
Terms containing LiVES | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a live coal燃着的煤块
agric.ability to live生活能力
agric.ability to live存活力
agric.ability to live生存性
avia.adaptive communication live controller自适应通信实况转播控制器
multimed.Adobe flash media live encoder高质量实时录制
tech.alloy live center合金活顶尖
tech.alloy live centre合金活顶尖
busin.alternative with unequal service lives非同期服务方案
agric.attenuated live vaccine减毒活疫苗
tech.auxiliary live steam admission valve辅助新汽进汽阀
tech.auxiliary live steam valve进汽副阀
tech.balancing factor for increasing live load活载发展均衡系数
gen.be televised live进行电视实况转播
tech.bioaugmentation process with liquid live microorganism流动活微生物工艺
agric.body weight of live livestock牲畜活重
avia.bomb, live unit真炸弹 (美国)
adv.broadcast live电台直播
busin.calculation system of live-fresh commodity by recording purchasing price鲜活商品进价金额核算制
desert.canyon live oak金栎
desert.canyon live oak金栋
busin.carriage of live animals活性畜运输
desert.coast live oak海岸栋
desert.coast live oak海岸栎
tech.developing coefficient of live load reservation预留活载发展系数
gen.Dose Santa Claus really live in life?圣诞老人是真实存在的吗?
tech.equivalent live load等效活荷载
tech.equivalent live load均布活荷载
adv.equivalent live time program不同时区同时间播放的录制节目
tech.equivalent uniform live load等效均布活载
desert.escarpment live oak高原栎
desert.escarpment live oak高原栋
tech.exposed live part外露带电部件
tech.floor live load地板活荷载
tech.floor live load楼面活荷载
tech.floor live load楼板活荷载
tech.floor live loading地板活荷载
tech.floor live loading楼面活荷载
tech.floor live loading楼板活荷载
nautic., tech.fresh and live fish vessel鲜活鱼运输船
tech.fresh and live freight鲜活货物
tech.fresh and live goods鲜活货物
gen.have not long to live是短命的
gen.have not long to live长不了
gen.have not long to live活不长的
gen.he lives ten miles from where I am living他住在离我住处十英里的地方
desert.highland live oak高地栎
desert.highland live oak高地栋
tech.high-pressure live steam高压新蒸汽
tech.high-pressure live steam高压直接蒸汽
tech.highway live load公路活载
agric.hole in which hares live兔洞
agric.hole in which hares live兔穴
tech.horizontal live load水平活荷载
multimed.HTTP live streamingHTTP live streaming 协议
gen.I live, as sure as one lives的的确确
gen.I want to immigrate to the United States, because my child lives there我打算移民美国,因为我的孩子生活在那里
sport.If you don't have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form如果你没有足够的空间塞进一双跑鞋,而你又住在空旷的地方,赤脚跑步会对你的骨骼和形体更加有好处
tech.insurance for impaired lives伤残保险
desert.interior live oak高地栎
desert.interior live oak高地栋
desert.Japanese live oak小叶青冈
adv.live action真人实拍
adv.live action实景
adv.live-action filming实景拍摄
multimed.Live action musical puppet show真人实景音乐剧
agric.live animal活畜
shipb.live animal's rates活动物运费率
avia.live animals regulations活的动物运输规则
adv.live animation真人动画
tech.live arch绿化拱门
tech.live ark shell活赤贝
busin.live asset收益资产
securit.live assets可产生收益的资产
securit.live assets短期资产
gen.live at a high rate过豪华生活
med.live attenuated virus活减毒病毒
tech.live axle驱动轮轴
tech.live axle传动力的
tech.live axle行走轮轴
agric.live bacterial vaccine活菌苗
fisherylive-bait fishing活饵诱捕
agric.live-bait fishing活饵竿钓
fisherylive-bait fishing捕捞活饵作业
sport.live ball有效球
tech.live bed scour动床冲刷
tech.live birth index出生存活率
med.live births活体
tech.live bolt弹賛闩
tech.live bolt碰簧销
tech.live bolt弹簧闩
avia.live bomb真炸弹
tech.live boom独立变幅的动臂 (挖掘机)
tech.live boom of excavator挖土机活动伸臂
tech.live box网箱
tech.live box活水笼
tech.live box饲养场
tech.live box活鱼箱
agric.live-box fish culture筐养
agric.live-box fish culture网箱养鱼
tech.live brake lever浮装闸杆
tech.live broadcast现场广播
sport.live broadcast现场直播
tech.live broadcast直播
sport.live broadcast实况转播
gen.live by靠…生活
tech.live cable test cap带电电缆试验盖头
tech.live camera现场摄像机
tech.live capacity活库容
tech.live capacity有效库容
agric.live car a活鱼车a
tech.live car b活鱼箱b
busin.live cargo鲜洁货物
tech.live cargo活货
shipb.live cargo transportation鲜活货物运输
avia.live cartridge实弹
agric.live cattle活畜
tech.live center活顶尖
tech.live center回转顶尖
amer.live center机床活顶尖
tech.live center of roller辊子有效顶端
tech.live chassis带电机壳
mil.live circuit热〔放射性〕回路
tech.live circuit带电电线
tech.live circuit有电电路
mil.live circuit带电〔有电压的〕电路
mil.live circuit放射性回路
mil.live circuit有电压的〔带电〕电路
avia.live circuit有电压的电路
gen.live coals烧红的煤块
multimed.Live codingLive coding 代码编写直播网站
gen.live colour camera实况转播彩色电视摄像机
gen.live come up to meet, answer sb.'s expectations不辜负某人的期望
tech.live conductor火线
tech.live conductor有电导线
multimed.live conferencing现场会议
adv.live copy即兴文稿
tech.live crack活裂缝
tech.live crude充气原油
busin.live data有效数据
tech.live deck出河台
agric.live decoys狩猎用活媒鸟
avia.live drop真人跳伞
soil.live dune移动沙丘
tech.live edge湿边
tech.live edge活性边 (油漆未干的边)
avia.live ejection真人弹射
tech.live enclosure树篱
tech.live enclosure矮树栏
tech.live end交混回响壁
tech.live end有效端
tech.live end活跃端
tech.live end加电压端
tech.live entry带电进电泳
avia.live environment testing真实环境试验
tech.live equipment带电设备
adv.live fade演播室降低音量
desert.live fanning畜牧业
tech.live farming畜牧业
agric.live farming division畜牧业区划
gen.live fast浪费精力
gen.live fast生活放荡
tech.live fence用树木组成的绿篱
agric.live fence生篱
desert.live fence生物围篱
tech.live fence灌木篱
desert.live fence绿篱
agric.live fencing生物围篱
agric.live fencing绿篱
multimed.live file system活档系统
avia.live fire test实弹试验
avia.live fire test and evaluation实弹试验与评估
mil.live firing实际发射
agric.live fish活鱼
tech.live fish carrier运活渔船
agric.live fish carrier活水船
nautic., tech.live fish carrier活鱼运输船
fisherylive fish trade活鱼贸易
agric.live fish transportation活鱼运输
shipb.live fishes transportation活水产运输
shipb.live fishes transportation活鱼运输
agric.live food食物, 活的
agric.live food organisms活饵料生物
desert.live forever长药八宝
desert.live forever长药宝
desert.live forever永生八宝
biol.live-forever紫花景天 (Sedum telephium L.,景天科)
tech.live form现代地形
tech.live freshwater crab大闸蟹
tech.live front盘面接线
tech.live front switchboard盘面接线式配电盘
tech.live glacier活冰
tech.live glacier流动冰川
tech.live glacier现代冰川
adv.live goods时下旺销品
tech.live graphite放射性石墨
tech.live graphite含铀块石墨
tech.live gravity load重力活荷载
agric.live green-kernel rice鲜绿稻粒
tech.live guy活动牵索
busin.live high过舒适奢华的生活
busin.live high过奢侈生活
busin.live high off the hog家境富裕
tech.live hole点火孔
tech.live hopper活动料箱
agric.live hydraulic pump独立传动液压泵
tech.live hydraulic pump独立传动的液压泵
tech.live hydraulic system独立液压系统
tech.live ice活冰川
tech.live ice流动冰川
gen.live in住进
gen.live in purdah生活于深闺中
tech.live input常通输入
gen.live insert实况节目插播
avia.live jump test真人试跳
agric.live keyboard灵活键盘
agric.live keyboard活动键盘
tech.live knot连生节
agric.live knot紧密节
tech.live knot活络钻头
tech.live knot木材的生节
tech.live knot活节
tech.live knot连体节
tech.live landform现代地形
avia.live launch实弹发射
tech.live lever浮装杆
tech.live line火线
tech.live line装满的管线
tech.live line tester试电器
tech.live line work带电工作
tech.live line work带电作业
multimed.live link活链接
tech.live load负荷
agric.live load活负载指工作负载,实用负载
agric.live load动荷载指货物荷载,客运量荷载
tech.live load物品荷载
tech.live load动荷
tech.live load负载
tech.live load有效负载
tech.live load
tech.live load荷载
busin.live load车辆活负载
busin.live load活载荷
busin.live load动负载指车上货物与乘客的重量
tech.live load使用负载
tech.live load使用荷载
tech.live load活负载
tech.live load有效负荷
avia.live load动力负荷
gen.live load moment动负载力矩
tech.live load on deck面板上活荷载
tech.live-load stress载应力
tech.live load stress活荷载应力
agric.live loading活负载
agric.live loading动荷载
tech.live market牲畜市场
adv.live matter在用或待用印版
adv.live matter现场直播
agric.live net活网
biol.live oak弗吉尼亚栋 (Quercus virginiana Mill.,山毛榉科)
desert.live oak埃默里栋
tech.live oak常绿橡树
desert.live oak埃默里栎
agric.live oak常绿槠类
gen.live off靠… 生活〔供养〕
gen.live off住在…之外
gen.live on以…为生活
gen.live on the alms-basket靠别人的周济过活
tech.live open steam直接蒸汽
tech.live open steam新汽
gen.live out one's days过一辈子
gen.live out one's life过一辈子
tech.live parking不离车停放
tech.live parking短暂停车
tech.live part运转中的部件
tech.live part带电部件
tech.live part有电部
CNClive part有电部件
tech.live peat层状腐殖质泥煤
tech.live pick-up室内摄影
tech.live pick-up广播室广播
tech.live pick-up电视室内摄制
agric.live pig生猪
agric.live pig活猪
shipb.live pigs transportation活猪运输
tech.live pit新灰坑
desert.live-plant N植物活体氮
agric.live poultry活家禽
tech.live power drive连续功率驱动
tech.live power take-off独立式功率输出轴
adv.live production现场制作
tech.live program实况广播
sport.live program实况广播节目
tech.live programme实况广播
agric.live prunning活枝修剪
tech.live question当前问题
tech.live rail地磅活动轨
tech.live rail导电轨
tech.live rail载电轨
adv.live rating实时收视率
multimed.live recording实况录音
tech.live recording现场录音
gen.live recording电影声画同期录制
tech.live ring轮带
tech.live ring动圈
tech.live ring滚圈
tech.live ring migration轮带位移
tech.live-roll conveyer自动滚动式滚柱输送机
tech.live-roll conveyer电动滚轴输送机
tech.live-roll conveyer滚轴运输机
tech.live-roll feeder辊式进料器
tech.live-roll grizzly多轴辊轴筛
tech.live-roll grizzly滚轴筛
tech.live-roll table传动辊道
tech.live roller传动辊转动辊
tech.live roller辊式输送器
tech.live roller辊式输送机
tech.live-roller conveyer滚轴输送机
tech.live-roller conveyer电动滚轴输送机
tech.live-roller conveyer驱动式滚柱输送机
tech.live-roller conveyer滚轴运输机
tech.live-roller cradle升船用的缆车
tech.live-roller system联珠式滚轮系统
tech.live-roller type spillway缆车滑道
tech.live room活跃室混响时间较长的房间
tech.live room音质活跃室混响时间长的房间
tech.live room活跃室
tech.live room交混回响室
desert.live-root biomass活根生物量
desert.live-root N活根氮
tech.live rubber高弹性橡胶
tech.live rubber高碳性橡胶
sport.live rubber ball弹力足的橡皮球
tech.live screw bottomed ice day tank底部设有活动螺旋的日调节冰箱
tech.live shaft转动轴
shipb.live sheep transportation活羊运输
mil.live shell
mil.live shell实弹
tech.live silo活筒仓
tech.live silo卸料仓
tech.live silo自流筒仓
tech.live silo capacity自由调节的仓储[贮]容量
tech.live silo capacity活动料箱容量
multimed.live sound实况声音
tech.live species现有物种
tech.live spindle旋车主轴
tech.live spindle旋转心轴
tech.live stage真实级
tech.live steam高压蒸汽
tech.live steam新蒸汽
tech.live steam heating新蒸汽釆暖
tech.live steam pipe主汽管
tech.live steam pipe新汽管
tech.live steam piping主汽管道
tech.live steam valve新汽阀
tech.live storage活库场
tech.live storage活堆场
tech.live storage周转容量
tech.live storage有效储备
tech.live storage有效储料库
tech.live storage活用蓄水量
tech.live storage bin活存仓
tech.live storage bin有效储料仓
tech.live storage bin活储
tech.live storage capacity有效库容
multimed.live streaming视频直播
tech.live stub axle驱动短轴
tech.live studio实况广播室
tech.live studio长混响播音室
tech.live studio活化播音室
avia.live subject ejection tower test真人弹射塔试验
adv.live tag影视广告末的经销信息旁白
tech.live talent studio直接表演演播室
sport.live telecast直播
sport.live telecast现场直播
sport.live telecast电视实况
sport.live telecasting实况转播
sport.live telecasting现场转播
tech.live terminal带电端子
avia.live test活体试验
avia.live test真人试验
gen.live through经受住
gen.live through度过
tech.live time使用期限
adv.live time现场直播时间
avia.live time活时间
adv.live-time delay为不同时区同步播出而延迟播岀节目钟点
adv.live title实时标题
sport.live transmission现场转播
tech.live transmission实时传输
sport.live transmission实况转播
tech.live truck lever转向架移动杠杆
adv.live type在用或待用印版
adv.live type现场直播
busin.live up the market活跃市场
gen.live up to达〔做〕到
gen.live up to与…相等
gen.live up to实行
gen.live up to meet, answer sb.'s expectations不辜负某人的期望
tech.live up to one's name名副其实
sport.live up to one's rating as a favorite不负众望
gen.live up to one's reputation名副其实
sport.live up to reputation不负盛名
gen.live up to one's reputation名不虚传
gen.live up to one's reputation不负盛名
tech.live volume有效容积
agric.live weight gain增重
tech.live weight loss减重
tech.live wire通电电线
tech.live wire输电线
tech.live wire带电导线
tech.live wire输电电缆
tech.live wire有电线
tech.live wire载电线
tech.live wire通电铁丝网
tech.live wire活线
gen.live wire通电〔带电〕电线
tech.live wire entanglement电网
busin.live-wire work带电作业
gen.live with避免不了
gen.live with同…共处
busin.live within one's means量入为出
tech.live wood潮湿木材
tech.live wood新伐木材
biol.live-worm肝蛭 (Fasciola hepatica)
multimed.live 4XLive 4X 在线慈善活动
tech.live zone拌缸净体积【道】
busin.lose one's ability to live丧失生活能力
desert.loss of lives生命损失
tech.maximum live shear最大活剪力
tech.minimum live load最小动力负荷最小活荷载
tech.minimum live load最小工作负荷
avia.miscellaneous live unit综合居住单元
tech.no-live load空载
avia.no live operator无人操纵机
gen.no live operator flight无人驾驶飞行
tech.overhead live cable高架带电电缆
shipb.place an order for live fish carrier订购活鱼运输船
tech.plain live axle普通动轴
tech.plain live rear axle普通传动后轴
tech.point live load集中动荷载
tech.preserved live load increasing factor预留活载发展系数
desert.pure live seed纯发芽种子 (种子中无杂质而有生命力的种子)
tech.rate of live weight growth增重率
tech.required live load规定的活荷载
tech.required live load要求的活荷载
tech.reservoir live storage有效库容
tech.reservoir live storage水库有效容量
tech.roof live load屋面活荷载
tech.roof live load屋顶活荷载
busin.safeguard the lives of the workers保障工人生活
tech.semi-live skid半滑动垫木
tech.semi-live skid半活动小架车
tech.service live load工作活荷载
tech.service live load实际工作活荷载
tech.service live load活使用荷载
desert.shrub live oak灌木栎
tech.side walk live load均布荷载
tech.side walk live load人群荷载
tech.simple live axle简单传动轴
sport.simultaneous live channel现场直播频道
tech.spring-loaded live centre弹簧活顶尖
tech.standard live load for bridge桥梁标准活荷载
tech.standard railway live load specified by p. R. China中一活载
tech.standard railway live load specified by p. R. China中华人民共和国铁路标准活载
tech.static live load静力活荷载
tech.supplementary live steam nozzle补助进汽嘴
tech.supplementary live steam pipe辅助进汽管
agric., tech.tape for estimating live weight推定活重尺
agric., tech.tape for estimating live weight估计活重尺
desert.Texas live oak高原栎
desert.Texas live oak高原栋
gen.The researchers noted that overweight people tend to live as long as the thin, but with far more chronic diseases that are costly to treat研究人员注意到,超重人的生存时间和瘦人的一样长,但是却患有多种慢性疾病,这些疾病要花费高昂的治疗费用
gen.the world that we live in is made up of matter我们生活于其中的世界是由物质构成的
multimed.time to live存活时间
fisherytrade in live fish活鱼贸易
tech.uniform live load均布动荷载
tech.uniform live load均布活荷载
tech.vehicular live load车辆可变荷载
tech.vehicular live load车辆活荷载
tech.vehicular live load行车荷载
gen.without water nothing could live没有水什么都不能生存
tech.working on live ultra-high tension power lines超高压线路带电作业
gen.you can't live without air没有空气任何人都活不了
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