌价表
official list股票交易正式日价表
official list of quotation官定行市表
official list of quotation公定行市表
operation list业务目录
operation list工序表
operation list经营目录
operational check list工作检査表
overloaded and shortladed cargo list货物超载和短载单
packing list包装货物清单
par list bank列名同等银行
parts list零件目录
parts-short list缺件表
passenger list旅客名单
passenger list交给海关的旅客名单
priced spare parts list标价备件单
production list产品清单
production parts list产品零件单
prohibited list拒绝承保项目表
providing blueprints and parts lists提供蓝图零件单
qualified products list合格品一览表
quantity list数量清单
receive from lists接收表
security list证券目录
send-to list传递表
seniority list资历表
service stock list用料单
share list股市表
short list缺额表
short list短货单
shortage list短货单
special cargo list特种商品一览表
special list of equipment设备清单
specific list货物明细表
Standard Equipment Nomenclature List标准设备术语表
stock exchange daily official list股票交易日报
stock list股票行市表
stock list存货一览表
stock list股市行情表
stock list库存清单
stores list材料单
stores list库存清单
strike from the list取消上市资格
subscription list认缴股款单
subscription list认购单
subscription list认股清单
summary list of materials and equipment材料设备汇总表
superannuated list退休人员名单
supplemental list附单
supplemental list补充项目表
supply routing or operating list提供工作程序或作业单
Surplus Distribution List剩余物资分配清单
Technical Equipment Modification List技术设备改型单
tentative parts list试用零件表
Test Parts List检验零件目录
This is our price list这是我们的价目表
Trade List交易清单
Trade List贸易目录
undelivered cargo list催提货物单
unit packing list单元装箱单
unit packing list成组装箱单
waiting list排队表
waiting list等候批准申请者名单
weight list重量单由卖方开列