
Terms for subject Drilling containing Joint | all forms | exact matches only
abutment joint对接焊
articulated arm joint摇臂连接
back-off joint倒扣短节一头正扣,一头反扣
ball and socket joint球窝节
ball and socket joint球窝铰链连接
ball and socket joint球窝连接
ball joint球窝连接
bell and spigot joint喇叭口接头
bevelled joint斜接
bolt joint螺栓连接
break a joint卸下一节管子接头
break a joint卸单根
break down a joint卸开一个单根
break joints多个单根
bullet and flange joint插塞与法兰连接
bumper safety joint震击器安全接头
cable joint钢丝绳接头
casing joint套管单根
casing with inserted joints套接式套管
circulation control joint可控循环短节
clamped insert joint插入卡紧连接
close joint密缝
coarse thread joint粗螺纹接头
corner joint弯头连接
cross pin type joint十字形联轴节
cross pin type joint万向接头
double joint钻杆双根
double tilted universal-joint housing双倾角万向节套
double titled U-joint sub双斜向转向接头
double-tilted universal-joint housing双倾角万向节套造斜工具
drill pipe joint钻杆接头
elbow joint弯管接头
elbow joint弯接头
expansion joint补偿器
expansion joint膨胀节
expansion joint伸缩节【接头】
extension joint加长短节
faulty soldered joint不良焊缝
fishing buckle joint打捞轴节
fishing knuckle joint打捞轴节
flanged joint带法兰的管子
flash weld tool joint闪光焊接钻杆接头
flex joint柔性短节
flush joint平接接头
flush joint liner平接式衬管
full hole tool joint贯眼式工具接头
full hole tool joint贯眼扣接头
full hole tool joint贯眼型螺纹接头
gimbal joint万向接头
globe joint球形接头
grief joint方钻杆
hard banding of tool joint钻杆接头表面敷硬质合金环形硬化层
hard facing of tool joint钻杆接头表面环形硬化层
hard-to-break joints难卸开的接头
Hooked joint万向接头
Hooked joint万向联轴节
integral joint与管子成一体的接头
joggled joint啮合连接
joint adventure合作办事业
joint coupling电缆接头套
joint cross万向节十字头
joint-interest agreement合作办事盈亏共担的协议
joint pin铰链销子
joint pin连接销子
joint shaft box螺杆钻具铰接轴母螺纹接头
joint shaft pin螺杆钻具铰接轴公螺纹接头
joint spider万向节十字头
joint venture合作办事业
junk joint打捞落物接头
knee joint弯头
knee joint肘节
knuckle and socket joint活动肘节连接
knuckle joint万向节
landing joint套管联顶节
lap joint搭接连接
leading joint导向接头
left-hand joint左旋扣连接
left-hand tool joint thread反扣接头螺纹
load carrying swivel joint旋转提吊接头
loose joint松开的接头
make joints接单根
male joint公接头
male-female joint阳-阴螺纹接头
male-female joint公-母接头
Matheson and Dresser joint防漏接头商品名
No. joint钻杆或钻铤根数
oil-sealed jar safety joint油封式震击器安全接头
perforated pup joint射穿的小接头
perkins joint管接头
perkins joint管卡
pipe expansion joint管子伸缩接头
pipe joint管子单根
pipe joint管子连接
pup joint提升短节
regular joint正规接头
regular tool joint正规扣型接头
regular tool joint正规扣接头
right-hand joint正扣连接
right-hand joint正扣接头
ring joint开口密封圈的开口接合部
riser joint隔水管单根
screw-in joint打捞时对扣
sealing joint密封接头
set up the tool joint装配钻杆接头
shear pin safety joint剪切销式安全接头
shear-out safety joint剪切安全接头
shoe joint底节套管
shoe joint套管柱底部带套管鞋的套管
shoe joint track套管鞋与单流阀之间的套管
short casing joint单根短套管
shoulder joint台肩接合
shoulder of tool joint工具接头台肩
shrink on tool joints钻杆接头收缩
shrinking of tool joint钻杆接头的烘装
shrink-on tool joint烘装钻杆接头
shrunk in tool joint烘装钻杆接头
shrunk on joint烘装接头
shrunk-on tool joint烘装钻杆接头
shrunk-on grip tool joint烘装接头
slack joint升降补偿接头
slick joint可承压的加密封填料的管具接头
slim hole joint小眼接头
slip joint伸缩接头
slip joint伸缩连接
slip joint pliers鲤鱼钳
soldered joint焊缝
spigot joint套筒接合
splined joint花键连接
square joint方短节
standard tool joint标准钻杆接头
starter joint套管鞋上面的一根套管
streamline tool joint贯眼接头
suspended joint吊接
suspended joint悬挂接头
suspension joint悬吊接头
swivel joint水龙头接头
taper joint锥形螺纹连接
tapered shoulder tool joint斜台阶工具接头
tee joint三通接头
telescopic joint套筒接合
telescoping joint伸缩节
threaded sleeve joint带螺纹的套筒接头
three-joint unit三根钻杆单根组成的立根
tieback joint回接单根
tieback joint回接短节
toggle joint弯头
tongue-and-groove joint键槽结合
tool joint box钻杆母接头
tool joint/casing contact force钻杆接头与套管接触力
tool joint compound钻杆螺纹密封脂
tool joint compound钻杆接头丝扣油
tool joint condition stripe钻杆接头状况指示条纹
tool joint hard band钻杆接头硬合金抗磨圈
tool joint leak detector钻杆接头检漏仪
tool joint locator钻杆接头定位仪
tool joint nomenclature工具接头专用术语
tool joint outside diameter钻杆接头外径
tool joint pin钻杆公接头
tool joint screw grab带喇叭口套筒的打捞公锥
tool joint size钻杆接头尺寸
tool joint size工具接头尺寸
twisted joint扭转连接
union joint由壬连接
universal ball joint球星万向节
universal slip joint可伸缩万向节
unprotected tool joint未加焊抗磨圈的接头
upset-end joint端部加厚的接头
washed-out joint刺坏的单根
washover back-off safety joint套洗倒扣安全接头
weld-on tool joint焊装钻杆接头
wobble joint上扣不紧的对接接头