
Terms for subject Textile industry containing Law | all forms | exact matches only
action at law法律行为
adjudicate according to law依法处理
adjudicate according to law依法裁决
antidumping law反倾销法
applicable law适用法律
Bragg's law布喇格定理
civil law罗马法
civil law country大陆法系国家
civil procedure law诉讼程序法
civil procedure law民事诉讼法
combination law复合机构法
combination law合并法
combination law联合法
commerce law商法
commercial law商业法
commodity inspection law商检法规
commodity inspection law商品检验法
commodity tax law商品税法
consultancy service on law法律咨询事务所
Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability产品责任准则公约
counselor at law法律顾问
customary international law国际习惯法
distributive law分配规律
doctor of commercial law商法博士
economics of law法律经济学
force of law法律约束力
force of law法律效力
German law regarding food and consumer goodsLMBG德国食品和消费品法
German law regarding food and consumer goods德国食品和消费品法令
go against a law违反法律
go against a law违法
governing law依据法律
Harmful Substance-Containing Household Products Control Law No. 112家用织物含有害物质控制法令第112号
Household Goods Quality Labelling Law Requirements家用商品质量标签法例要求
inheritance tax law遗产税法
insolvent law破产法
internal tax law国内税法
international financial law国际金融法
international law of bill国际票据法
international law of commerce国际商法
international law of contract国际合同法
international law of economy国际经济法
international law of trade国际贸易法
international maritime law国际海事法
international tax law国际税法
invoke a law援引条例
invoke a law援引法律
joint venture law合资经营法
labor law劳动法
labor law劳工法
land law地产法
Law concerning Restrictions of Household Goods关于有毒物质的家用商品限制法令 (containing toxic substances)
law of demand供求法则
law of demand需求规律
law of demand and supply供求定律,供求法则
law of distribution分配原则
law of distribution分配律
law of economic contract经济合同法
law of economy经济规律
law of economy经济法
law of insurance contract保险合同法
law of intermediary colors中间色律
law of intermediary colours中间色律
law of international国际法
law of international trade国际贸易法
law of joint venture合资企业法
law of maritime海事法
law of market市场法
law of return报酬法则
law of sea海上法
law of sea海事法
law of succession继承法
law of the trade mark商标法
law of wages工资规律
law office法律事务所
law office法律顾问处
law office律师事务所
law on sales销售法
law on transfer of technology技术转让法
law relating to negotiable instrument票据法
law report律师报告
law report判例录
law report法律报告
law report判案汇编
law terms法律条件
law terms法律术语
limitation in law法律时效
local law本国法
local law地方法
Marine Insurance Law海上保险法
merchandise mark law商标法
merchant law商事法
merchant law商法
model law on patent专利法范本
non-compliance of tax law不遵守税法
objective law客观法则
objective law客观规律
patent law专卖特许法
patent law专利法
private law私法
public account law公共会计法
regime of law法律制度
regime of law法制
registration law注册法
revaluation of assets law资产重估法
riders to budget law预算法追加条款
sales law销售法
statistics law统计法
stock law证券法
tacit law惯例法
tacit law习惯法
tax law税收法
trade law商法
trade mark law商标法
trade mark registration law商标注册法
virtual breach of law实际上违法