
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Liquid | all forms | exact matches only
absorbing liquid吸收液
absorption liquid吸收液
accurate adjustment of liquid steel composition钢水成分精确调整
accurate trimming of liquid steel composition钢水成分精确调整
accurate trimming of liquid steel temperature钢水温度精确调整
actual liquid steel velocity钢水实际流速
adequate contact between slag and liquid steel熔渣与钢水的充分接触
adjustment method of liquid steel flowrate钢水流量调节方法
adsorption of liquid液体吸附
agglomeration of liquid slag droplets液渣微滴聚合
aluminium loss method in liquid steel钢水铝损失法 (【技】用于评价钢水二次氧化程度的方法之一。分别从钢包、中间包、结晶器和连铸坯中取样,通过分析钢中的酸溶铝量,按铝的损失量来评价钢水二次氧化程度。铝损失量越大,钢水的二次氧化程度就越严重。)
amine liquid胺溶液
amine liquid ion exchange液胺离子交换
anhydrous liquid extraction无水溶剂萃取
anodizing liquid阳极氧化处理用溶液
argon-blowing treatment of liquid steel钢水吹氩处理
argon-bubbling treatment for liquid steel钢液吹氩处理
argon-injection treatment of liquid steel钢水吹氩处理
atomisation of liquid metal液态金属雾化
atomization of liquid metal金属液雾化
atomized liquid metal雾化金属液 (This process involved spraying an atomized liquid metal through an inert atmosphere onto a metal substrate to form a thin strip. 该工艺流程包括将雾化金属液通过惰性气氛喷射到一个金属基底成形板上形成薄带。)
basic requirements for liquid steel quality for continuous casting连铸钢水质量的基本要求 (【技】对连铸钢水质量的基本要求主要包括以下几方面:钢水温度、纯净度、成分、可浇性等。及时均衡地向连铸机提供优质钢水是成功组织连铸生产的前提条件。)
bending of strand with liquid core带液芯顶弯
bending of strand with liquid core液芯顶弯
bending with liquid core带液芯顶弯
bubble-liquid steel boundary气泡-钢水界面
bubble-liquid steel contact area气泡-钢水接触面积
carbon content in liquid steel钢水含碳量
carbon monoxide in liquid steel钢水中的一氧化碳
casting and rolling with liquid core带液芯铸轧
casting operation of liquid steel钢水浇注作业 (Casting operation of liquid steel The term that refers to a technical process in which liquid steel with qualified chemical compositions is poured into a fixed shape solid according to the requires of rolling or forging. The two casting methods, the ingot casting or continuous steel casting methods, are generally used. Since the 1970's, the continuous casting has made considerable progress, but the ingot casting has died out gradually. 钢水浇注作业术语指的是根据轧钢或锻压的需要,将成分合格的钢水浇铸成具有一定形状固体的工艺过程。通常采用两种浇铸方法,即钢锭模浇注法和连铸法。自20世纪70年代以来,连铸获得了长足发展,模铸逐渐退出生产流程。)
cathode liquid阴极电解液
characteristics of liquid fuel液体燃料的特点
chemical adjustment method for temperature of liquid steel钢水温度化学调节法
chemical attack of liquid steel钢水化学侵蚀
circulating liquid循环液
classical liquid古典液体
clean liquid steel洁净钢水
clear liquid上清液
clear liquid澄清液
clear liquid清液
close-packed liquid密积液体
compact liquid jet稠液喷射器
compact liquid steel stream密集钢流
compact liquid steel stream致密钢流
complete liquid miscibility液态完全互溶
complete liquid miscibility液态完全互溶
computer control of liquid steel treatment钢水处理的计算机控制
computer-controlled liquid steel treatment计算机控制的钢水处理
computer-controlled liquid steel treatment钢水计算机控制处理
concentration by liquid-solid adsorption液固吸附富集
confining liquid密封液体
conjugate liquid phase共轭液相
constant liquid slag layer thickness恒定液渣层厚度
continuous casting liquid steel quality连铸钢水质量
continuous temperature measuring device of liquid iron铁水温度连续测量装置
control of liquid core in strand铸坯液芯控制
control of liquid steel flow in mold结晶器钢水流动控制
control of phosphorus in liquid steel钢水含磷量控制
control system for liquid steel quality钢水质量控制系统
convex-toward-the liquid interface凸向液体的界面
convex-toward-the-liquid interface凸向液体的界面
corrosive liquid腐蚀液
corrosive liquid腐蚀性液体
countercurrent vapour-liquid flow汽-液对流
critical high liquid steel level in tundish中间包临界钢水高液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中的液面高度如果高于某一高度,就有可能导致流人结晶器的钢水过多,从而酿成钢水从结晶器上口溢出,造成生产事故。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界高液位。)
critical level of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水临界液面高度
critical liquid steel depth of vortex formation产生旋涡的钢水临界深度 (【技】中间包或钢水包的钢水面下降到某一高度时,其水口上方便产生旋涡,此时的钢水面高度称之为产生旋涡的临界钢水面高度。【同义. 词】 critical molten steel level of vortex formation。)
critical liquid steel level钢水临界液面
critical low liquid steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界低液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
cryogenic liquid低温液相
current-carrying liquid steel载流钢水
decarburization of liquid steel【钢】钢液脱碳
deep dephosphorization treatment of liquid steel钢水深脱磷处理
degassed liquid steel脱气钢水
degree of deoxidation of liquid steel钢水脱氧度
de-icing liquid去冰液
de-icing liquid除冰液
demanganization of liquid iron铁水脱锰
deoxidation of liquid steel钢水脱氧 (【技】在现代炼钢生产过程中,是利用氧气氧化铁水中的杂质元素。在炼钢生产吹炼后期,钢中元素、钢水温度都已调整到预定钢种的范围,但是在钢液中却溶解了过多的氧。如果不进行脱氧,就会导致:钢的力学性能降低;在凝固过程中,多余的氧逐步析出,与碳反应生成 CO 气泡,在钢中形成气泡缺陷;使钢在热轧过程中产生热脆。因此,在钢液浇注之前必须进行脱氧。)
dephosphorization of liquid iron铁水脱磷
dephosphorized liquid steel脱磷钢水
depth of liquid iron铁水深度
depth of liquid pool液相穴深度
depth of liquid steel钢水深度
depth of penetration of steel down into liquid pool钢水在液相穴内的贯穿深度
depth of penetration of steel down into liquid pool钢水侵人液相穴深度
desulfurization by liquid slag熔渣脱硫
desulphurization of liquid steel钢液脱硫
digesting liquid溶出液
digital control system for liquid steel level钢水面数字控制系统
direct liquid steel-gas reaction钢液-气相直接反应
direct liquid steel-slag contact钢液-炉渣直接接触
direct liquid steel-slag reaction钢液-炉渣直接反应
direct oxidation of chemical elements in liquid steel钢液中元素的直接氧化 (【技】钢液中的元素被气相中的氧气氧化称为元素的直接氧化。)
discharge liquid废液
distributor of liquid steel钢水分配器
driving force for inflow of liquid flux液态保护渣流人的驱动力
dynamic control of liquid steel temperature钢水温度动态控制
dynamic viscosity of liquid flux液态保护渣动力学黏度
effluent liquid溢流液
effluent liquid流出液
electric arc heating method of liquid steel钢水电弧加热法
electromagnetic stirring at end of liquid pool液相穴末端电磁搅拌
electromagnetic stirring at end of liquid pool of strand连铸坯液相穴末端电磁搅拌
electromagnetic stirring for liquid core液心电磁搅拌
electromagnetic stirring of liquid core in strand铸坯液心电磁搅拌
elimination of impurities in liquid steel脱除钢水中杂质
end of liquid core in strand连铸坯液心末端
end of liquid pool液相穴末端
end-point composition of liquid steel终点钢水成分
end-point liquid steel temperature终点钢水温度
end-point of liquid crater液相穴终点
equation for calculating depth of liquid flux layer液渣层厚度计算方程
explosive liquid forming爆炸液压成形
explosive liquid forming爆炸液压成形
feed liquid料液
filling period of liquid steel钢水注人期 (如中间包的)
filter of liquid steel钢水过滤器 (【技】安装在中间包内用于过滤钢水的装置。对钢水过滤器的基本要求是:要有足够的夹杂物捕获能力;要有极好的耐蚀性、抗热震性和抗蠕变性;要有足够的钢水通过能力;便于安装和更换。)
filtered liquid steel经过过滤的钢水
filtered liquid steel过滤过的钢水
filtering method for liquid steel钢水过滤法 (【技】 钢水内的夹杂物是影响钢水质量的重要因素之一。一般而言,大型夹杂物可以通过上浮分离法加以清除;而小粒度夹杂物由于其上浮速度慢,故采用上浮法去除收效甚微。钢水过滤法采用微孔过滤器能有效清除小颗粒夹杂物,达到上浮法难以达到的夹杂物去除效果。)
final liquid core position液芯末端位置
final liquid-steel composition钢水最终化学成分
flammable liquid可燃液体
flow field of liquid steel钢水流场
flow field of liquid steel in mold结晶器内钢水流场
flow of liquid steel钢水流动
flow path of liquid steel钢水流动轨迹
flow pattern of liquid steel钢水流动模式 (The figure 6 is a schematic representation of the two most common flow patterns of liquid steel in mold discussed in this paper. 图 6 是本文讨论的两种最常见结晶器钢水流动模式的示意图。)
flowability of liquid steel钢水流动性
fluctuation in liquid steel level钢液面波动
fluorescent liquid penetrant荧光液体渗透剂
flux covering liquid steel surface覆盖钢水面的保护渣
formation of liquid phase液相形成
fractional liquid content分馏液体含量
fractional liquid content分馏液体相对含量
gas-liquid chromatography气液色层分离
gas-liquid contacting气液接触
gas-liquid coupling气-液耦合
gas-liquid flow气液流
gas-liquid interface气-液界面
gas-liquid interface reaction气-液界面反应
gas solubility in liquid steel气体在钢水中的溶解度 (【技】气体在钢水中的溶解度受多种因素的影响,主要有:温度升高,溶解度增加;气体分压降低,溶解度降低。同时,气体在钢液中的溶解度还受钢水中不同化学元素的影响:与气体能形成化合物的元素,能提高气体在钢水中的溶解度;比铁对气体有更大亲和力的元素,能提高气体在钢水的溶解度;但一些非金属或准金属元素,如 C、 P、 S、 O、 Si 等会降低气体在钢水中的溶解度。)
gas-stirred liquid steel气体搅拌的钢水
gettering liquid消气液体
goal liquid steel composition钢水目标成分
hardening liquid淬火液体
head of liquid steel钢水压头
heat loss of liquid steel钢水热损失
heat transfer between shell and liquid slag film铸坯壳与液渣膜间的传热
heat transfer between shell and liquid steel坯壳与钢水间的传热
heavy liquid重液
heavy liquid inlet重液人口 (萃取时的)
heavy liquid inlet重液入口
heavy liquid outlet重液出口 (萃取时的)
high performance liquid chromatography高效液相色谱法
high pressure liquid forming高压液态成形
high quality liquid steel优质钢水
high speed liquid chromatography高速液相色谱法
high velocity liquid jet machining高速射流加工
high-pressure liquid forming高压液态成形
high-temperature liquid steel高温钢水
homogenization of liquid steel composition钢水成分均匀化
homogenized liquid steel匀质钢水
ideal liquid slag film thickness理想液渣膜厚度
immersion liquid浸渍液
immiscible liquid不混溶的液体
immiscible liquid不溶混液体
immiscible liquid phase不混溶液相
inclusion separation method for liquid steel钢水夹杂物分离法
incompletely mixed liquid steel不完全混合钢水
indicating liquid level gauge液位指示计
indirect oxidation of chemical elements in liquid steel钢液中化学元素的间接氧化 (【技】钢液中的元素被溶解于钢液中的氧气或溶解于熔渣中的 FeO 氧化称为元素的间接氧化。)
induction heating method for liquid steel钢水感应加热法
inductively stirred liquid steel感应搅拌的钢液
inert gas stirred liquid steel惰性气体搅拌的钢水
inert liquid medium惰性液体介质
infiltration of liquid flux液态保护渣流人 【渗人】 (【技】指在连铸过程中结晶器内的液态保护渣渗人到结晶器壁和铸坯之间缝隙中的过程。: The infiltration of liquid flux into the mold/strand gap is the key process in continuous casting. 液态保护渣流人到结晶器与铸坯间的气隙中是连铸的一个关键过程。)
inflow of liquid flux液渣流人 (【参】英文连铸专业文献在说明保护渣流人到结晶器壁与铸坯之间的空隙中时,其中的"流人"常用 infiltration 表达,请参见 infiltration of flux 词条;偶然也有用 inflow 表达的,本例即属于这种情况: Gravity is the main driving force for inflow of liquid flux between mould wall and solidified shell. 重力是液态保护渣流人到结晶器壁和凝固坯壳之间的主要驱动力。)
inflow of liquid flux液态保护渣流人
infrared control method for liquid steel level钢水面红外线控制法
ingot with liquid core液芯钢锭
in-mold liquid steel flow control结晶器钢水流动控制
inorganic extraction by amine liquid胺溶液无机萃取
interaction between refractory and liquid steel耐火材料与钢水的相互作用
interface between liquid steel and molten slag钢水/熔渣界面
internal liquid phase中间液相
iron-base liquid alloy铁基液相合金
isotopic control method for liquid steel level钢水面同位素控制法
isotopic liquid steel level meter同位素钢水面计
jump frequency of atom across a liquid-solid interface原子跃过液-固相界面的频率
ladle liquid steel stream钢包钢水注流
lateral containment of liquid steel钢水侧封 (A major component of the consumables for twin-roll caster is the ceramic edge dams used for lateral containment of the liquid steel poured between the two counter-rotating rolls. 双辊连铸机消耗材料的主要部分是用于对浇注到两个逆向旋转辊之间的钢水进行侧封的陶瓷侧坝。)
lateral containment of liquid steel钢水横向约束
lattice cell model of liquid液体单位晶格模型
layer thickness of liquid flux液态保护渣层厚度
leakage of liquid steel钢水泄漏 (Ceramic side dams must guarantee the tightness of the mold against leakage of liquid steel and solidification on these dams. 陶瓷侧坝必须保证结晶器的密封性,以防钢水泄漏和在陶瓷侧坝上凝固。)
leakage of liquid steel漏钢
length of liquid core in strand连铸坯液芯长度
light liquid轻液
light liquid inlet轻液入口
light liquid inlet轻相入口
light liquid outlet轻液出口
liquid aluminium globule液态铝珠
liquid steel钢水
liquid steel (① To uniformly distribute the liquid steel onto the two rolls is a precondition for uniform solidification and stable operation. 均匀地将钢水分布到两个辊子上是均匀凝固和稳定操作的前提条件。 ②Liquid steel contains dissolved oxygen which can be removed by adding strong deoxidants such as aluminium and silicon. 钢水中含有的溶解氧可以通过添加像铝和硅那样的强脱氧剂加以脱除。)
liquid steel钢液
liquid steel analysis钢水成分
liquid steel analysis钢水分析
liquid steel argon bubble two-phase flow钢水-氩泡双相流
liquid steel atomization钢水雾化
liquid steel bath钢水熔池 (Two ceramic side plates are pressed against the front faces of the casting rolls to contain the liquid-steel bath. 两块陶瓷侧板紧压在浇铸辊端面上,以便维持住钢水熔池。)
liquid steel being cast【连】正在连铸的钢水
liquid steel being cast正在铸造的钢水
liquid steel cleanliness钢水洁净度
liquid steel cleanliness钢水纯净度
liquid steel composition钢水成分
liquid steel composition adjustment钢水成分调整
liquid steel composition for continuous casting连铸的钢水成分
liquid steel composition optimization钢水成分优化
liquid steel containment对钢水的聚持作用 (The definition of a breakout as used in this paper is: the loss of liquid steel containment due to a rupture in the solidifying shell, resulting in a strand stoppage. 本文的漏钢定义是:凝固坯壳破裂,对钢水的聚持作用丧失,导致注流中断。)
liquid steel contamination钢水污染
liquid steel cost钢水成本
liquid steel density钢水密度
liquid steel deoxidation钢水脱氧
liquid steel depth in tundish中间包钢水深度
liquid steel desulphurization钢水脱硫
liquid steel distribution钢水分布
liquid steel distributor钢水分配器
liquid steel exposition钢水裸露
liquid steel feeding system钢水加人系统
liquid steel filter钢水过滤器
liquid steel flow diagram of tundish中间包钢水流动图
liquid steel flow field钢水流场
liquid steel flow mode钢水流动模式
liquid steel flow mode of tundish中间包钢水流动模式
liquid steel flow model钢水流动模型
liquid steel flow path钢水流动轨迹
liquid steel flow pattern of tundish中间包钢水流动模式
liquid steel flow stability钢水流动稳定性
liquid steel flow state钢水流动状态
liquid steel flow velocity钢水流速
liquid steel flow velocity distribution钢水流速分布
liquid steel flowrate钢水流量
liquid steel fluidity钢水流动性
liquid steel for inner layer内层钢水
liquid steel handling equipment钢水运输设备
liquid steel holding ladle钢水保温罐
liquid steel ladle钢水包
liquid steel ladle钢水罐
liquid steel ladle盛钢桶
liquid steel ladle钢包
liquid steel level钢水面
liquid steel level control钢水面控制
liquid steel level control钢液面控制
liquid steel level control system of mold结晶器钢水面控制系统
liquid steel level controller钢水面调节器
liquid steel level controller for mold结晶器钢水面控制器
liquid steel level fluctuation钢水面波动
liquid steel level in mold结晶器内的钢水面
liquid steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
liquid steel oxidability钢水氧化能力
liquid steel oxidability钢水氧化性
liquid steel pollution钢水污染
liquid steel pollution in tundish中间包钢水污染
liquid steel pool钢水池
liquid steel pourability钢水可浇铸性
liquid steel pouring rate into outer layer外层钢水浇注速度
liquid steel preparation for continuous casting连铸钢水准备 (【技】根据浇铸的钢种和连铸工艺要求,对连铸钢水温度、成分、纯净度等进行准确控制,保证有节奏地、均衡的供给连铸机合格钢,为下一步钢水连铸做好准备。)
liquid steel quality钢水质量
liquid steel quality for continuous casting连铸的钢水质量
liquid steel refining equipment for matching continuous casting of billet配小方坯连铸的钢水精炼设备
liquid steel reoxidation钢水二次氧化 (【技】钢水在连铸前通过炉外精炼及其他钢水净化措施,其洁净度可达到相当高的水平;但进人连铸流程后,在钢水由钢包至结晶器的运动过程中,钢水与空气、耐火材料、炉渣产生反应,生成新的氧化产物。这种钢水在连铸过程中被重新氧化,钢水重新被污染的过程称之为二次氧化。)
liquid steel reoxidation product钢水二次氧化产物
liquid steel solidification钢水凝固
liquid steel source钢水来源
liquid steel source for caster铸机钢水来源
liquid steel stirring钢水搅拌 (【技】采用电磁感应、喷吹惰性气体等方法对钢水所进行的搅拌。它能使钢水成分和温度均匀化、促进冶金反应进行、加速夹杂物上浮净化钢水等。)
liquid steel stream钢水流股
liquid steel stream钢水注流
liquid steel stream钢流
liquid steel superheat钢水过热度
liquid steel supply钢水供应
liquid steel temperature钢水温度
liquid steel temperature adjustment钢水调温
liquid steel temperature decrease钢水温降
liquid steel temperature distribution钢水温度分布
liquid steel temperature drop钢水温降
liquid steel temperature homogeneity钢水温度均匀化
liquid steel temperature in ladle at turret回转台钢包钢水温度
liquid steel temperature in tundish中间包钢水温度
liquid steel vacuum degassing钢水真空脱气
liquid steel vacuum treatment钢水真空处理
liquid steel vector plot钢水矢量线图
liquid steel velocity钢水流速
liquid steel vortex钢水旋涡
liquid steel weight钢水重量
liquid steel yield钢水收得率
liquid steel/molten flux interface钢和熔渣的界面 (Continuous casting fluxes must be able to absorb and dissolve nonmetallic inclusions, especially alumina, that rise to the liquid steel/ molten flux interface. 连铸保护渣必须能够吸收和溶解上浮到液(态)钢和熔渣界面的非金属夹杂物,特别是 Al₂O₃。)
liquid steel/molten flux interface钢水/液渣界面
liquid steel-slag system液态钢-渣系统 (The reaction equilibria in the liquid steel-slag systems have been extensively studied, both experimentally and theoretically by applying the principles of thermodynamics and physical chemistry. 通过运用热力学和物理化学原理,现已对液态钢渣系统反应平衡问题在实验和理论上进行了广泛的研究。)
location of liquid core液芯位置
low temperature liquid steel低温钢水
lowest point of liquid pool液相穴最低点
lowest point of the liquid pool液相穴最低点
low-freezing liquid低凝固点液体
low-sulphur liquid steel低硫钢水
lubricating film of liquid flux液态保护渣润滑膜
magnetic liquid磁性液体
magnetic liquid磁性流体
make-up liquid补充溶液
Marble corrosive liquid硫酸铜盐酸钢材显微组织检查用腐蚀液
Marble corrosive liquid马布尔浸蚀剂
mathematical model for predicting composition of liquid steel预测钢水成分的数学模型
measure of liquid steel temperature钢水温度测量
measured liquid steel temperature实测钢水温度
measured temperature of liquid steel实测钢水温度
method of decreasing temperature of liquid steel钢水降温法
method of increasing temperature of liquid steel钢水升温法
microcomputer controlled liquid steel temperature微机控制钢水温度
milling liquid研磨用液体
mixing liquid receiver混合液贮槽
moistening liquid调湿液体
mold liquid steel level control结晶器钢水面控制
molten slag wetting ability for liquid steel液渣润湿钢水的能力
monatomic layer of liquid单原子液体层
monatomic liquid单原子液体
mother liquid母液
multipoint leveling with liquid core带液芯多点矫直
multipoint straightening with liquid core带液芯多点矫直
multipoint unbending with liquid core带液芯多点矫直
mushy-to-liquid ratio糊/液比 (【技】铸坯内糊状区与液相区之比。)
nematic liquid crystal向列液晶
newly-formed liquid slag layer新形成的液渣层
no-fluctuation liquid steel level无波动钢水面
non-degassed liquid steel未脱气处理的钢水
non-Newtonian liquid非牛顿性液体
nonpolar liquid非极性液体
normal liquid steel level正常钢水液位
operating liquid level工作液面高度
organic liquid有机溶液
organic liquid有机液体
outer layer liquid steel外层钢水 (【技】在复合钢板坯连铸时,形成复合钢板坯外层的钢水。)
overflow of liquid steel钢水溢出
oxygen-fuel heating method for liquid steel钢水氧燃加热法
packing liquid填充液
packing liquid密封液
parting liquid分离液
peak temperature of liquid steel峰值钢水温度
penetration depth of steel stream into liquid pool钢流在液相穴内的贯穿深度
plasma heating method for liquid steel钢水等离子体加热法
pool of liquid metal液态金属熔池
pool of liquid steel钢水熔池
position of liquid core in strand铸坯液芯位置
pouring temperature of liquid steel钢水浇注温度
pretreatment of liquid iron铁水炉外处理
price differential between liquid iron and cold scrap铁水和废钢价格差 (Price differentials between liquid iron and cold scrap have motivated steel-makers to provide extra heat to melt more scrap than the process could handle under normal operating conditions. 铁水和废钢的价格差,驱使炼钢生产者提供更多的热量,去熔化比正常生产条件下更多的废钢。)
product liquid液体产物
purification by liquid extraction液体萃取提纯
purity of liquid steel钢水纯净度
quality liquid steel优质钢水
quenched in liquid air液态空气中淬火的
quenched in liquid air液体空气〔中〕淬火的
quenching liquid淬火液
quickening liquid催镀液
raise temperature of liquid steel提高钢水温度
raise temperature of liquid steel钢水提温
reaction liquid反应液体
reaction surface area between oxygen and liquid steel氧气和钢水间的反应表面积
recovery by liquid-liquid extraction液-液萃取回收
reoxidation of liquid steel钢水二次氧化
reoxidation product of liquid steel钢水二次氧化产物
residual liquid steel残余钢水
rolling of ingot with liquid core液芯钢锭轧制
rolling with liquid core液芯轧制
rotating disk type liquid disintegration转盘式液体雾化
rotating disk type liquid disintegration转盘式液碎
routine chemical composition control of liquid steel钢水常规化学成分控制
RTD curve of liquid steel钢水停留时间分布曲线
rust-removing liquid缓蚀液
rust-removing liquid除锈液
salting liquid盐液
scrubbing liquid洗涤液
sealing liquid密封液
self-solidifying liquid自凝液体
sensible heat of liquid iron铁水显热
separation by liquid-liquid extraction液-液萃取分离
Si content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
silicon content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
simple liquid牛顿液体
simple liquid简单液体
single-cycle liquid-liquid extraction单循环液-液萃取
sintering in absence of liquid phase无液相烧结
sintering in presence of liquid phase液相烧结
sintering in the absence of a liquid phase无液相烧结
sintering in the presence of a liquid phase液相烧结
slab straightening with liquid core板坯带液芯矫直 (【技】板坯带液芯矫直指的是在板坯心部钢水尚未凝固时对板坯进行的矫直,是提高拉坯速度和板坯连铸机生产效率的有效途径。)
slab unbending with liquid core板坯带液芯矫直
slab with liquid core带液芯板坯
slag entrapment into liquid steel渣子卷人钢水
soft reduction of slab with liquid core板坯带液芯轻压下 (【技】在尚未凝固的板坯液相穴末端对铸坯所进行的轻微压下,可有效防止凝固末期钢液收缩或鼓肚造成的流动,减轻铸坯中心偏析。)
soft reduction of strand with liquid core带液芯轻压下 (【技】连铸坯在连铸机内的凝固过程中,特别是凝固末期,钢水的流动会造成中心偏析,为此,在铸坯液相穴末端对其施加轻微的压下,使其既不产生内裂,又达到了减轻中心偏析的目的。)
soldering liquid钎焊液
soldering liquid钎焊液态熔剂
solid liquid cyclone水力旋流器
solid-liquid cyclone固-液〔水力〕旋流器
solid liquid cyclone固-液旋流器
solid-liquid extraction固-液萃取
solid/liquid interface固/液界面
solid-liquid interface固-液界面
solid-liquid mixing固-液混合
solid-liquid separation固-液分离
solid-liquid transition固-液转变
solid/liquid two-phase zone固液两相区
solidification heat liberation of liquid steel钢水凝固放热
solidification rate of liquid steel钢水凝固速度
solidifying liquid resin自凝液体树脂
solid-to-liquid ratio固液比
solutions of liquids in liquids液体中的液溶体
solutions of solids in liquids液体中的固溶体
solvent-to-liquid ratio溶剂水相比
source of liquid steel钢水来源
specific gravity of liquid steel钢水比重
specific heat of liquid steel钢水比热
spillage of liquid steel钢水溢出
splash liquid slag溅渣
static pressure of liquid steel钢水静压力
still current of liquid静止液流
straightening strand with liquid center铸坯带液芯矫直 (【技】在连铸过程中,铸坯心部未完全凝固,仍存在液态钢的情况下对铸坯进行矫直的连铸坯拉矫技术。提高拉坯速度是增加连铸机生产能力的有效途径。但随着拉坯速度的提高,铸坯的冶金长度也随之增长。此时如仍采用一点固相矫直,势必要使连铸机的弧形半径增大。采用液芯矫直是解决高拉速和铸机半径增大矛盾的有效途径。)
strand straightening with liquid core铸坯带液芯矫直
strand unbending with liquid core铸坯带液芯矫直
strand with liquid core带液芯的铸坯
streamlines of liquid steel钢水流线
stripping liquid洗提液
stripping liquid解吸液
strong leaching liquid强浸出液
strong leaching liquid浓浸出液
structure of liquid metal液态金属结构
subversive liquid腐蚀性液体
sulphur content in liquid steel at turndown停吹时钢水的含硫量
sulphur-free liquid steel无硫钢水
superheat of liquid steel钢水过热度
superheated liquid steel过热钢水
supernatant liquid清液层
supernatant liquid上层清液
supporting liquid支承液体
surface tension of liquid slag熔渣表面张力
synthetic slag treatment of liquid steel钢水合成渣处理 (【技】利用合成渣去除钢包内钢水杂质、提高钢水纯净度的一种炉外精炼方法,简称为"渣洗"。该工艺设备简单、易于操作、费用低廉,具有较好的脱硫、脱氧、脱磷和去除杂质等的冶金效果。)
target liquid steel composition钢水目标成分
target superheat of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水目标过热度
target temperature of liquid steel钢水目标温度
technique for controlling liquid level in mold结晶器液面控制技术
temperature adjustment of liquid iron铁水调温
temperature adjustment of liquid steel钢水调温
temperature control of liquid steel for continuous casting连铸钢水温度控制
temperature drop of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度降低
temperature of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度
thermal diffusivity of liquid flux液态保护渣热扩散系数
thermocouple control method for liquid steel level钢水面热电偶控制法
thick layer of liquid slag厚液渣层
thick liquid slag layer厚液渣层
thickness of liquid mold flux layer结晶器液态保护渣层厚度
"transient liquid phase" bonding过渡液相结合
transitory liquid phase过渡液相
transportation equipment for liquid steel钢水运输设备
true liquid真液体
two-liquid quenching双液淬火
two-liquid zone melting双液区域熔炼
two liquid zone melting两种液体区域熔炼
unbend strand with liquid core铸坯带液芯矫直 (【技】在铸坯尚未完全凝固,其内部仍有液芯存在的情况下,对连铸坯进行的矫直。提高拉坯速度是提高连铸机生产效率的有效途径。而拉速提高势必导致铸坯液芯长度增加。在此情况下仍采用固相矫直,铸机半径就会很大。而带液芯矫直能在铸机半径较小的情况下实现高拉坯速度,目前该项技术已在板坯、大方坯等断面面积较大铸坯的连铸中得到广泛运用。)
unbending of strand with liquid core铸坯带液芯矫直
unbending strand with liquid core铸坯带液芯矫直
underflow liquid底流液
unfiltered liquid steel未过滤的钢水
used liquid废液
vacuum treatment of liquid steel钢水真空处理 (【技】在低于大气压力条件下对钢水进行冶金处理的一种炉外精炼技术。目前已采用的钢水真空处理技术包括:钢水倒包真空处理、钢水真空提升脱气、钢水真空脱气、钢水真空循环脱气以及真空铸锭等。)
vapour-liquid equilibrium汽-液平衡
vapour-liquid exchange汽液交换
vapour-liquid process汽-液交换过程
vapour-liquid ratio汽-液比
vapour-liquid transfer汽-液转移
volume in liquid core reduction【连】液芯压下量
waiting time for liquid steel钢水等待时间
wash liquid洗涤液
washing liquid洗涤液
waste pickle liquid废酸洗液
water-repellent liquid斥水性液体
water-repellent liquid拒水性液体
weak leaching liquid弱浸出液
weight of liquid steel钢水重量
wetting liquid湿润液
yield from liquid steel in ladle to bloom从钢包钢水到大方坯的金属收得率
yield from liquid steel to continuously cast semi-finished product连铸钢水的金属收得率
yield of liquid steel钢水收得率
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