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In relay race, it is preferable to run the best runner last, the second best first接力赛中、应将跑得最快的运动员排在最后、次快的运动员排在第一、这种排列次序更好一些
In running events great force is required to accelerate the body and to keep it in motion at top speed在径赛中、需要有极大的力量推动人体快速前进并保持人体高速运动
In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆
In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置
It is essential to taper off training during the final week to 10 days before a big competition重大比赛的前一周至 10 日内、必须逐渐减少训练量
It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任
It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录
Looking at various peoples' costumes, it is easy to find that sportswear takes on an obvious nationality and most of it embodies respective characters of finery culture纵观世界各民族的运动服装,不难看出,体育运动服饰呈现出很强的民族性,大多数体现了各民族的服饰文化特征