
Terms for subject Sports containing Joint | all forms | exact matches only
abduction of hip joint髋关节外展
abduction of hip joint大腿外展
active joint torque主动关节力矩
adduction of hip joint髓关节内收
amphiarthrodial joint微动关节
ankle joint踝关节
ankle joint fracture踝关节骨折
ankle joint injury踝关节损伤
anterior cruciate ligament injury of knee joint膝关节前十字韧带损伤
capsule of elbow joint肘关节囊
capsule of hip joint髋关节囊
capsule of knee joint膝关节囊
capsule of shoulder joint肩节关囊
carpometacarpal joint腕掌关节
cartilaginous joint软骨的关节
cartilaginous joint软骨连结
complete dislocation of joint关节全脱位
compound joint复关节
condylar joint双髁状关节
condyloid joint課状关节
contraction of joint关节挛缩
costochondral joint肋软骨关节
dislocation of elbow joint肘关节脱位
dislocation of hip joint髋关节脱位
dislocation of interphalangeal joint指间关节脱位
dislocation of joint关节脱臼
dislocation of joint关节脱位
dislocation of knee joint膝关节脱位
dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint掌指关节脱位
dislocation of sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节脱位
dislocation of superior tibiofibular joint上胫腓关节脱位
disorder of small joints in the cuboid region骰骨区小关节紊乱症
dorsiflexion of ankle joint踝关节背屈
dorsiflexion of the ankle joint脚尖上跷
equilibrating joint torque平衡关节力矩
equivalent joint torque相当关节力矩
exerciser for wheeling shoulder-joint肩关节运动器
extension of hip joint伸髋
extension of knee joint伸膝
external rotation of hip joint髏关节外旋
femoral joint股关节
fibrous joint纤维性关节
fibrous joint纤维连结
flexion of hip joint屈髋
flexion of knee joint屈膝
fracture-dislocation of carpometacarpal joint腕掌关节骨折脱位
freely movable joint动关节
freely movable joint活动关节
full range joint motion关节全部活动范围
full range joint motion全关节活动幅度
glenohumeral joint肩关节
gliding joint滑动关节
hip joint髋关节
humeroradial joint肱桡关节
humeroulnar joint肱尺关节
ideal joint理想关节
immovable joint不动关节
inferior radio-ulnar joint挠尺下关节
inferior tibiofibular joint胫腓下关节
inflammation of a joint关节炎
injury of acromioclavicular joint肩锁关节损伤
injury of medial collateral ligament of elbow joint肘关节内侧副韧带损伤
injury of posterior soft tissue of shoulder joint肩关节后部软组织损伤
instability of knee joint膝关节不稳
intercarpal joint腕骨间关节
interchondral joint软骨间关节
intermetacarpal joint掌骨间关节
internal rotation of hip joint大腿内旋
intervertebral joint椎间关节
inversion of the ankle joint足内翻
joint capsule关节囊
joint cavity关节腔
joint compliance关节柔量
joint contracture关节挛缩
joint damage关节损伤
joint force关节力
joint mobility关节灵活性
joint moment关节力矩
joint motility关节能动性
joint mouse关节鼠
joint movement关节运动
joint of foot足关节
joint of free upper limb自由上肢骨连结
joint of hand手关节
joint pain关节痛
joint power关节功率
joint puncture关节穿刺
joint receptor关节感受器
joint record holders纪录共同保持者
joint record holders共同保持纪录者
joint resultant force关节合力
joint stiffness关节刚度
joint stiffness关节僵硬
joint surface关节面
joint torque关节力矩
joint work关节功
joints of lower limb下肢连结
joints of pelvic girdle下肢带连结
joints of shoulder girdle上肢带连结
knee joint injury膝关节损伤
lateral collateral ligament injury of knee joint膝关节外侧副韧带损伤
mandibular joint下颌关节
matrix of joint stiffness关节刚度矩阵
maximum functional position of joint关节最大功能位
medial collateral ligament injury of knee joint膝关节内侧副韧带损伤
mediocarpal joint腕骨间关节
meniscus injury of knee joint膝关节半月板损伤
midcarpal joint腕骨间关节
movable joint能动关节
multi-joint extensor digitorum伸指多关节肌
multi-joint muscle多关节肌
muscles and joints筋节
net joint torque纯关节力矩
net joint torque合关节力矩
osteoarthrosis of posterior talocalcaneal joint距跟后关节骨关节病
osteochondritis dissecans of knee joint膝关节剥脱性骨软骨炎
osteochondrous fracture of trochlea of elbow joint肘滑车关节骨软骨骨折
out of joint脱节
out of joint脱臼
pain of joint关节痛
passive joint torque被动关节力矩
patellofemoral joint髌股关节
pigmented villonodular synovitis of knee joint膝色素沉着绒毛结节状滑膜炎
pivot joint车轴关节
pivot joint圆柱关节
pivot joint环枢关节
plane joint平面关节
plantar flexion of the ankle joint脚背绷直
posterior cruciate ligament injury of knee joint膝关节后十字韧带损伤
proximal radioulnar joint侥尺近侧关节
radionuclide skeletal and joint imaging放射性核素骨与关节显像
repair of ruptured ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb拇掌指关节尺侧副韧带断裂修补术
revolute joint转动关节
sacroiliac joint骶髂关节
saddle-type carpometacarpal joint鞍状腕掌关节
scapulohumeral joint肱骨关节 (肩关节)
scapulohumeral joint肩胛
semiluxation of hip joint髋关节半脱位
separation of distal radioulnar joint挠尺远侧关节分离
shoulder joint肩关节
simple joint单关节
slightly movable joint微动关节
spheroid joint杵臼关节
sprain of ankle joint踝关节扭伤
sprain of calcaneocuboid joint跟骰关节扭伤
sprain of interphalangeal joint指间关节扭伤
sprain of lumbosacral joint腰骶关节扭伤
sprain of metacarpophalangeal joint掌指关节扭伤
sprain of metatarsophalangeal joint跖趾关节扭伤
sprain of sacroiliac joint骶髂关节扭伤
sprain of sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节扭伤
sprain of talonavicular joint距舟关节扭伤
sprain of tarsometatarsal joint跖跗关节扭伤
sprain of wrist joint腕关节扭伤
sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节
sternocostal joint胸肋关节
subluxation of joint关节半脱位
subluxation of sacroiliac joint骶髂关节半脱位
subluxation of sternocostal joint胸肋关节半脱位
subtalar joint距下关节
suture of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint膝关节前十字韧带缝合修补术
suture of lateral ligament of ankle joint踝关节外侧韧带缝合术
suture of medial collateral ligament of knee joint膝关节内侧副韧带缝合固定术
suture of posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint膝关节后十字韧带缝合修补术
suture of ruptured collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint指间关节侧副韧带断裂缝合术
suture of ruptured lateral collateral ligament of knee joint膝关节外侧副韧带断裂缝合修补术
synarthrodial joint不动关节
synovial joint滑膜关节
talocalcaneonavicular joint距跟舟关节
talocrural joint距骨小腿关节
talocrural joint踝关节
talonavicular joint距舟关节
tendon action of two-joint muscles双关节肌的腱作用
thumb joint拇指关节
tibiofibular joint胫腓关节
tightening of medial collateral ligament of knee joint膝内侧副韧带紧缩术
transverse intercarpal joint腕骨间横关节
traumatic osteoarthritis of elbow joint肘关节创伤性骨关节炎
traumatic osteoarthritis of talonavicular joint距舟关节创伤性骨关节炎
traumatic synovitis of carpal joint腕关节创伤性滑膜炎
traumatic synovitis of elbow joint肘关节创伤性滑膜炎
traumatic synovitis of knee joint膝关节创伤性滑膜炎
trochoid joint旋转关节
trochoid joint车轴关节
two-joint muscle双关节肌
uni-joint muscle单关节肌
vertebral joint capsule脊椎关节囊
weight bearing joint承重关节
wrist joint腕关节
zygapophysial joint关节突关节