
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing Joint | all forms | exact matches only
Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund世界银行和基金组织理事会年会事宜联合特别委员会
Joint Africa Institute IMF-INS, AfDB, IBRD联合非洲学院
Joint Bank Library世界银行-基金组织联合图书馆
Joint Bank-Fund Library世界银行-基金组织联合图书馆
Joint China-IMF Training Program中国-国际货币基金组织联合培训项目
Joint Development Committee级联合委员会
Joint Development Committee联合发展委员会
Joint Development Committee发展委员会
Joint Development Committee世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长
joint enterprise联合企业
joint enterprise合资企业
Joint External Debt Hub联合外债数据中心
joint float联合浮动
joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document反洗钱方法文件
joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文件
joint governmental activity政府联合活动
joint governmental activity多国政府活动
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program联合执行委员会
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员
Joint Implementation Committee
Joint Implementation Committee联合执行委员会
Joint Implementation Committee基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员
Joint India-IMF Training Program印度培训中心
Joint India-IMF Training Program印度-基金组织联合培训项目
joint intervention协调干预
joint intervention联手干预
joint intervention联合干预
joint intervention共同干预
joint loan联合贷款
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries联合发展委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries发展委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries级联合委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长
Joint Oil Data Initiative石油数据联合倡议
Joint Procedures Committee IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings会议程序联合委员会
Joint Regional Training Center for Latin America in Brazil设在巴西的拉美联合区域培训中心
Joint Secretariat IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings联合秘书处
Joint Staff Assessment工作人员联合评估
joint stock company股份公司
joint venture联合企业
joint venture合资企业
Joint Vienna Institute维也纳学院
Joint Vienna Institute联合维也纳学院
Office of Executive Secretary, Joint Development Committee联合发展委员会执行秘书处