
Terms for subject Dentistry containing LAST | all forms | exact matches only
How long does the pain last?牙痛多长时间了?
How long does the ulceration usually last?每次口腔溃疡大约持续多长时间?
When did the tooth last have dental treatment?您最后一次治牙是什么时候?
When did you come last?上次您什么时候来的?
When did your last period begin?您末次月经是哪天?
When was the last time you had an X -ray?最后一次拍 X 线片是什么时候?
When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist?您最后一次由牙医洁牙是什么时候?
When was the last time you went to a dental treatment?您最后一次治牙是什么时候?
When was your last dental check-up?最后一次做口腔检査是什么时候?