
Terms for subject Agriculture containing LiVES | all forms
ability to live存活力
ability to live生活能力
ability to live生存性
attenuated live vaccine减毒活疫苗
body weight of live livestock牲畜活重
hole in which hares live兔洞
hole in which hares live兔穴
live animal活畜
live bacterial vaccine活菌苗
live-bait fishing活饵竿钓
live-box fish culture筐养
live-box fish culture网箱养鱼
live car a活鱼车a
live cattle活畜
live decoys狩猎用活媒鸟
live farming division畜牧业区划
live fence生篱
live fencing生物围篱
live fencing绿篱
live fish活鱼
live fish carrier活水船
live fish transportation活鱼运输
live food食物, 活的
live food organisms活饵料生物
live green-kernel rice鲜绿稻粒
live hydraulic pump独立传动液压泵
live keyboard灵活键盘
live keyboard活动键盘
live knot紧密节
live load活负载指工作负载,实用负载
live load动荷载指货物荷载,客运量荷载
live loading活负载
live loading动荷载
live net活网
live oak常绿槠类
live pig生猪
live pig活猪
live poultry活家禽
live prunning活枝修剪
live weight gain增重
tape for estimating live weight推定活重尺
tape for estimating live weight估计活重尺