
Terms for subject Aviation containing Law | all forms | exact matches only
actuation law of fuze引信启动规律
adaptation law适应律
adaptive control law自适应控制法
adaptive law自适应律
Airborne Law Enforcement Association航空法实施协会 (美国)
Bell's law贝尔定律
Boyle's law pressure suit波义耳定律加压服
Cassini law卡西尼定律
Charle's law查理定律
Charles Law查理定理
classical control law经典控制律
Clausius statement of the second law of thermodynamics克劳修斯说法
compressible law可压缩法
conservation law守恒律
continuous control law连续控制律
control law控制规律
control law design控制律设计
control law of flareout拉平控制律
decentralized control law分散控制律
defender guidance law防卫指导律
discrete optimal control law离散最优控制律
dynamic inversion control law动态逆控制律
first law of thermodynamics【物】热力学第一定律
flight control law飞行控制律
Gibbs law of partial entropies吉布斯定律
institute of international air law国际航空法学会
Lambert Law朗伯定律
Lamberts law兰伯特定律
law of area面积定律
law of corresponding state对比态原理
law of cosine余弦定律
law of energy conservation and conversion能量转化与守恒定律
law of equivalence当量定律
law of superposition叠覆律
law of thermodynamics热力学原理
missile guidance law导弹导引律
mode control law模式控制律
Newtonian second law牛顿第二定律
Newton's second law of motion牛顿运动第二定律
non-linear control law非线性控制律
non-linear guidance law非线性制导律
Planck's radiation law普朗克辐射定律
predicted guidance law预测导引律
pyrolysis law裂解规律
radiation fourth power law辐射四次方定律
scaling law比例法则
similarity law相似法则
square-law compensation平方律补偿
Stefan-boltzmann law of thermal radiation斯特潘-玻耳兹曼定律
Sutherland's law萨瑟兰定律
the first law of thermodynamics热力学第-定律
the second law of thermodynamics热力学第二定律
the third law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律
the zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律
Thevenins law等效发生器定律
Thevenins law戴维宁定理
variance-covariance propagation law方差一协方差传播律