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Carl Lewis anchored the U.S. 4×100m relay team卡尔・刘易斯在奥运会 4×100 米接力赛跑中担任美国队第四棒运动员
Carl Lewis outleaped world champion Mike Powell in the men's long jump在男子跳远比赛中、 刘易斯比世界冠军鲍威尔跳得更远
Carl Lewis was the world champion in the men's long jump and the world record holder at 8. 72 metres刘易斯曾是男子跳远世界冠军和 8.72 米世界纪录的保持者
Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
the movements of Carl Lewis' approach and take-off卡尔・刘易斯的助跑和起跳动作
U.S. super star Carl Lewis captured his fourth Olympic gold medal by anchoring the U. S. 4 × 100 metres relay team to a world record time of 37.83 seconds美国超级田径明星卡尔刘易斯在男子 4 × 100 米接力赛跑中担任第四棒最后一棒、夺得了他本人的第四块奥运会金牌、美国队创下了 37.83 秒新的世界纪录