
Terms for subject Business containing LiVES | all forms | exact matches only
alternative with unequal service lives非同期服务方案
calculation system of live-fresh commodity by recording purchasing price鲜活商品进价金额核算制
carriage of live animals活性畜运输
live and let live自求生存与互求共存
live asset收益资产
live by ones own labor自食其力
live by one's work自食其力
live cargo鲜活货物
live cargo鲜洁货物
live data有效数据
live file有用档案
live file活档案
live high过舒适奢华的生活
live high过奢侈生活
live high off the hog家境富裕
live-in course脱产学习
live-in system生活方式
live labor活劳动
live labor productivity活劳动生产率
live-line work带电作业
live load动负载指车上货物与乘客的重量
live load活载荷
live load车辆活负载
live on loan借债度日
live on one's wages靠工资生活
live out不在工作处住宿
live traffic现有业务
live up the market活跃市场
live-wire work带电作业
live within one's means量入为出
lose one's ability to live丧失生活能力
safeguard the lives of the workers保障工人生活