
Terms for subject Technology containing Joint | all forms | exact matches only
aerated concrete glue-joint block partition加气混凝土黏胶缝隔墙
annular joint环状接合
annular joint环状接头
arising of expansion joint胀缝拱起
arising of joint edges缝边起拱 (指混凝土路面)
arising of joint edges缝边上升 (指混凝土路面)
axial joint轴向缝
batt joint平接口
bedding joint接缝
bedding joint层间接缝
bellows expansion joint波纹管伸缩接头
bellows expansion joint风箱式伸缩缝
bellows expansion joint波纹管膨胀接头
bellows expansion joint波形膨胀接头
bellows joint风箱形接头
bellows joint膜盒连接
bellows type expansion joint波纹管式伸缩接头
bellows-type expansion joint风箱式伸缩缝
bellows-type expansion joint风箱型伸缩缝
bellows-type expansion joint风箱式伸缩接头
bellow-type expansion joint波纹管补偿接头
bench joint阶状接缝
bend joint弯管接头
bend joint弯头接头
bend type expansion joint胀缩弯头
bend type expansion joint胀缩弯管
bend type expansion joint弯管式伸缩接头
blow joint吹接接头
boiler band joint piece锅炉带圈接合板
boiler lagging plate joint piece锅炉套板接合板
boring tool joint钻具接头
bottle-tight joint瓶密接头
brickwork joint砖接缝
brickwork joint砖缝
brickwork movement joint砖墙变形缝
brickwork movement joint砖砌体伸缩缝
central joint中线缝
central rotating joint中心回转接头
centre joint中心枢轴
centre joint中缝
centre joint中线接缝
centre joint中线缝
centre joint中央纵缝 (混凝土路面的)
centre-line joint中线接缝
centre-line joint中缝
collar joint圬工墙的垂直接缝
collar joint套环接合
collar joint凸缘接合
collar joint法兰盘接合
collar joint圈状接头
collar joint箍状接头
collar joint环状接头
collar joint竖砖缝
collar joint人字木屋架系梁杆节点
collar joint轴环接合
collar joint轴环接头
collar joint系杆节点 (人字木屋架)
collar joint系砖节点 (空斗墙)
collar joint圬工墙的水平接缝
collar joint casing接箍连接的套管
combed joint插榫交接
combed joint马牙榫接【建】
combed joint角榫接
combed joint齿结合
combed joint燕尾榫
convex joint凸圆
convex joint凸缝
convex joint圆截面缝
convex tooled joint凸圆缝
convex tooled joint勾圆缝
convex tooled joint凸圆接缝
coopered joint桶式接缝
cramp joint钳接
cut joint凸榫
cut joint锯榫
cut joint混凝土路面的锯缝
cut joint接缝
cut joint雄榫
detachable joint可拆接
detachable joint可卸连接
difference of rail at joint钢轨接头上下错牙
dimensioning of joint定榫头的尺寸
dimensioning of joint接榫划线
dimensioning of joint节点尺寸的确定
dimensioning of joint榫头划线
dimensioning of joints接榫划线
dimensioning of joints定榫头的尺寸
dimensioning of joints节点尺寸的确定
dimensioning of joints榫头划线
dipped rail joint钢轨低接头
division of terrazzo joint水靡石分缝
division of terrazzo joint水磨石缝划分
double bead lap joint双焊道搭接接头
double bevel butt jointW形对焊接头
double bevel T joint双斜 T 形接头
double cavity joint双空腔缝
double cover butt joint双盖板对接
double fillet lap joint双面搭焊接
double fillet lap joint双面角焊缝搭接接头
double fillet welded joint双面焊缝
double fillet welded joint双面焊接接头
double fillet welded T-joint双面丁字形焊接
double groove joint双面坡口接头
double Hooke's joint双万向节
double jaw joint双重十字轴式等速万向节
double joint双接缝
double joint宽缝
double lap joint双盖板搭接接头
double mechanical joint connecting piece双机械接头连接件
double rivet joint双行铆钉连接
double riveted butt joint双行铆钉对接
double riveted joint双排铆接头
double riveted joint双行铆接头双行铆接缝
double riveted joint双重铆钉接合
double riveted lap joint双行铆钉搭接
double row riveted joint双行铆接缝
double row riveted joint双行铆接头
double shear joint对接铆接
double shear riveted joint对接铆接
double shear riveted joint双剪铆接头
double sleeper joint双轨枕夹接
double steel comb joint双梳式接缝
double strap joint双盖板接头
double strap lap joint双盖板搭接接头
double strap web joint双面盖板接头
double strapped joint盖板接头
double tenon joint双榫接合
double V-butt joint双V形接头
double V-butt joint双面V形对
double V-butt weld joint双面 V 形对焊接
double-flanged butt joint双弯边对接接头
double-flanged butt joint双折边对接
double-V butt jointX形对接按头
double-V butt joint双面V形对接接头
double-V butt jointX形对按接头
double-welded butt joint双面对焊接
double-welded butt joint双面焊对接接头
double-welded joint双面焊接接头
double-welded joint两面焊缝
double-welded lap joint双面焊搭接接头
ductile iron pipe joint restraint延性推入接头
ductile joint ring可塑的接合环
edeg joint边缘接缝
edeg joint端边接头
edeg joint成角边接
electric joint电气分断点
electric joint电气接头
electric rail joint planing machine电动轨道接头刨平机
electric riveted joint电铆接头
electrical joint电气分断点
electrical joint电气接头
electrical rail joint planing machine电动轨道接头刨平机
electrical riveted joint电铆接头
en echelon joints雁行节理
en echelon joints雁列节理
en echelon joints斜列节理
entry joint inspection进口联检
epoxy bonded joint环氧黏合缝
epoxy joint环氧树脂连接
epoxy resin joint环氧树脂接缝
expanded and welded tube joint胀焊
expanded joint扩口接合
expanded joint胀连
expanded joint扩口接头
expanded tube joint胀管接头
expanded tube joint胀接
expanded tube joint胀管连接
extended joint延长节理
external joint外部节点
feature of joint surface节理面特征
fillistered joint凹槽缝
fillistered joint槽舌接 (缝)
fillistered joint凹槽接合
fillistered joint企口接合
fixture joint固定连接
flange butt joint卷边对接接头
flange joint冀缘接头
flange joint法兰
flange joint法兰盘连接
flange joint法定连接
flange joint法兰盘接合
flange joint凸缘联轴节
flange joint of pipe管道法兰螺栓连接
flanged edge joint凸缘边接合
flanged expansion joint伸长接头
flanged expansion joint法兰盘伸缩接头
flanged expansion joint伸缩接头
flanged joint法兰接合
flanged joint凸缘式联轴器
flanged joint盘接头
flanged joint冀缘接头
flanged joint卷边接头
flanged joint凸缘联轴节
flange-to web joint翼缘与腹板的连接
flat bar joint长方形鱼尾板
flat flange joint平凸缘连接
flat flange joint平法兰连接
flat joint平灰缝
flat joint bar扁平鱼尾板
flat joint bar扁平接缝板
flat joint bar平型鱼尾板
flat joint bar轨道的平接缝板
flat joint bar长方形鱼尾板
flat-joint jointed凹槽平缝
flat-joint jointed窄槽平缝接合的
flat-joint jointed平缝砌合
flat-joint jointed pointing窄槽平缝接合勾缝
flat-joint point平嵌砖缝
flat-joint point勾平缝
flat-joint pointing平嵌砖缝
flat-joint pointing勾平缝
flat-iron butt joint扁铁铰链连接
flat-lying joint平节理
floor expansion joint楼板伸缩缝
floor joint楼板接头
floor joint地面接头
floor joint楼面接头
floor-to-wall joint楼板与墙的接缝
flushed joint平灰缝
flushed joint平缝
flushed joint齐平接缝
forty-four degree miter joint四十五度削接头
glazed joint failure按合部分釉面状损坏
glazed joint failure接合部分玻璃状破坏
glazed joint failure玻璃状破坏
grasshopper joint滑动接头
hinge joint铰链 (接合)
hinge joint铰链接合
hinge joint铰结
hinge joint铰按节点
hinge joint枢按
hinge joint铰按
hinge joint活节连接
hinge joint铰式接合
hinge joint铰接 (节点)
hinge joint section铰接部件
hinge type contraction joint铰式缩缝
Hookean universal joint虎克万向联轴器
impermeability of joints密缝性
imperviousness of joints密缝性
inserted joint casing嵌接套管
isolation joint隔离接缝
isolation joint绝缘接头
isolation joint施工缝
isolation joint分隔缝
isolation joint绝缘接缝
isolation joint隔离缝
isolation joint隔离接头
knuckle joint叉形铰链接合
knuckle joint肘形接缝 (双折屋面中两个斜面的交线)
knuckle joint铰接
knuckle joint肘接 (头)
knuckle joint肘形连接
knuckle joint叉形接头
knuckle joint肘形铰接
knuckle joint肘节形接头
knuckle joint关节接合
knuckle joint胴接头
knuckle joint活节接合
knuckle joint折向节点
knuckle joint肘形关节
knuckle joint肘形接合
knuckle joint press肘接式压力机
knuckle soldered joint肘形焊接
knuckle soldered joint管子工接头 (位于两根铅管成直角处)
knuckle-and-socket joint活节连接
knuckle-and-socket joint绞链活节接头
knuckle-and-socket joint链式球形连接
Lay rub universal joint莱鲁布万向接头
load transfer joint混凝土路面的传力式接缝传力接缝
locked joint咬口接缝
married joint绳索编接接头
married joint编接接头
masonry joint砌体灰缝
masonry joint灰缝
masonry joint砖石接头
masonry joints of different colors各种色彩的砖石接头
masonry joints of different colours各种色彩的砖石接头
masonry work joint砖石接缝
matching joint企口接合
matching joint舌槽接 (合)
method of joint桁架结点法
method of joint e center determination联合震中测定法
method of joints节点法
method of separate joint displacement可分节点位移法
method of separate joint displacement节点移位法
method of separate joint displacement个别节点位移法
method of separate joint displacement分离节点位移法
method of the truss joints桁架节点分析法
mixing joint混合厚度
moment of panel joint结点力矩
moment of panel joint节点力矩
moment transmitting joint固接结点
monolith joint坝段接缝
multiple centre joint多条中线缝
multiple joint复式缝
multiple joint湖、海面的多节点
multiple plate expansion joint多片式伸缩缝
multiple plate expansion joint多片式膨胀节
multiple riveted joint多行铆钉结合
multiple riveted joint多行铆钉连按
multiple riveted lap joint多行铆钉搭接连接
multiple riveted lap joint多行铆钉搭接结合
multiple shear rivet joint多剪铆钉接头
multiple use and joint development多种使用和联合开发
nipple joint螺纹接管
nipple joint螺纹接头
nipple joint管接头接合
overlap joint重叠层错
overlap joint互搭
overlap joint重叠接合
overlapping joint搭接缝
overlapping joint搭叠连接
plane joint平面接缝
plane joint of weakness弱面缝
plane-of-weakness joint弱面缝
plane-of-weakness joint槽缝
plane-of-weakness joint假缝
planning of terrazzo joint水靡石分缝
planning of terrazzo joint水磨石缝划分
plate joint平板接合
plate-type contraction joint金属片伸缩缝
plot of joint frequency节理频率图
plumb joint锡焊接
plumb joint锡焊搭接
plumb joint灌铅接缝
plumb joint填铅接合 (缝)
plumb joint垂直接缝
plumb joint灌铅接头
plumb joint薄铁板搭接焊缝
plywood joint plate胶合板接缝板
plywood joint plate胶合板接合板
plywood joint plate胶合板角撑板
pump rod joint抽油杆接箍
pump universal joint drive泵的万向节驱动 (装置)
ready-mixed joint compound预拌嵌缝混合料
recessed dry joint凹槽干缝
recessed flanged joint埋头法兰连接
recessed joint
recessed joint凹槽灰缝
recessed joint方槽
recessed joint pointing勾凹缝
recessed V-joint尖槽缝
recessed vee-joint尖槽
release joint释重节理
riveting joint铆钉搭接
rolled joint滚轧接合
roofing waterproofing joint屋面防水接缝
root of joint接头根部
rotation angle of member joint translation angle杆件转角
rotation angle of member joint translation angle构件转角
rotation prevention joint防转接头
round edge joint file圆边铰链锉
scarf joint楔面接
scarf joint斜嵌面接头
scarf joint倾斜面接头
scarf joint斜嵌槽接
scarf joint嵌接处
scarf joint斜嵌槽接
scarf joint楔面接头
scarf joint嵌接 (接头)
scarf joint斜接 (接头)
serration joint细齿连接
sets of joint节理分组
set-up the tool joint固定接头连接
shift joint错缝
shift joint移动接头
shock absorber ball joint减振器球节
shouldered housed joint套入式接头
shouldered joint肩接
six-hole joint bar六孔夹板
solvent cemented joint溶剂胶结料连接接头
solvent-welded joint溶焊缝
spring joint弹簧接合
stainless steel telescopic joint不锈钢伸缩节
staircase joint楼梯接头
staircase transverse joint楼梯横向连接
steel framework with riveted joints铆接结点的钢结构
steel girder joint钢大梁接头
stiffness joint加劲接合
stiffness joint加劲接头
streamlined tool joint贯眼接头
stripped joint露出缝
stripped joint刮缝
stripped joint轧缝
stripped joint露出接头
stripped joint裸头的接头
stripped joint裸露的接头
struck joint刮缝
struck joint敲接
struck joint斜勾缝
struck joint泻水缝
struck joint斜面朝下的斜勾缝
struck joint风雨缝
struck joint坡口缝
struck joint斜接缝
struck joint除掉灰缝凸出部分的刮缝
struck joint随砌随手勾缝
struck joint斜刮缝
struck joint斜缝
struck joint刮平缝
struck joint勾缝
struck joint pointing刮线勾缝
struck joint work勾斜缝
strut joint水平撑接头
sweated joint熔焊接头
swing joint旋转接合
swing joint可转接头
swing joint膨胀接头
swing joint旋转式连接
swing joint旋转接头
swing joint旋转铰联结
swing joint悬吊接头
swivel joint转节
swivel joint旋转〔转环,铰链,有活节〕接合
swivel joint铰接接合
swivel joint转环接合
swivel joint铰接接头
swivel joint旋转管接头
swivel joint drain line有旋转接头的排水管
swivel mechanical joint旋转机械接头
T and G joint企口接缝
T and G joint舌槽接缝
T ang G joint企口缝
T butt joint丁字对接头
tamped joint填塞接头
tamped joint浇筑混凝土时的施工缝
tamped joint混凝土浇件胀缩缝
tamped joint混凝土浇件伸缩缝
tangential joint切向接合
tectonic joint构造缝
tenso-shear joint张剪性节理
tightness of joints接合密封性
timber joint木连接
timber joint木支架构件接头
timber joint connector木材接合件
timber joint connector木结构节点连接件
timber joint connector木构件接合件
tongue and groove joint企口缝
tongue and groove joint企口接口
tongue and groove joint槽榫接
tongue and groove joint槽舌接合
tongue and groove joint榫槽接合
tongue and groove joint企口接
tongue and groove joint舌槽式接合
tongue and groove joint舌套式接头
tongue and groove joint of sewer管道企口接口
tongue joint榫齿接合
tongue joint舌榫接合
tongue joint榫接
tongue joint企口接口
tongue joint with lug带舌接合杆
tongue joint with movable lug带活舌接合杆
tongue-and-lip joint楔形榫槽接合
transfer joint转移时的临时连接
turning joint旋转接合
turning joint活动关节
turning joint旋转接头
two-joint drive双万向节传动
two-layer columnar joints双层柱状节理
two-stage joint双重防水节点
two-stage joint两级接缝
unchamfered joint无坡口接头
unchangeable joint冻结接头【铁】
unevenness in height at joint钢轨接头上下错牙
unevenness of rail at joints接头轨端不平
unfitness of butt joint错边量
unsymmetrical joint不对称接合
untreated joint外露接缝
untreated joint不处理接缝
valve rocker arm joint阀摇臂接头
wall joint墙缝
wall joint墙面灰浆缝
welded and expansion joint焊接加胀接法
welded and rolled tube joint焊胀
welded butt joint对接焊
welded joint焊接缝
welded joint熔接头
welded joint焊接接合
welded joint焊接联结
welded joint焊接节点
welded joint焊接连接
welded joint coefficient焊接接头系数
welded joint strength test钢筋焊接接头强度试验
welded joint test specimen焊接接头试件
welded joint test specimen焊缝试件
welded joints seal焊接连接密封
welded rail joint钢轨焊接头
winch drive shaft universal joint绞车驱动轴万向节
wire joint金属线缝接
wire joint钢丝绳接头
wire joint钢丝绳铰接器
wire joint线连接
wire-wound joint线绕接头
wire-wound pipe joint线绕管接头
wire-wound piping joint线绕管接头
wire-wound tube joint线绕管接头
wobble joint振动连接
working joint施工缝
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