
Terms for subject Securities containing Law | all forms | exact matches only
abide by the law遵守法律
American Business Law Association美国商法协会
antiracketeering law反敲诈勒索法
applicable law适用法
applicable law准据法
bear independently civil liability according to law依法独立承担民事责任
behavior breaking law or regulation违法违规行为
blue sky law蓝天法美国各州政府为防止欺诈凭空发行股票证券而订立的各种法律,统称"蓝天法"
blue sky law股票交易控制法
client secrecy law客户保密法
committing serious infractions of the law严重违反法例
common law business trust普通法商业信托
common law trust普通信托
common law trust普通法信托
common-law voting普通法表决
commutative law互换定律
conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares证券法规定的新股发行条件
consciousness of law-observing management守法管理的意识
credit law信贷法
Delaware Corporation Law Section 101a特拉华州公司法第101节a
Delaware General Corporation Law特拉华州一般公司法
Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则
diminishing returns law收益递减法则
due process of law法律正当程序
enforceable at law法律上可强制执行
entities formed under foreign law符合外国法律的实体
force of law法律强制力
fraudulent conveyance law欺诈侵占转让法
Gresham's Law格雷欣法则劣币驱良币法则
improve the law observing awareness of the main players提高大股东的守法意识
Insider Trading Law内部交易法
investment incentive law奖励投资条例
investment law投资法律
iron law of risk and return风险收益铁律高收益高风险规律
law and rules construction of securities market证券市场的法制建设
law day支付日
law day到期日
law firm律师事务所
law merchant商业惯例习惯法
law of cause and effect因果定律
law of constant return固定受益法 (交易所用语)
law of contract契约法
law of decreasing return收益递减法则
law of demand and supply供求规律
law of diminishing cost成本递减法则
law of increasing returns回报递增法则
law of insolvency破产清算法
law of interest权益法
law of obligation债权法
law of one price单一价格定律一种确定的证券应只有同一价格的定律
Law of PRC on Certified Accountants中华人民共和国注册会计师法
law of rule法治
Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
M&A law firms公司并购律师事务所
minimal capital required by law规定最低资本额
Moore's law摩尔定律此定律揭示了网络经济与信息技术发展的规律
negotiable instrument law可转让票据法
non-forfeiture law无没收规定
revaluation of assets law资产重估价法
Securities Investment Fund Law证券投资基金法
Securities Law China证券法
securities law exemptions证券法豁免
securities law problem证券法问题
state law provisions limiting国家法律条文限制
strengthen securities law enforcement加强证券法的执行力度
sunset law日暮法
sunset law日落法
sunshine law阳光法法律制定时必须公开讨论,制定后必须公布于众
super-fund law超级基金法
the present law本法
Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes统一汇票及本票法
Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination统一证券代理人州级法律考试
usury law禁止高利贷法限制贷款利率上限的法规
zoning law分区规则