
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing Integrated | all forms | exact matches only
bipolar integrated circuit双极集成电路
competitive capacity of integrated steel plant联合钢厂的竞争能力
digital integrated circuit measuring-testing instrument数字集成电路测试仪
fully integrated steel plant完整的钢铁联合工厂
fully integrated steel plant完整的钢铁联合企业
How do you view the relationship between integrated mill and mini mill?您如何看待钢铁联合工厂和小钢厂之间的关系?
integrated circuit block集成电路块
integrated compact mill紧凑型一体化钢厂
integrated company钢铁联合企业 (In the United States, with a loss of annual steel capacity of 45 million net tons, none of the integrated companies are planning any increase in steel production for the remainder of the last decade of the 20 th century. 在20 世纪的最后几年,美国钢的年生产能力下降了4500万美吨,美国没有一家钢铁联合公司计划提高钢产量。)
integrated company钢铁联合公司
integrated data processing集中统一数据处理
integrated dose累积辐射量
integrated dose累积剂量
integrated equipment成套设备
integrated extrusion press plant成套挤压设备
integrated extrusion press plant【压】 成套挤压设备
integrated intensity累积强度
integrated intensity measurement累积强度测量测定
integrated intensity of X-raysX 射线累积强度
integrated iron and steel company钢铁联合企业
integrated iron and steel company钢铁联合公司
integrated iron and steel company联合钢铁公司
integrated iron and steel corporation钢铁联合公司
integrated iron and steel enterprise钢铁联合企业
integrated iron-and-steel plant钢铁联合
integrated iron-and-steel works钢铁联合
integrated management一体化管理
integrated manufacturing一体化生产
integrated mill长流程钢厂
integrated mill钢铁联合企业
integrated mill钢铁联合钢【工】厂
integrated mill automation system轧机综合自动化系统
integrated motor整体电动机
integrated neutron flux中子积分通量
integrated plant钢铁联合钢【工】厂 (In developing its steel industry during the 1980s, China erected a new integrated plant near Shanghai, known as Baoshan Steel Works. 20 世纪 80 年代,正致力于发展钢铁工业的中国在上海附近建设了一座新的钢铁联合企业一宝山钢铁厂。)
integrated process control过程综合控制
integrated process control in minimill小钢厂流程的整体控制
integrated process control mill综合自动控制轧机
integrated process control mill综合自动控制的轧机
integrated producer钢铁联合企业
integrated producer钢铁联合工厂
integrated producer钢铁联合公司
integrated production line一体化生产线
integrated production management for steelmaking, continuous casting and rolling炼钢-连铸-轧钢一体化生产管理
integrated route长流程
integrated route钢铁联合企业流程
integrated solvent extraction综合溶剂萃取
integrated stainless steel water jacket不锈钢整体水套
integrated steel mill钢铁联合工厂 (In 1967 when the government of the Republic of Korea began to think about building an integrated steel mill, production in the country stood at 300, 000 tonnes, made basically in the obsolete open hearth. 1967 年,当韩国政府开始考虑建设一座钢铁联合工厂的时候,其全国钢产量仅为30万 t, 且基本上都是用老式平炉生产的。)
integrated steel plant钢铁联合工厂 (① The Sparrows Point Division of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation is a fully integrated steel plant located on the Chesapeake Bay In Baltimore, Md. 伯利恒钢公司雀点厂是一家完全的钢铁联合工厂,它位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市切萨皮克湾。②High quality flat products are mainly produced by the BF-BOF steelmaking route in integrated steel plants. 优质扁平材主要由钢铁联合企业的 BF-BOF 炼钢长流程来生产。)
integrated steel plant钢铁联合
integrated steel producer钢铁联合公司 (LTV is the third largest integrated steel producer in the U.S. with plants in Cleveland, Ohio and Indiana Harbor, Indiana. LTV 钢公司是美国第三大钢铁联合公司,在美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰市和印第安纳州的印第安纳港均有其下属钢厂。)
integrated steel producer钢铁联合工厂
integrated steel production plant for flat products扁平材钢铁联合生产厂
integrated steelmaker钢铁联合工厂
integrated steelmaker钢铁联合企业 (Granite City Steel is an integrated steelmaker with two blast furnaces, two basic oxygen furnaces, one LMF, two argon stir stations, and two slab casters. 格拉尼特城钢公司是一家钢铁联合公司,它有两座高炉、两座氧气顶吹转炉、一台钢包冶金炉、两个氩气搅拌站和两台板坯连铸机。)
integrated steelmaker钢铁联合公司
integrated steelworks钢铁联合工厂
integrated steel-works钢铁联合
integrated strip works钢铁联合带钢生产厂
integrated system一体化系统
integrated system集成系统
integrated test equipment成套测试设备
integrated theory积分原理
integrated waste plastics recycling system废塑料综合循环利用系统 (In Japan, NKK has completed construction of an integrated waste plastics recycling system in which processed plastics are injected into the Keihin Works' No.1 blast furnace. 日本钢管公司已完成了废塑料综合循环利用系统的建设。经过该循环利用系统处理过的废塑料喷人京浜港钢厂 1 号高炉。)
integrated waste water treatment plant废水综合处理厂
integrated works联合工厂
large-scale integrated circuit大规模集成电路
major integrated iron and steel works in China中国主要钢铁联合企业
market share of integrated mills联合钢厂的市场份额
medium scale integrated circuit中规模集成电路
monolithic integrated-circuit单片单块集成电路
ore-based integrated steelworks以矿石为原料的钢铁联合工厂
semi-integrated works半联合冶金工厂
thick slab integrated steel producer厚板坯钢铁联合生产厂
very large scale integrated circuit超大规模集成电路