
Terms for subject Cryptography containing Key | all forms | exact matches only
additional decryption key附加的解密密钥
advanced key processor高级密钥处理程序
arbitrary key任意密钥
asymmetric key非对称密钥
authenticated key exchange认证密钥交换
auto key自动密钥
automated key transport自动密钥传输
bare public-key model单纯公钥模型
base key基础密钥
Blum-Goldwasser public key encryption systemBlum 和 Goldwasser 公钥密码体制
chosen related key attack选择相关密钥攻击
cipher text auto-key密文自动密钥
conference key会话密钥
constant-size public key具有恒定大小的公钥
contingency key应急密钥
cooperative key generation合作密钥生成
Cramer-Shoup public key schemeCramer-Shoup 公钥方案
cryptographic ignition key密码键
derived key派生密钥
deterministic public-key encryption确定性公钥加密
Diffie-Hellman key agreementDiffie-Hellman 密钥协商
distributed key generation分布式密钥生成
double key双重密钥
electronic key entry电子密钥登录
electronically generated key自动生成密钥
Elgamal public key encryption阿尔加莫公钥加密
elliptic curve key椭圆曲线密钥
elliptic curve key agreement scheme椭圆曲线密钥协商机制
elliptic curve public key椭圆曲线公钥
encrypted key被加密的密钥
encrypted key密钥
ephemeral key临时密钥
evaluation key求值密钥
exercise key运行密钥
exhaustive key search彻底密钥搜索
exhaustive key search穷举密钥搜索
federal public key infrastructure policy authority联邦公共密钥基础设施局
full key size全尺寸密钥长度
generic related-key attack通用相关密钥攻击
group key agreement群密钥协商
group key distribution群密钥分配
group session key群组会话密钥
hard copy key硬拷贝密钥
hardwired key电路密钥
hashing key哈希键
high entropy key高熵密钥
identity-based non-interactive key exchange基于身份的非交互密钥交换
IND-CPA secure public-key cryptographyIND-CCA安全的公钥密码体制
independent key独立密钥
independent round-key独立的轮密钥
individual key个体密钥
internal secret key内部秘钥
Internet key exchange互联网密钥交换
Internet security association and key因特网安全关联和密钥
Internet security association and key management protocol安全连接和密钥管理协议
K-bit keyK 位键
key agreement密钥协定
key alphabet密钥字母表
key alternating cipher密钥交替密码
key authentication密钥认证
key bits密钥比特
key bundle密钥束
key confirmation密钥确认
key dependent message依赖密钥消息
key dependent message resilience密钥相关的消息弹性
key dependent S-box密钥相关 S 盒
key derivation密钥分发
key derivation function密钥推导函数
key difference invariant bias密钥差分常量偏移
key directive密钥指令
key distinguisher密钥区分器
key encapsulation密钥封装
key encapsulation mechanism密钥封装机制
key escrow密钥托管法
key escrow system密钥托管系统
key establishment密钥创建
key establishment密钥建立
key establishment protocol密码创建协议
key evolution scheme密钥演变方案
key evolving system密钥进化系统
key exchange密钥交换
key exchange protocol密钥交换协议
key expansion密钥扩展
key generation密钥产生
key generation algorithm密钥生成算法
key generation material密钥生成材料
key graph密钥图
key group密钥组
key homomorphic密钥同态
key indistinguishability-based security model基于密钥不可区分性的安全性模型
key-length extension密钥长度扩展
key list密钥列表
key loader密钥载人器
key loader密钥装人器
key logger击键记录器
key logger键盘记录器
key mixing密钥混合
key negotiation密钥协商
key phrase密钥短语
key production key启动密钥
key production key密钥生成器
key rank estimation algorithm密钥列评估算法
key ranking密钥排序
key recovery attack密钥恢复攻击
key refresh密钥更新
key revocation密钥撤销
key schedule algorithm密钥生成方案算法
key schedule attack密钥方案攻击
key scheduling function密钥编排函数
key size密码长度
key switching technique密钥转换技术
key tag密钥标记
key tape密钥带
key text密码文件
key text密码文本
key token密钥令牌
key translation密钥转换
key transport密钥传送
key transport密钥传输
key update密钥更新
key update broadcast密钥更新广播
key whitening密钥白化一种增加密钥长度的方法
key whitening step密钥白化步骤
key wrap密钥包
known related key已知相关密钥
local management device/key processor本地管理装置/密钥处理器
logical key hierarchy逻辑密钥层次
logical key hierarchy scheme逻辑密钥层次方案
long-term key长期密钥
maintenance key维护密钥
manual key transport手工秘钥传送
master cryptographic ignition key主密码启动密钥
master key对系统有最高权利的钥匙
master key万能钥匙系统
master key管理锁
master secret key主秘钥
mceliece public key cryptosystemmceliece公钥密码系统
message-encrypting key消息加密密钥
MQV key agreement schemeMQV 秘钥协商方案
multivariate public-key cryptography多变量公钥密码
multivariate public-key cryptography多元公钥加密
noisy RSA key recovery有噪声的 RSA 密钥恢复
nonperiodic key非周期性密钥
non-secret key encryption非私钥加密
one-time key一次性密钥
one-time session key一次性会话密钥
one-way secret-key agreement单向密钥协议
one-way secret-key rate单向密钥速率
operational key操作密钥
over-the-air key distribution无线密钥分配
over-the-air key transfer无线密钥传递
password authenticated key exchange口令认证密钥交换
password authenticated key-exchange protocol口令认证密钥交换协议
per-call keyper-call 密钥
periodic key周期密钥
plaintext key明文密钥
private key私有密钥
private key cryptosystem对称钥密码体制
private key generator对称密钥生成器
private key generator私钥生成器
probabilistic public key概率公钥
public key based protocol基于公钥的协议
public key certificate公钥证明书
public key compression公钥压缩
public key asymmetric cryptographic algorithm公钥非对称加密算法
public key cryptography standard公钥加密标准
public-key cryptography standards公共密钥加密标准
public key enabling公钥启用
public key encryption公钥加密
public key encryption scheme公钥加密方案
public key proxy encryption公钥代理加密
public key proxy signature公钥代理签名
public key setting公钥设置
public key stegosystem公钥隐秘系统
public key watermarking公钥水印
quantum key agreement量子密钥协商
random key随机密钥
randomized public-key encryption随机公钥加密
related key相关密钥
related key attack相关密钥攻击
related-key rectangle attack相关密钥矩阵攻击
repeated key重复密钥
round key轮密钥
RSA public-key encryptionRSA 公钥加密
secret key私钥
secret key秘密钥
secret key symmetric cryptographic algorithm对称密码算法
secret key cryptosystem对称钥加密系统
secret key establishment秘密密钥建立
seed key种子密钥
semi-weak key半弱密钥
shared encryption key共享加密密钥
shorter public key较短公钥
signing key签名密钥
simple public key infrastructure简单公钥基础设施
simple public key infrastructure/ shared data set integrity简单公钥基础设施/共享数据集完整性
single key单密钥
single-key attack单密钥攻击
single length key单长度密钥
single length key space单长度密钥空间
slow key-schedule缓慢密钥编排
static key静态密钥
symmetric key对称密钥
symmetric key encryption对称秘钥加密
test key测试密钥
traffic encryption key流量加密密钥
treble key三倍密钥
two-key triple encryption双密钥三重加密
type key类型密钥
verifiable key word search可验证的关键词搜索
weak-key attack弱密钥攻击
weak-key variant弱密钥变量
weak session key弱会话密钥
whitening key白化密钥
X.509 public key certificateX.509公钥证书