
Terms for subject Mathematics containing Law | all forms | exact matches only
associative law结〔缔〕合律
central limit law中心极限定律
commutative law交换 〔互换,对易〕律
commutative law交换定律
commutative law of addition加法交换律
commutative law of vector向量交换律
continuous probability law连续概率律
discrete probability law离散概率律
distributive law分配〔分布〕律
generalised stable law广义稳定律
generalized stable law广义稳定律
Laplace law of succession拉普拉斯连续律
law of double logarithm二重对数律
law of double logarithm叠对数定律
law of great number大数定律
law of iterated logarithm迭对数定律
law of large numbers大数法则
law of large numbers大数定律
law of least squares最小平方律
law of possibility或然率
law of probabilities概率论
law of probabilities概率法则
law of probability概率〔几率〕论
law of small numbers小数定律
law of the mean平均值定理
mathematical law of probability数学概率法则
mixed exponential response law混合指数向应律
normal law of error误差常态律
optimal control law最优控制律
Poisson's law of large numbers泊松大数定律
probability law概率律
second law of Laplace正态分布
semi-stable law半稳定律
stable law稳定律
strong law of large numbers大数强律
strong law of large numbers强力大数定律
strong law of large numbers强大数定律
symmetric stable law对称稳定律
the law of large number大数法则
Zipf's law齐波夫定律