
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing In | all forms | exact matches only
ability to detect slag in tap stream出钢钢流炉渣检测能力
ability to detect slag in tap stream检测出钢钢流中炉渣的能力
absorbed-in-fracture energy冲击试样断裂时吸收的能量
accuracy in size尺寸精度
acid-soluble aluminium in steel钢中酸溶铝 (量)
advanced worker in metallurgical industry冶金系统先进工作者
alkali cycles in blast furnace高炉碱循环
aluminium loss method in liquid steel钢水铝损失法 (【技】用于评价钢水二次氧化程度的方法之一。分别从钢包、中间包、结晶器和连铸坯中取样,通过分析钢中的酸溶铝量,按铝的损失量来评价钢水二次氧化程度。铝损失量越大,钢水的二次氧化程度就越严重。)
annealed in box箱式退火
annealed in nitrogen在氮中退火
annealed in vacuum真空中退火的
annealing in coils成卷退火 (带材的)
annealing-in-line plant在线退火设备
annealing-in-line process在线连续退火
annealing in stacks堆叠退火 (板材的)
annealing stainless steel in hydrogen atmosphere不锈钢氢气氛退火
apparent steel consumption in Europe欧洲钢表观消费量
argon atmosphere in tundish中间包内氩气氛 (In addition to the operation of a ladle metallurgy unit, a high level of steel cleanliness will be achieved through the use of a large capacity tundish to facilitate inclusion removal; shrouding between the ladle and tundish, and tundish and mold; an argon atmosphere in the tundish; mold powders; and the straight-sided mold. 除了使用钢包冶金设备外,获得钢的高纯净度还将有赖于使用便于清除夹杂物的大容量中间包、钢包和中间包之间及中间包和结晶器之间(注流)的保护、中间包内氩气氛、结晶器保护渣及直结晶器等。)
argon tie-in接通氩气 (用于钢水处理)
argon-injection via porous plugs in ladle钢包多孔塞吹氩
asymmetric flow in mold结晶器内非对称流动
asymmetric steel flow in mold结晶器内非对称钢流
asynchronous boiling in cooling water channel冷却水缝内异步沸腾 (【技】在对小方坯菱形变形研究的初期,冷却水缝内异步沸腾曾被认为是形成菱形变形的一个重要因素。)
atmosphere in electric arc furnace电弧炉内气氛
atmosphere in furnace炉内气氛
audit registration system in quality system质量体系审核注册制度
automatic metal level control in tundish中间包内金属液面自动控制
average residence time of steel in tundish中间包钢水平均停留时间
average steel residence time in tundish中间包钢水平均停留时间
baffle in tundish中间包缓冲板
bath depth in converter转炉熔池深度 (【技】为了保证生产安全和炉底寿命,熔池深度应大于氧气射流对熔池的最大穿透深度。计算出氧气射流对熔池的穿透深度后,便可根据炉役的各阶段估算出必需的金属装人量和安全的熔池深度。)
bath temperature in basic oxygen furnace碱性吹氧转炉熔池温度
bath temperature in converter转炉熔池温度
bath temperature in vessel转炉熔池温度
bedding in【压】 研磨 (拉模的)
bedding in period工作初始期 (拉丝模的)
"Before we started making steel beams in 1982, imports accounted for about 41% of the market," said Wroble.罗布尔说:"1982年在我们生产钢梁之前,进口量约占市场的41%"
bending stress in continuous solidifying slab连续凝固板坯内的弯曲应力
BF blow-in method高炉开炉法
biased flow in mold结晶器内偏流
biased flow in tundish中间包偏流
bin for in-plant returns厂内返矿槽
blast furnace blowing-in高炉开炉
blowing-in【铁】 开炉
blowing-in operation开炉操作
bottom in wall line【铁】 炉身下水平线
breakout in continuous caster连铸机漏钢
build in嵌人
build in装人
burden descent speed in blast furnace高炉炉料下降速度
burden movement in BF高炉炉料运动 (【技】在高炉炼铁过程中,从高炉炉顶加人的原、燃料在高炉内的运动。在冶炼过程中,炉料不断下降,与上升的高温煤气流接触,矿石和熔剂被加热、分解、还原,经软化、熔融,最终形成铁水和熔渣,积存于炉缸,定期或连续排出炉外;焦炭则被氧化形成上升的煤气流。)
burden residence time in blast furnace高炉冶炼周期 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中炉料在高炉内的停留时间。它是表征下料速度的指标。)
burden speed in blast furnace高炉料速 (【技】高炉炉料在炉内的下降速度。通常用设置于炉顶随料面同步下降的机械传动式探料尺来测定。炉料在炉内的下降速度平均约为3 ~4m/h。 但在不同高度上降落速度不同。通常炉喉处下降快,进人炉身后随炉型扩展,速度逐渐减慢,软熔后速度又加快。此外,在同一高度上径向不同点的料速亦不相同。炉墙边缘处于风口焦炭燃烧区上方下料速度最快;处于死料柱正上方的炉子中心区域下料最慢;位于炉墙边缘和炉子中心之间的区域下料速度则介于二者之间。)
calcium treatment in ladle钢包内加钙处理
carbon content in bath熔池含碳量
carbon content in iron铁的含碳量
carbon content in liquid steel钢水含碳量
carbon content in powder保护渣含碳量
carbon content in steel bath in vessel转炉钢水熔池含碳量 (The light meter system can correlate the characteristics of the light intensity curve with the carbon content in the steel bath in the vessel. 该光学仪表系统能建立起发光强度曲线特点与转炉钢水熔池含碳量之间的对应关系。)
carbon monoxide in liquid steel钢水中的一氧化碳
casting in metallic mold金属型铸造 (【技】将熔融金属浇人金属铸型获得铸件的方法。由于铸型是用金属制成,可以反复使用许多次,故又称之为永久型铸造。所得铸件表面粗糙度和尺寸精度均优于砂型铸件,且铸件的晶粒组织细小,力学性能较高,适用于多种合金中小型铸件的大量生产。)
central flow of gas in BF高炉中心气流
change in impact point冲击点变化
change in mold width结晶器变宽
channel in outer rim of casting wheel铸轮外缘结晶槽 (【技】轮带式连铸机结晶器由铸轮外缘结晶槽和钢带组成。铸轮外缘结晶槽组成了结晶器的三个侧面。结晶器的第四个侧面为一条无头移动式钢带。)
chemical composition in transition zone混坯区化学成分
chemical products recovered in coking炼焦化学产品
clogging in submerged entry nozzle浸人式水口堵塞
clogging in tundish nozzle中间包水口堵塞
closing in空心锻件收口
cobalt function in steel钻在钢中的作用 (【技】钻不能形成碳化物,有促进石墨化、降低淬透性作用;在高合金钢中如已有碳化物形成元素存在,钻能增加钢淬火后残余奥氏体的含量和稳定性。)
cohesive zone in blast furnace高炉软熔带
coke slit in cohesive zone软熔带焦窗
cold-working in blast furnace炉凉 (【技】由于配料计算不当或称量有误,致使高炉内热收人低于热支出;或者冷却设备漏水等原因,使渣、铁温度下降叫炉凉。炉凉发展到一定程度会造成炉缸冻结,产生操作事故。)
composition adjustment in bath熔池成分调整
computer-controlled water distribution in secondary cooling zone计算机控制的二冷区配水
conference on energy-saving in ironmaking industry炼铁节能工作会议
constant level in mold结晶器稳定液面 【位】 (Maintaining a constant level in the mold is critical for surface quality, sticker breakouts and SEN life. 保持结晶器钢液面稳定对于提高铸坯表面质量、减少粘结漏钢和延长浸人式水口寿命都是至关重要的。)
content of alumina in steel钢中 Al₂O₃ 含量
continuously cast steel production in Europe欧洲连铸钢产量
controller for molten steel level in mold结晶器钢水面控制器
coolant in冷却剂人口
corrosion in marine environment海洋环境腐蚀
crack in tension张力开裂
cracking in the later parts of casting铸造后期裂纹
critical high liquid steel level in tundish中间包临界钢水高液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中的液面高度如果高于某一高度,就有可能导致流人结晶器的钢水过多,从而酿成钢水从结晶器上口溢出,造成生产事故。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界高液位。)
critical level of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水临界液面高度
critical low liquid steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界低液位 (【技】中间包内钢水在浇注过程中或在浇注末期的液面高度如果低于某一高度,钢水面就会产生旋涡,致使中间包内的渣子流人结晶器,直接影响连铸坯质量。此时的中间包内钢水面高度称之为中间包临界低液位。)
critical steel level in tundish中间包钢水临界液面高度
crop optimization in hot strip mill热带轧机的切头优化
crude steel production in China中国粗钢产量
crude steel production in Europe欧洲粗钢产量
cube in-water test【焦】 水中方体试验 (用于测量沥青软化点的方法)
cutting-in切深 【人】 (孔型的)
dead zone in center of tundish中间包中心死区
dead zone in tundish中间包内死区
decarburization in steelmaking炼钢脱碳反应 (【技】在炼钢过程中,使用氧化性渣或氧化性气体脱除熔池中碳元素的物理化学反应。由此产生的大量一氧化碳气泡对金属熔池具有强烈的搅拌作用。)
decrease in heat flux热流降低
decrease in mold stroke and increase in frequency高振频、小振幅
decrease in temperature降温
deformation rate in two-phase zone两相区变形率
density in porous zone疏松区密度
dephosphorization in steelmaking炼钢脱磷反应 (【技】在高炉炼铁过程中,原料中的磷几乎全部还原进人到铁水中。因此,使用强碱性氧化渣和适当搅拌,脱除被还原到生铁中的磷是炼钢工序的主要任务之一。)
desiliconization treatment in blast furnace runner高炉铁沟脱硅处理
desiliconizing system in casthouse出铁场脱硅系统
desulfurization in steelmaking炼钢脱硫 (【技】炼钢过程中使用高碱度渣和大渣量脱除钢中硫元素的物理化学过程。)
desulphurization in blast furnace高炉脱硫 (【技】 降低高炉生铁的含硫量,除尽量选用低硫焦炭和铁矿石外,其主要途径是提高炉渣的脱硫能力,增加硫在渣铁间的分配系数。炉渣的脱硫能力与炉渣成分、炉缸热制度等因素有关,而这些因素均是可控可调的。)
desulphurization in ladle钢包脱硫
detail procedure of blow-in【铁】 开炉详细程序
deterioration in strength强度降低
determination of ash in coke焦炭灰分测定
determination of gas in steel钢中气体测定
determination of inclusions in steel钢中夹杂物测定
determination of nitrogen in steel钢中氮气测定
determination of temperature in furnace炉内温度测定
difference in concentration浓度差
difference in elevation标高差
difference in elevation高程差
difference in flow rate流量差
difference in hardness硬度差
difference in heat flux热通量差
difference in viscosity黏度差
differential pressure of gas in BF高炉煤气压差
diffusion of hydrogen in steel钢中氢气扩散
dilute impurities in scrap稀释废钢中的杂质 (Nucor is also investing $60 million in an iron-carbide production facility on the island of Trinidad. This material will be used to supplement the scrap charge at its two plants in order to dilute impurities in the scrap to produce a better grade of steel. 纽柯钢公司目前还投资6 000万美元在特立尼达岛建造一套碳化铁生产设备。所生产的碳化铁将在其下属的两个分厂作为废钢铁的补充炉料,以便稀释废钢中的杂质,生产优质钢。)
direct in-line cleaning直接在线净化
direct in-line cutting直接在线切割
direct in-line heating直接在线加热
direct in-line measurement直接在线测量
direct in-line packaging直接在线包装
direct in-line repair直接在线修整
direct in-line rolling直接在线轧制
direct in-line test直接在线测试
direct in-line washing直接在线洗涤
direct oxidation of chemical elements in liquid steel钢液中元素的直接氧化 (【技】钢液中的元素被气相中的氧气氧化称为元素的直接氧化。)
directionality in sheet薄板的方向性
discharge device for residual steel in tundish中间包残钢排放装置
discharge position of residual steel in tundish中间包残钢排放位置
dissolved aluminium in steel钢中溶解铝
dissolved oxygen in steel钢中溶解氧
distribution of calcium-ferrite in blended mix混合料中铁酸钙分布
distribution of flow velocity in steel bath钢水熔池流速分布
distribution of gas in steel钢中气体分布
distribution of inclusions in slab板坯夹杂物分布
distribution of load in drawing die拉丝模荷载分布
distribution of moisture in burden炉料中的水分分布
distribution of steel flow velocity in mold结晶器内钢水流速分布
distribution of stress in mold结晶器应力分布
distribution of stress in slab板坯应力分布
drawn-in scale嵌人表面的氧化皮 (指拔丝的)
drop in production减产
drop-in thermocouple投掷式热电偶
early stage of blowing in送风初期
effect of stress in steel钢内应力效应
electroslag heating in tundish中间包【罐】电渣加热 (【技】在连铸过程中,利用电渣冶金技术加热中间包内钢水使之符合浇注温度的技术。)
elimination of impurities in liquid steel脱除钢水中杂质
elimination of inclusions in steel清除钢中夹杂物
elimination of moisture in burden脱除炉料中的水分
elimination of porosity in ingot清除钢锭疏松
elimination of zinc in scrap steel废钢脱锌
elimination of zinc in scrap steel脱除废钢中的锌
energy conservation and decrease in material consumption节能降耗
error in indication指示误差 (仪器的)
evaluation method for segregation in slab板坯偏析评价方法
extend number of heats in a sequence提高连浇炉数 (As mentioned previously, the ability to do nozzle quick changes (NQC) has been included in the tundish design in order to extend the number of heats in a sequence. 如前所述,为了提高连浇炉数,已将水口快速更换能力项目列人中间包设计中。)
extra-desulphurization in converter转炉内深度脱硫
Fe loss in dust炉尘铁损
Fe loss in furnace dust炉尘铁损
filling in【焊】焊合
filling in填人
filling in装人
final iron content in slag终点炉渣含铁量
final oxygen in slag炉渣终点含氧量
final phosphorus content in slag炉渣终点含磷量
fire cracks in roll轧辊表面烧裂
firebrick rich in Al2O3高铝耐火砖
firebrick rich in Al₂O₃高铝耐火砖
flow control device in tundish中间包控流装置 (【技】中间包控流装置通常包括坝堰、缓冲板等。其主要功能是:①减少中间包内的死区体积,增加钢水在中间包内的平均停留时间,使夹杂物有充分的时间上浮分离去除。②改变中间包中钢水流动路径,增加滞留时间,消除底部流股,使钢液有适当的上升流,缩短夹杂物的上浮分离距离。③减少由于钢包注流引起的中间包液面波动,防止卷渣和钢水的二次氧化。)
flow field in tundish中间包流场
flow field of liquid steel in mold结晶器内钢水流场
flow modifier in tundish中间包导流装置
flow stress in prestrained material预形变材料中的流变应力
flow stress in prestrained material预变形材料中的流变应力
fluctuation in ash灰分波动
fluctuation in basicity碱度波动
fluctuation in chromium content铬含量波动
fluctuation in furnace temperature炉温波动
fluctuation in humidity in ore矿石水分波动
fluctuation in iron content含铁量波动
fluctuation in liquid steel level钢液面波动
fluctuation in pressure压力波动
fluctuation in rolling accuracy轧制精度波动
fluctuation in sinter quality烧结矿质量波动
fluctuation in steel plate quality厚钢板质量波动
flue dust control in BF gas高炉煤气含尘控制
flux operating viscosity in mold结晶器内保护渣工作黏度
foaming slag in blast furnace高炉泡沫渣 (【技】高炉冶炼钒钛磁铁矿时形成的含有大量气泡的炉渣。它是高炉冶炼特殊矿种时高炉造渣的特例。解决泡沫渣问题的办法是提高渣中"氧势",抑制 TiO₂ 还原,阻止渣中泡沫形成。)
foaming slag in BOF氧气顶吹转炉泡沫渣 (【技】在转炉吹氧冶炼过程中,由于氧气流与转炉熔池的相互作用,熔池脱碳反应产生的 CO 气泡,大量弥散分布在炉渣中,使炉渣体积极大的膨胀,形成了气-熔渣-金属液混为一体的三相乳化液,即泡沫渣。转炉内形成的泡沫渣极大增加了气-熔渣-金属液的界面,加快了炉内化学反应的速度,缩短了冶炼时间,提高了转炉生产效率。)
foaming slag in converter转炉泡沫渣
foaming slag in electric arc furnace电弧炉泡沫渣 (【技】在电弧炉炼,钢过程中,电弧炉内形成的泡沫渣会包围住电极电弧,减少电弧向炉衬辐射热量,保护炉衬;同时有利于炉渣吸热,改善电弧向钢水的传热,有利于钢水升温,提高用电效率,减少炉衬损蚀和电极的消耗。)
foamy slag in blast furnace高炉泡沫渣
foamy slag in BOF氧气顶吹转炉泡沫渣
foamy slag in electric arc furnace电弧炉泡沫渣
fold in broadface shell宽面坯壳褶皱
formability in cold forging冷锻成形性
fracture in creep蠕变破断
freezing in凝人
friction in bite轧辊咬人弧处的摩擦
frictional force in mold结晶器内摩擦力
function of tension in strip带钢张力函数
gas distribution in BF高炉煤气分布 (【技】煤气在高炉截面上的分布,常用炉喉料面以下水平截面上的分布来代表。高炉煤气分布得比较均匀、比较合理,其热能和化学能就利用得比较好;高炉冶炼的技术指标也会比较好。)
gas flow in blast furnace高炉煤气流
gas in steel钢中气体
gas movement in BF高炉煤气运动 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,风口燃烧带产生的炽热煤气穿过料柱上升到炉顶的运动过程。煤气在上升运动过程中,将热量传给下降的炉料而本身则被冷却。)
gas solubility in liquid steel气体在钢水中的溶解度 (【技】气体在钢水中的溶解度受多种因素的影响,主要有:温度升高,溶解度增加;气体分压降低,溶解度降低。同时,气体在钢液中的溶解度还受钢水中不同化学元素的影响:与气体能形成化合物的元素,能提高气体在钢水中的溶解度;比铁对气体有更大亲和力的元素,能提高气体在钢水的溶解度;但一些非金属或准金属元素,如 C、 P、 S、 O、 Si 等会降低气体在钢水中的溶解度。)
gas source in steel钢中气体来源 (【技】钢中氢的来源主要有:炉气中的水蒸气、废钢铁表面的铁锈、原材料中的水分、萤石中的化合水和吸附水、炉衬和浇注系统中耐火材料中的水分等。钢中氮的来源主要有:钢液在冶炼和浇注过程中直接从炉气和大气中吸收大量的氮,金属料中带人到钢水中的氮。)
gas volume in bosh炉腹煤气量 (【技】炉缸煤气以及炉缸与滴落带内各种直接还原和脱硫反应气体产物 (CO) 量的总和。炉腹煤气量的大小从炉料下降、热交换和还原三个方面对高炉冶炼过程产生明显影响。)
gas volume in hearth炉缸煤气量 (【技】燃料在高炉风口区域燃烧产生的最终气体产物。)
gas-stirring in ladle钢包吹气搅拌
grown-in dislocation长人位错
growth in depth of slide steps晶体往滑移阶深处生长
hardening in boiling water沸水中淬火
hardening in lead bath铅浴淬火
hardening in oil油淬火
hardening in running water流水中淬火
hardening in salt bath盐浴淬火
heating process in soaking pit均热炉加热过程
heating trend in BF running高炉炉况向热 (【技】高炉操作过程中因热平衡失常导致炉温上升的趋势。)
high steel level in tundish中间包内钢水高液位
hole in drawing die拉模孔
impact point in tundish中间包冲击点
imperfection in crystal晶体内缺陷
inclusion distribution in slab板坯夹杂物分布
inclusion flotation in tundish中间包内夹杂物上浮
inclusions in steel钢中夹杂物
ingot-casting bay in steelmaking shop炼钢车间铸锭跨
inside diameter flash-in tube未清除内毛刺的焊管
inside diameter flash-in tube带有内毛刺的焊管
integrated process control in minimill小钢厂流程的整体控制
intensification of smelting process in BF高炉强化冶炼 (【技】采用一切先进技术和工艺方法,缩短冶炼周期,提高高炉炼铁生产率及其综合经济效益的冶炼工艺。提高冶炼强度和降低焦比是强化高炉冶炼的两个主要方向。)
investment in blast furnace高炉投资费用
investment in EAF equipment电弧炉设备投资
iron and steel industry in China中国钢铁工业
iron and steel industry in Europe欧洲钢铁工业
iron content in slag渣中含铁量
iron ore reduction in blast furnace高炉铁矿石还原 (【技】在高炉内使用碳作为还原剂从铁矿石的氧化物中夺取氧,将铁矿石还原到金属铁的过程。)
ironmaking in electric furnace电炉炼铁 (【技】一种以电能为热源的非高炉炼铁工艺,适合于水力资源丰富以及具有高炉难以处理的特殊资源(如钒钛铁矿、砂铁)的国家与地区。炼铁电炉有多种形式,例如高炉身电炉、低炉身电炉、敞开式电阻炉等。其中使用最普遍的是低炉身炼铁电炉。)
irregularity in blast furnace高炉操作失常
irregularity in blast furnace高炉炉况失常
irregularity in furnace operation炉况失常
irregularity in furnace operation炉子不顺
irregularity in furnace operation【铁】炉况不顺
kick-in arm进料拔杆 (冷床的)
large nonmetallic inclusions in ingot钢锭中大型非金属夹杂物 (【技】钢锭中尺寸大于 l00μm 的非金属夹杂物。多半为铁锰硅酸盐、铝酸盐或莫来石、刚玉等。其主要来源是耐火材料的浸蚀物或钢水二次氧化的产物。为减少钢锭中的大型夹杂物,在出钢和浇注过程中应采取措施防止各种夹杂物进人钢水:对碳锰含量较低、硅铝含量较高的钢种,应防止钢水二次氧化;对碳锰含量较高、硅铝含量较低的钢种,则应防止耐火材料的浸蚀。)
latent heat in ingot钢锭潜热
length of liquid core in strand连铸坯液芯长度
level control in mold结晶器液面控制
level control in slab mold板坯结晶器液面控制
level in mold结晶器液位
level of molten steel in mold结晶器内的钢水面
level of steel in mould结晶器内的钢水面
likelihood of sticker resulting in breakout粘结导致漏钢的几率 (In conjunction with the reduction in the actual sticker rate, the breakout prediction (BOP) system drastically reduced the likelihood of a sticker resulting in a breakout 在粘结实际发生率降低的同时,漏钢预报系统还大幅度降低了粘结致漏几率。)
likelihood of sticker resulting in breakout粘结致漏几率
limit in shear剪切极限
limit in tension拉伸极限
local iron and steel industry in China中国地方钢铁工业
local segregation in continuously cast slab连铸板坯局部偏析
longitudinal crack in slab板坯内部纵裂纹
loss in weight on ignition灼减损失
loss in weight on ignition烧失量
loss in weight on ignition燃烧失重
macrosegregation in billet小方坯宏观偏析
magnetic changes in A2 temperature rangeA2 转变温度区域内的磁性变化
major integrated iron and steel works in China中国主要钢铁联合企业
malleablization in ore矿石中韧化 (处理)
malleablization in ore矿石中可锻化 (处理)
mandrel in line inserting在线穿芯棒
mandrel in line threading在线穿芯棒
manganese retention in bath【钢】 熔池残锰量
metal meniscus in mold结晶器内金属弯月面
metal with grown-in whiskers【金】 须晶强化金属
method of eliminating coke in production of iron无焦炼铁法
mill run-in table轧机输人辊道
mill run-in table机前输人辊道
minimum gauge in rolling最小可轧厚度
mixing of steel in tundish中间包内钢水混合 (异钢种连浇的)
model of water distribution in secondary cooling zone【连】二冷区配水模型
modeling of slag splashing in BOP氧气顶吹转炉溅渣模拟
modulus of elasticity in shear切变弹性模量
moisture in powder保护渣中的水分
molten steel depth in tundish中间包钢水深度
molten steel level in long mold长结晶器钢水面
molten steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
mould in cast casting铸造外壳结晶器
multimedia technique in measuring and control system for continuous casting连铸测控系统中的多媒体技术
narrow face bulging in off-corner position窄面偏离角位置鼓肚
national conference on energy-saving in ironmaking industry全国炼铁节能工作会议
national model worker in metallurgical industry冶金系统全国劳动模范
new era in the steel industry钢铁工业新纪元 (The use of a lubricant and the introduction of a reciprocating movement of the mould were two of the many developments which helped to overcome the sticking problems and enabled continuous casting to begin a major 'new era' in the steel industry. 结晶器使用润滑剂和采用往复运动是克服粘结难题取得的两大进展,它使连铸由此开启了钢铁工业的一个重要新纪元。)
nitrogen function in steel氮在钢中的作用 (【技】①固溶强化和时效沉淀强化;②形成和稳定奥氏体组织;③使高铬和高铬镍钢组织致密、强度提高;④渗人含铬、铝或铬钼铝钢的表面,提高其耐磨性和耐蚀性;⑤提高不锈钢的耐蚀性和强度。)
nominal unit reduction in area【压】 名义断面减缩比
nonmetallic inclusions in continuously cast product连铸坯非金属夹杂物
nonmetallic inclusions in steel钢中非金属夹杂物 (【技】钢水中含有的非金属元素,如氧、氮、硫等,在冷却和凝固的过程中析出并同铁和其他元素结合成各种化合物,即非金属夹杂物。钢中的非金属夹杂物会破坏钢的连续性和致密性,对钢的质量和使用性能具有很大的危害性。)
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性刚性
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性刚性部分
no-plastic zone in rolled material轧材无塑性区
number of heats in a sequence每浇次炉数
number of heats in a sequence【连】 连浇炉数
number of heats in sequence cast多炉连浇炉数
number of heats in sequence cast【连】连浇炉数
number of vortices per unit time in mold【连】 结晶器内单位时间旋涡数 (【技】结晶器内钢液面旋涡是造成卷渣的重要因素。抑制旋涡产生、减少结晶器内单位时间旋涡数量有利于提高铸坯质量。)
off-corner internal crack in billet小方坯偏离角内裂纹
operating viscosity of in-mold flux结晶器内保护渣工作黏度
oriented nucleation in metal金属定向成核
oxygen and carbon injection technology through tuyeres in bottom of furnace炉底风嘴碳氧喷吹技术
oxygen blowing in bath熔池吹氧
oxygen-rich area in ferrite铁素体富氧区
partial pressure of CO in gas bubble气泡中的 CO 分压 (With the bottom injection of argon in the BOF combined-blowing practice, and the presence of hydrogen in the gas bubbles in OBM, the partial pressure of CO in the gas bubbles will be lowered in both processes when the rate of CO generation decreases. 带有底吹氩的 BOF 复吹实践和 OBM 炼钢时气泡中存在氢时,如果 CO 的产生速度下降,则这两种炼钢法气泡中的 CO 分压将会降低。)
particle-size segregation in sinter bed烧结料层粒度偏析
pellet in charge球团人炉比
pellet rate in BF burden高炉使用球团矿比
pellet rate in BF burden球团人炉比
percent reduction in area断面收缩率
percent reduction in area减面率
percent sinter in burden烧结矿人炉比
planning of blow-in【铁】 开炉计划
porosity in slab板坯疏松
position of liquid core in strand铸坯液芯位置
post-combustion in EAF电弧炉二次燃烧
post-combustion in electric arc furnace电弧炉二次燃烧
potential for post-combustion in EAF电弧炉二次燃烧的潜力
press-in refractory耐火压人料 (【技】由耐火骨料和粉料、结合剂和外加剂组成,借助挤压机或挤压泵产生的压力进行挤压施工的泥膏状耐火材料,亦称为压注料。按材质分为:①硅酸铝质耐火压人料,可用于高炉炉身的修补;②氧化铝-碳化硅-碳质耐火压人料,用于堵高炉出铁口的炮泥;③镁碳质耐火压人料,用于转炉工作衬与转炉永久衬之间填缝料或炉底、出钢口的接缝料。)
pressing in magnetic field【粉】 磁场中压制
pressure drop in blast furnace高炉压力降 (【技】高炉炼铁过程中不同高度平面间煤气静压力的差。炉缸高度平面与炉喉高度平面间的压力差为高炉总压差;在高炉炉身下部装有静压力测定装置时,炉缸与炉身下部之间的压力差为下部压差,而炉身下部与炉喉之间的压力差为上部压力差。)
pressure drop in blast furnace高炉压差
procedure of blowing-in开炉程序
production of crude steel in Western Europe西欧粗钢产量
quasi-static crack growth in metals金属的准静态裂纹增长
quenching after heating in lead bath铅浴加热后淬火
radial gas-flow distribution in BF高炉径向煤气流分布
radial variation in thickness of layer【铁】料层厚度的径向变化
rational gas distribution in blast furnace高炉合理的煤气分布
reoxidation of metals in raceway风口区金属再氧化 (【技】高炉中已被还原的金属在风口区氧化气氛下再次被氧化的现象。)
residence time distribution of steel in tundish中间包钢水停留时间分布
residence time in blast furnace高炉冶炼周期 (【技】高炉炼铁过程中炉料在高炉内的停留时间,是表征高炉下料速度的指标。)
residence time in blast furnace高炉炉料停留时间
residence time of steel in tundish钢水在中间包内停留时间
residence time of strand in mould铸坯在结晶器内停留时间 (【技】自铸坯壳在结晶器内初始形成点至该点离开结晶器下口的时间区段。一般而言它与结晶器长度成正比;与拉坯速度成反比。)
residual manganese content in bath【钢】熔池残锰量
residual steel depth in tundish中间包余钢深度 (【技】在异钢种连铸作业中,将中间包内前一炉钢水排出后的剩余钢水深度。此值通常用百分比表示,即剩余钢水与中间包正常操作时的钢水量之比。)
residual stress in mold结晶器残余应力 (Three-dimensional finite-element thermal-stress models have been developed to predict temperature, distortion and residual stress in the mould of continuous thin slab caster. 现已开发出三维有限元热应力模型,用于预测薄板坯连铸机结晶器温度、变形和残余应力。)
rhomboidity in billet小方坯菱形变形
rhomboidity in billet小方坯脱方
right to engage in import and export trade进出口经营权
roll in one heat【压】 一火成材
roll in pairs合轧 (薄板的)
rolled-in air轧人空气 (粉末轧制时带人的)
rolled-in scale轧人氧化皮 (轧材缺陷)
rolled-in scrap轧人碎铁皮 (轧材缺陷)
roller-hearth furnace in apure hydrogen atmosphere纯氢气氛辊底式炉
rolling in protective atmosphere保护气氛轧制
roll-type in secondary cooling zone二次冷却区辊子类型 (【技】二次冷却区通常设有夹辊(亦称支承辊)、拉辊和矫直辊。夹辊的功能是支承并夹持由结晶器下口拉出的铸坯,防止铸坯壳在钢水静压力的作用下产生鼓肚变形,同时引导铸坯沿弧形线辊道平稳运行。拉辊的功能是夹住并拉引铸坯在连铸机内运行。矫直辊的功能是将弯曲的铸坯矫直。)
rotary in-mold stirring结晶器内旋转搅拌
rotary stirring in mold结晶器内旋转搅拌
scavenger for oxides in steel钢中氧化物脱除剂
scrap cave-in废钢塌料 【落】
segregation distribution in cross-section area断面偏析分布
segregation in ingot bottom锭底偏析
segregation of manganese in slab【压】板坯锰偏析
sensible heat in steel钢中显热
service life in next campaign下一代炉役寿命
sheet in coils成卷薄板
Si content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
silicon content in liquid steel钢水含硅量
silicon function in steel硅在钢中的作用 (【技】硅在炼钢过程中用做脱氧剂和还原剂;能提高钢中固溶体强度和冷加工变形硬化率,还能提高钢的回火稳定性和抗氧化性。)
sintering in the absence of a liquid phase无液相烧结
sintering in the presence of a liquid phase液相烧结
six-electrode in-line furnace一线六极电炉
six-electrode in-line furnace六极一线排列电弧熔炼炉
slag detection in steel stream钢流熔渣检测 (【技】检测钢流中夹带渣子的情况,防止钢包熔渣进人中间包,提高钢水纯净度。)
slag effect in blast furnace高炉渣的作用 (【技】高炉炉渣对生铁的品种和质量都有重要的影响。通过控制炉渣的成分和性质,可以抑制一些元素的还原,促进另一些元素的还原,借以富集元素,提高元素回收率。同时,高炉炉渣对高炉炉衬寿命、冶炼进程、炉内料柱透气性、炉况的稳定顺行以及炉内的热状态等方面都具有很大的影响。从这个意义上说:炼铁就是炼渣。)
slag entrapment in steel stream钢流夹渣
slag formation in blast furnace高炉造渣 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,熔剂同矿石的脉石和焦炭的灰分相互作用,将不进人生铁和煤气的物质溶解、汇集和熔化成液态炉渣的过程。)
slag formation process in blast furnace高炉成渣过程 (【技】高炉炉料中的矿石和熔剂在炉内逐渐下降的过程中,被上升的煤气流加热而发生还原、分解和固相反应,当达到一定温度后就出现粘结进而软化和熔融,其中的一些组分形成初渣。熔融的初渣在向下滴落的过程中,其中的 FeO 和 MnO 不断被还原而减少,同时不断地吸收熔剂中的 CaO 和 MgO, 以及随煤气流上升的焦炭燃烧后残留的灰分,使其化学成分处于不断变化中。这种处于不断变化过程中的渣称为中间渣。当高炉炉渣在炉缸中完成脱硫和还原反应后,最后作为终渣排出炉外。终渣对控制生铁成分,保证生铁质量有重要影响。终渣的成分是根据冶炼条件经过配料计算确定的。)
slag formation process in blast furnace高炉造渣过程
slag in steel stream钢水注流夹带渣 (With the infra-red camera, melters are able to detect slag in steel stream and minimize the amount of slag carry-over into the ladle. 炼钢工使用红外摄像机能够检测出钢流夹带渣,并将下到钢包中的渣量减少到最低。)
slag in steel stream钢流夹带渣
slag in tap stream出钢钢流夹带渣 (At the end of tap, an experienced melter is able to detect slag in the tap stream with his naked eye. 出钢末期,经验丰富的炼钢工能靠肉眼检测出出钢钢流夹带渣。)
slag retention in converter转炉留渣
slag-forming process in blast furnace高炉成渣过程
slag-forming process in blast furnace高炉造渣过程
slagging with dolomite in converter转炉白云石造渣
small-scale steel plant in China中国小钢厂
smelting vanadium-titanium magnetite in BF钒钛磁铁矿的高炉冶炼
solidified shell in mold结晶器内连铸坯凝壳
solidified strand shell in mold结晶器内连铸坯凝壳
source of nonmetallic inclusions in continuously cast product连铸坯非金属夹杂物来源
special steel industry in China中国特钢工业
split rolls in curved section弧形段分节辊
standing wave in mold结晶器内驻波
steel corner infiltration in mold结晶器角部渗钢
steel depth in mold结晶器内钢水的深度
steel flow field in mold结晶器内钢水流场
steel flow in tundish中间包内钢水流动
steel intermix in tundish中间包混钢
steel intermixing in mold结晶器内钢水混合
steel intermixing in tundish中间包混钢 (【技】异钢种连浇时,前一钢包钢种的钢水与新浇人的不同钢种的钢水在中间包内的混和。)
steel level detection in mold结晶器钢水面检测
steel level in mold结晶器钢水面
steel level in mold结晶器内钢水面
steel level in stationary mold固定式结晶器钢水面
steel level in tundish中间包内钢水位
steel meniscus in mold结晶器钢水面
steel mixing in strand铸坯内钢水混合 (【技】异钢种连浇时,铸坯内尚未凝固的上一炉钢水与下一炉不同钢种钢水的混合。)
steel output in Europe欧洲钢产量
steel oxidation in tundish钢水在中间包内氧化
steel pool in mold结晶器内钢水池
steel production in Europe欧洲钢产量
steel strip in coils成卷带钢
sticker in mold结晶器内粘结
stirring intensity in mold结晶器内搅拌强度 (This approach was used for analyzing the relationships between EMS parameters and stirring intensity in the mold. 该方法用于分析电磁搅拌参数与结晶器内搅拌强度之间的关系。)
stirring motion in melt熔池搅拌运动
stirring motion in meniscus region金属弯月面区搅拌运动
stirring velocity control in meniscus region金属弯月面区搅拌速度控制
stream zone in ladle钢包注流区
stress-strain relation in plastic zone塑性区应力-应变关系
strip in coils成卷带材
sublance in-blow time副枪吹炼时间
sudden drop in furnace temperature炉温骤降
sulphur balance in ironmaking炼铁硫平衡 (【技】冶炼出的单位重量铁水中各项硫人、出的平衡。)
sulphur content in liquid steel at turndown停吹时钢水的含硫量
sulphur content in pig iron生铁含硫量
sulphur content in slag炉渣含硫量
sulphur load in BF高炉硫负荷
superheat of molten steel in tundish中间包钢水过热度
surfacewave of steel in tundish中间包内钢水表面波
symposium on near-net-shape casting in minimills小钢厂近终形连铸研讨会
tanks-in-series model系列槽模型 (一种用于分析变钢种过程的模型: Therefore, it is desirable to develop a simpler and faster means of analyzing the grade change process. With this aim in mind, a simple tanks-in-series model has been developed to account for the grade change process. 因此,人们迫切需要开发一种简洁、快速的分析变钢种过程的方法。基于这一目标,现已开发出一种简易的系列槽模型用于说明变钢种过程。)
taper in mold walls【钢】锭模壁斜度
taper in mold walls【连】 结晶器侧壁锥度
target superheat of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水目标过热度
target superheat of steel in tundish中间包钢水目标过热度
technique for controlling liquid level in mold结晶器液面控制技术
temperature control in steelmaking process炼钢过程温度控制 (Therefore, temperature control in the steelmaking process is very important to supply the steel to continuous casting machine at the required temperature. 因此,炼钢过程的温度控制对于向连铸机提供符合温度要求的钢水至关重要。)
temperature control in tundish中间包温度控制
temperature difference in ingot钢锭温差
temperature distribution in powder layer保护渣层内的温度分布
temperature drop of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度降低
temperature fluctuation in tundish中间包温度波动
temperature gradient in continuously cast product连铸坯温度梯度
temperature gradient in strand连铸坯温度梯度
temperature measured in plant工厂实测温度
temperature of liquid steel in tundish中间包钢水温度
temperature profile in the wind boxes风箱内温度曲线
test by bending in opposite direction反向弯曲试验
the steel industry in China中国钢铁工业 (The steel industry in China has witnessed a remarkable growth in the last 25 years. 在过去 25 年中,中国钢铁工业展示出令人瞩目的发展。)
thickness in middle of strip带钢中部厚度
thriving in both production and marketing产销两旺
trace element in steel钢中微量元素
tracer concentration in tundish中间包内示踪剂浓度
tracer dispersion in tundish中间包示踪剂扩散
trouble in furnace condition炉况不顺
trouble in furnace condition【铁】 炉况紊乱
tubular products from23/8-in. up to 7-in dia.宜径23/8in至7in的管材
tundish with dam in front of filter过滤器前设坝的中间包
twinning in hexagonal crystal【金】 六角晶体孪生
upper pool in mold结晶器上部钢水池 (【技】复合钢板坯连铸时,在结晶器上部形成的钢水池。)
upset in blast furnace operation高炉炉况不顺行
upset in blast furnace operation高炉炉况失常
variation in outer diameter夕卜径偏差
variation in strip tension带材张力偏差
variation in wall thickness壁厚偏差
volatiles in powder保护渣中的挥发分
volume in liquid core reduction【连】液芯压下量
volume of fluid in tundish中间包内流体体积
vortex action in taphole出钢口涡流效应
vortex formation in steel钢水旋涡的形成 (Vortex formation in steel can be reduced by maintaining the highest possible metal bath level over the tap hole. 保持出钢口上方尽可能深的钢水熔池可以减少钢水中旋涡的形成。)
water flowrate in secondary cooling zone二次冷却区冷却水量
water in进水 (口)
water in flux保护渣中的水分
water pressure in mold结晶器水压
water pressure in slab mold板坯结晶器水压
water quality in mold结晶器水质
water temperature in mold结晶器水温
water-cooled lance for use in electric furnace电炉水冷喷枪
way of detecting slag in steel stream钢流测渣途径 【方法】
wide-face dimensions in mold结晶器内宽面尺寸
wire in coils线盘
wire in coils线捆
wire-feeding into steel in tundish中间包钢水喂线 (【技】向中间包钢水内喂人 CaSi、 CaSiBa 等包芯线,可把高熔点的簇状 Al₂O₃ 转变为低熔点的铝酸钙,防止中间包水口堵塞。目前已在连铸生产中获得运用。)
yield from liquid steel in ladle to bloom从钢包钢水到大方坯的金属收得率
zirconium function in steel锆在钢中的作用 (【技】锆是碳化物形成元素,也是强有力的脱氧、脱氮元素,能细化钢的奥氏体晶粒,防止钢的热脆性,提高钢的低温韧性。)
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