
Terms for subject Textile industry containing Indicator | all forms | exact matches only
activity indicator活动指标
business indicator企业指数
business indicator景气指数
channel indicator航道标志
channel indicator信道标志
coincidence indicator一致性指标
coincidence indicator共同性指标
coincident indicator共同指标
dial indicator针盘高度指示器
dial indicator针盘指示器
grainline indicator裁向线
indicator of costs成本指标
indicator of export plan输出计划指标
indicator of export plan出口计划指标
indicator of exportation and importation进出口指标
indicator of investment plan投资计划指标
indicator of operating plan经营计划指标
indicator of output value产值指标
indicator of premium保险费指标
indicator of profit利润指标
null indicator零位指示器
phenolphthalein indicator酚酞试剂
plan indicators计划指标
quantitative indicator数量指示器
quantitative indicator计数器
roving indicator粗纱测长器
stitch indicator线圈密度指示器
stitch indicator针距指示器
stitch indicator plate缝纫机针距指示牌
stitch indicator plate缝纫机针距指示牌
stitch regulating indicator plate针距牌
water quality indicator水质指标
width indicator拉幅机布幅指示器